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Everything posted by mickymoist

  1. Seriously, supposed to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world and set an example and he behaves like a big kid, and that's not gossip, he stands up in public and behaves badly and tweets god knows what, he should try more of this. speak softly and carry a big stick Do not boast or utter verbal threats, but do make others aware that you are prepared to use physical force if necessary. Trump does the complete opposite boasts threatens and insults people and then can't back it up. Just my opinion
  2. @Sophie just read this old post of yours OMG that is so hot it needs more than one flame 🔥🔥🔥
  3. Glad to hear it , more for the rest of us to see 🙂 As for the health issues, I've been using public toilets, and porta loos (pottys are what babies use here and are all portable) at events, for most of my life and sit on them if I need to, and I've never caught anything. Obviously I would caveat that by saying that I've never licked the seats 🤣
  4. @steve25805 amazing isn't it, someone decides to take a piss in a public place (fine I say), then a member of said public notices them and they are the one to get abuse.
  5. I get file not found errors in both Safari and Firefox for that link
  6. @chubbybirb999 How are you getting on there?
  7. Yep and besides every other animal in the area will probably have pissed on the grass, the human pee is probably cleaner 🙂
  8. As above I'd be looking for some kind of container to pee in, sealable one like this maybe i would have said use a nice folded up towel but I guess then you'd have explain why you were using so many towels
  9. mickymoist


    I'd love to know who coined the phrase "reality tv", in my experience no show in the genre resembles reality
  10. mickymoist


    they are so rubbish, just don't get it
  11. @Dr.P that was lovely, so erotic, thank you!
  12. very good! he must have a dial on his cock there somewhere to keep changing the spray settings 😂
  13. watching the F1 qualy, would love to see Natalie pull that outfit to one side and let one out it the pit lane:)
  14. @Omorashicam welcome to peefans!
  15. mickymoist


    Just those evening you were mentioned in the cuddle a forum member thread by @Pissdrinker people do care Raven xx
  16. mickymoist


    Raven, you don't "plague" this forum you make it better by being here, and there are lots of people here who care, if you're really feeling that low you really need to be with someone, maybe one of your friends, and maybe get some help? Mike
  17. and by the time you hear the gun its too late as the rounds are already on you, brutal machine, love it!
  18. I read that the cloud of smoke it produces when the gun fires could flame out the engine so they had to modify it!
  19. Ok I'm no gun expert but I watched a programme about the awesome A10 tankbuster, it has one of these bad boys on board 7 barrels, gatling style gun, 3900 30mm rounds per minute, fantastic!
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