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Everything posted by oliver2

  1. Either Sophy Rickett, or an art commentator, said something about how Rickett’s artworks* were a commentary on the streets generally being marked by men and dogs (but not by women) * photographs of Rickett pissing on notable London landmarks, generally in a standing position
  2. No, never, and I didn't make this mark by whipping my dick out and pissing on this post. Absolutely not.
  3. @colette888 is blessed with the telepathic ability to know your kink just by looking at you
  4. Because you’d have been like “Hey, watch this!”, looked her in the eyes, pulled your skirt up & pissed all over the floor?
  5. Oh you totally do 😉 - directly, and from a container when you drain piss from the caravan toilet!
  6. Peeing in pools might be controversial but plainly a lot of people do it, and fewer would object to pissing in the showers when you get out of the pool
  7. … you think that having a dick means you can treat the world as your urinal, so your garden benefits from the warm yellow rain straight from the source?
  8. NARRATOR Unaware, Mr Alfresco has stumbled upon the Beach of the Spectacular Hypocrites
  9. Ooh I see what she did there 🍆
  10. Oh wow how did I miss this 🥰
  11. It feels wonderful, but deprives passing voyeurs!
  12. Discreetly letting it out with your waist under water, or spraying it into the waves for all to see? 😉
  13. Maggie, swimming out in the sea, looking to shore and observing that the water she’s swimming in is being improved by a cute young guy pissing into the waves
  14. Maybe it depends on where in the world? Certainly depends on the size of the festival. Parking lots/car parks are fairly well accepted in my experience…
  15. Well some might, or in some situations. If from her pov the worst thing is sitting on the toilet and finding it wet with pee, for the guy to sit would fix that, but so would him pissing on a wall or sink or somewhere else. Round here, some women are going to be into guys pissing everywhere; elsewhere there’s a lot of acceptance that guys can & do conventionally piss in a lot of places
  16. I hope this ended in a way which, uh, satisfied you
  17. PLUMBER [talking to self]: so, it goes from this drain to this pump to … huh, that’s unusual…
  18. I feel like with my, uh, geometry, ice water might make it difficult to pee. It’d be worthy trying various temperatures, or at least warming the ice water up a bit by @M.Vixen pissing in it first. Pee fan version of the ice bucket challenge…
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