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Everything posted by mickymoist

  1. Naughtiest place I saw a girl pee was in a fairly seedy night club near me about 30 years ago, standing at the urinal weaving about trying to focus as I was "over hydrated" and a girl walked in hitched up her mini, backed over the urinal next to me and let rip. still the one and only time anything like that has happened to me!
  2. I love my smartphone, it means I can keep track of all the pervy stuff on here when Im in work etc it has a great camera so i can take pervy pics and videos....wait there seems to be a theme here 😂 there is NO place for them driving though, I don't even answer on hands free. I saw a test where they compared someone driving an obstacle course while answering questions on a hands free system with someone doing the same course after drinking, the person on the phone was worse. My bugbear is online gambling companies, our tv is full of ads all the time trying to say that you're a big man
  3. Was shopping on the way home from work and had a naughty one in the public toilet
  4. Love an outdoor pee just been out for a walk and had a sneaky pee off the footbridge 🙂
  5. I was so comfortable in bed this morning that I just did't want to move...so I didn't 🙂
  6. So I thought I'd try for the elusive office pee under the desk that I'm keen to try, but too many people kept walking dow the corridor next to where I work. I gave up and drove home getting really desperate, got the car parked up, fiddled around with the keys to the front door and just as I got in this happened! Not the best pic but I was a little distracted 🙂
  7. I'd probably go bright red and clam up, that would be about par for the course lol, then later when I was at home I'd think of all the clever and witty things I should have said
  8. I'm stuck in the office and desperate for a pee!!!!
  9. @astrozombie699 Good morning and welcome, Only been here just over a month myself, there are lots of really nice people here and I'm sure you'll find lots to interest you..have fun! 👍
  10. 😁 Nice! perhaps I need to set one of these profiles
  11. Chance would be a fine thing not had my hands on a girls ass in many a year lol, just the whisky glass an the internet for me 😂
  12. cant really decide, great things about both, yours for example ..super cute how quick you can go from empty to desperate..but also love those who can power out a huge wee lol
  13. I joked about small being better so I would see a girl pee more often, but to be honest I don't think it would ever even enter my mind when judging how attractive a girl is, really not important to me 🙂
  14. Also did a quick gif if anyones interested 🙈
  15. more wonderful pics thank you @will64
  16. It's Sunday again so time for another lazy relaxing pee wile having a lie in 🙂 gone a bit arty this time as well 😂
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