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Everything posted by mickymoist

  1. oh no we used to have ice cream floats here in wales when I was a boy 😀
  2. I do this sometimes, put my hand down my pants and pee, it is a nice feeling
  3. I've been using a vpn for a while now, originally for accessing uk sport from abroad, but seemingly more useful going forward
  4. Had a naughty piss in the road on my walk yesterday 😀
  5. Welcome! you'll find lots if interesting and like minded people here...have fun!
  6. if I you were here Id have you sit on my lap until you let go xx
  7. does it give you naturally carbonated wee? 😂
  8. I'm not very demanding Riley, you just play it out in the way that you like best and that will do for me, if it excites you that will excite me 🙂
  9. I note that neither of you deny being with a male one 😂 Never have I ever swam naked either in a pool or the sea!
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