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Everything posted by mickymoist

  1. found the artist as a matter of interest Jerry Moriarty https://www.google.com/search?q=jerry+moriarty&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjejq2cnqjjAhVcVBUIHePpAvwQ_AUIECgB&biw=1280&bih=737
  2. Have to agree, maybe people don't realise that you don't have to quote a whole post full of pictures or an entire story, you can highlight a sentence to quote or just do an @ with their username to get their attention.
  3. It would have to be in an abandoned swimming pool or something, can you imagine how much pee there would be!!!😂😀
  4. Maybe its a lottery and each month @spywareonya visits the winner and pisses all over them 😁
  5. If I'm not drinking alcohol Its what I drink all the time, don't like fizzy drinks or soda much
  6. Yes, it was a deliberate thing to drink lots of water as part of a challenge 😁
  7. A. This morning in bed B..Like the holding and the sensation of pressure but the release is better, I tend to cheat if I'm holding by letting little spurts out on purpose from time to time. C. Occasionally but not often and yes I use rest rooms D. Hmm, I seem to be able to hold a long time so i often run out of patience before it gets really desperate, only once have I got to anywhere near actually having an accident, we were doing a bit of a contest (in the live action if I recall) drank a lot and really pushed the holding, after about 4 hours I got out of the chair to do some
  8. Welcome Amanda! 🤗 you'll find lots of lovely people here!
  9. and Curiouser and Curiouser was Alice in Wonderland
  10. I love Jalapeños but they seem to like me less as I get older, theyre okay if I cook them well but if I eat them raw or lightly cooked i get pains in my gut later 😞
  11. O M G that does it for me all day long!
  12. Yes! Thought they'd be coming with the new tracks after they used wets for the world tour race, maybe the top guys thought it needed more tweaking
  13. Just started Red Dead 2, before that finished most of Witcher 3 and loved that. Skyrim took over my life when that came out and still have some Horizon Zero Dawn DLC to play. Trouble is I'm really hooked on GT Sport now so don't get time for the others 😁
  14. okay so if anyones interested the pic is actually a still from a video clip, which is here 🙂 https://www.erome.com/i/6VUIf9x5
  15. Neither my date or year of birth are accurate in my profile (although not far off) with the details here I'd be Pisces, but am actually Aries. Irrelevant to me though as I don't believe in any of it.
  16. I think the only thing you can do with chat is enable the sound, but that just makes a sound when any new post arrives
  17. yep! and my car was parked underneath as well so I pissed over that....good thing its not a convertible lol
  18. Nannncy!! welcome home, missed you so much 😘
  19. Always striving to improve 😂
  20. Been lying in bed listening to the radio, build up to the cricket, had the lovely sensation of relaxing and letting a little pee out before heading off to the loo and going downstairs for coffee and breakfast
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