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Everything posted by mickymoist

  1. Hi @Contra welcome aboard, nice to meet you 👍
  2. Hardly ever wake up to pee during the night even though I drink a lot of water all the time including just before going to sleep. Usually need to pee right after my alarm goes off in the morning. More often than not I'll do it while I'm showering 😁
  3. Made a puddle on my legs this morning and was ...well...excited 🙂
  4. quite often had ladies coming into the toilets to clean, even around the urinals, especially in motorway services and stations, it really doesn't bother me ,Despite the fact that I love peeing it's all about context for me, they're doing a job and I don't feel anything sexual about it.
  5. nah, chickened out of that....and I cleaned up after 😂
  6. was away for a weekend a couple of weeks ago and had to do it 🙂
  7. 1. Halfway across the landing against the wall whenI lived at home age 19, so pissed I still don't remember it, the old man caught me and smacked me around the head 🙂 2. The bed...often..always on purpose 3. Hotel room carpet ..also on purpose..I'm such a rebel ....cleaned it up myself straight after 😄 4. Every room in my house, and most objects 5. In my pants in the supermarket a couple of hours ago, let two or three spurts go just enough that I could feel it without it showing
  8. agree to a large extent but theres a lot of action in the Daniel Craig ones
  9. @Uhate2likeme69 Welcome to the peefans family! 🙂
  10. @gldenwetgoose okay now I've read your account I'm gonna try it next time I bath 😁 May be a while though, its pretty rare that I use the tub as I get bored with it fast, I like a quick shower (with the obligatory piss) and get on with something else.
  11. Pretty sure mine is not hereditary, both my parents (no longer with us) were very uptight about things like that. I like to think that deep down everyone is hard wired to like pee at birth and it's educated/scared/shamed out of us when we're little. In much of the animal kingdom urine and the smell of it is involved in marking territory and mating, maybe we were all like that once...just a thought.
  12. Completely agree that Connery was the best and the books are brilliant...but wasn't fussed on Lazenby, Moore or Dalton, I don't expect much from this type of film so I think your comment "All very entertaining, but nonsense" sums it up nicely and thats the type of film I enjoy these days.
  13. Often peed in the bath but not when the water's in it, don't think its gross or anything though. Pee in the shower virtually every day 🙂
  14. That's the understatement of the year! 😀 thats lovely and made me so horny
  15. had this just now while opening a pm, closed the web page and opened fine next time.
  16. @Naughts very nice indeed, thanks for sharing
  17. oh thats not a problem 😁 and if it is...I have the same problem 🤪
  18. that was such an exciting live holding account, thanks so much for sharing..it made my morning 😍🤗🙂
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