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Everything posted by mickymoist

  1. I love both but my favourite is panties on, but agree with the above on fake desperation and the like, I prefer it when its deliberate and naughty
  2. Oh I'm sure, I have a beautiful first cousin who I'd have sex with in a heartbeat 😂
  3. Inspired by @pop-a-squat posted here woke up really early and decided a pee on the blanket was easier (and more fun) than the bathroom
  4. and this is after quite a bit of water and a long hold, the glass is 1.2 litres and the overflow was 150 ml 😀
  5. sounds interesting...he said with some trepidation 😂
  6. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I was recently on holiday and my bedroom was right by the private pool so I thought it would be time to "pop my cherry" on skinny dipping, as mentioned in the "never have I ever" thread. I'm always an early riser so I planned to have a dip before anyone else was awake. On the morning I was lying in bed browsing some nice pics on here and stroking, as you do 😀 and the sun came up over the trees and started shining on the pool, perfect timing. I went outside and slipped quietly into the pool and the cool water felt great all ov
  7. Okay this is my first thing in the morning pee, I had a big pee before bed so basically this is just what I drank during the night.
  8. never measured that much 1.2 litres is the most that I've measured so far
  9. I think it's probably because I get up at 6 most week days and don't go to bed early, less time to sleep through
  10. Sometimes but normally sleep through ok
  11. Okay so a light lunch today 😂
  12. Was red wine not white 😀
  13. I had Pastitsada, it's a slow cooked beef casserole with white wine garlic and onions sauce, served with pasta, it was perfect as yesterday was cold and raining
  14. Currently on my holidays and here's a couple of pictures, yesterday in an old taverna in an ancient greek village, and coffee at the top of the mountain today
  15. Never paid for sex or been paid for sex either, probably why I haven't had that much sex 😂
  16. My father was in medicine but I never considered following as I saw how hard they work and the responsibility they carry. Thank goodness there are those who take it on!
  17. Does sound an amazing place but not something I could ever do, I'm a much more private introverted type in real life, have never liked the idea of going to a sex party. Like the intimacy of one on one.
  18. Welcome back @Super Mario nice to meet you 😊
  19. Sadly not, never been brave enough to tell anyone apart from the lovely people here.
  20. Great pics again thanks!
  21. I can't believe I missed this thread until now, I was travelling when it started, will miss you @spywareonya and sad that I didn't get to say bye 😟
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