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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. @johnmauve - Please only in English. It is the only language of this site.
  2. No criticism of your actions from me - it's hard to fathom why he'd refuse to stop, it's not like he was on a motorway. And you're hardly going to run off without paying when you're only half way home. So your 'accident' seems like a risk he gambled on and lost. I'm guessing you hadn't booked the taxi through an app or given your exact address, and guessing you didn't pay by card - just in case of any comeback.
  3. @Sweets - Reading those two experiences, I have to say your profile pic really fits perfectly as a case of a picture painting a thousand words. It really does look like an 'Ooopsie, sorry - but not sorry'. Deliciously naughty.
  4. @pornhub.com PeeFanatic - I've merged your question into an existing topic. You'll find that questions like this have already been discussed plenty. On this topic alone are 133 replies. Please understand that deliberately targeting your question to ladies only is not in the spirit of Peefans. We're a worldwide community of friends, of all genders and persuasions. Not just a pool of women waiting to answer the same questions again for horny guys. Also please read our site rules. I'm just about to remove most of your profile description to remove the breaches of Site Rule 14. You m
  5. And hopefully an office disciplinary for the two busybody women who thought it appropriate use of company time to sit staring out of the window. Perhaps they'd run out of gossip to share from their own dreary lives. Agreed hopefully a suspended sentence and nothing more for the lady, assuming good character and no previous convictions. Edit - And a lifelong invitation for Beverley to join us at Peefans where we recognise that a little free running libido isn't going to knock the earth off its axis. There's a lot worse things people have done in the name of morals and proprietary.
  6. I know what you mean 'sound like a womaniser' - but a different way to put it would be that your girlfriend allows you to have an open relationship. And I'm guessing that it will work both ways, so you both trust and respect each other and are free from jealousy - which is a wonderful situation to be in. In other words you can both enjoy having different partners with different experiences and growing stronger in your relationship because of it. Many of us do it in the virtual world here - having intimate online friendships which some partners would be jealous of. And other people
  7. I'm in a similar situation, in that I'm not a big attendee of theme parks. There've been quite a few posts around water parks - discrete pees in line whilst already wet and that kind of thing. I'm guessing there could be some cases of g-induced leaks on some rides, maybe where somebody in a group needs to pee but goes along with their friends, intending to use the bathroom after clearing the queue and the ride - but then gets the pee literally scared or squeezed out of them. (Not quite the same, but we have a friend who I've got a bit of a crush on - her and daughter were at our ho
  8. Director: "So, you're going to be going into the bathroom, then as you sit down we're going to cut. Then you can take a break" Actress: "I could sure use a break, I could really use that bathroom right now. But hey, wouldn't it be more believable if we kept rolling. You know, for continuity" Director: "I guess, I mean we could sound dub some flowing water on and see what the censor board make of it" Actress: "Trust me, you won't need to dub any audio. Maybe the opposite. Now can we get on with this... please"
  9. Happy Birthday @naughty_rosie - Hope you have a great (and naughty) one.
  10. Now that would place you as MY biggest heroine.
  11. Super cute choices - and both English actresses.... that's interesting. Let me give them a call and set something up for you...
  12. That truly does sound an absolutely amazing moment @Bacardi - I love the thought of it. I'm going to ask the obvious follow on question, and give you a few ways to answer... Have you ever peed in a situation where you've been with another lady / girl in a way where you've been able to see them pee (not just hear from the other side of a cubicle partition) ? And just this once I'll let you include childhood non-sexual experiences. So out on a trail maybe, summer holidays out in the fields with your besties... And if you're still waiting for that moment who would you choose t
  13. Seems like this isn’t exactly a urinal - and the picture raises quite a lot of questions. But cool nonetheless.
  14. Hi @ShowOffStu and a big welcome to the community. Enjoy yourself browsing about and finding your way around - you'll see we don't really do 'swapping' but instead there's lots of content posted in the forum posts. Enjoy finding it and feel free to add your own too. Any questions do shout up - we're very friendly.
  15. As long as your husbsnd’s not a Jealous Guy* - you know, Suspicious Minds. * yes - I know, John Lennon
  16. Ha ha - it’s an aspiration of mine. I figured with the Louisiana t-shirt that you had more than a casual interest in Tupelo’s most famous son.
  17. Loving every aspect of that @Barbieoxo - and you look lovely. Perfect outfit. Now you've shared with us though you'll be Always On My Mind, thinking about you especially when you reach that moment of It's Now Or Never. Definitely All Shook Up.
  18. Certainly if you have access to a waterproof GoPro type camera there don't seem to be too many in-the-pool clips or photos. I mean there's some, but always room for more.
  19. My experience of gentlemen with visible handkerchiefs has generally been at weddings where all the men of the immediate wedding party have matching suits. There the colour of the handkerchief is chosen to match the colour of the bridesmaids and the general theme of the wedding. So, where the theme is yellow that could be a source of significant confusion. And there I rest my appeal your Honour.
  20. A quick reminder folks of site rules around self promotion - ie posting links to your own content. There are two main rules that apply here (and you can find all the site rules here) Rule 10 - Posting links in which you profit from is prohibited. This include affiliate links and images to sites that pay for views; Rule 14 - If promoting anything - such as your personal website - please ensure you are adding value to PeeFans, rather than a shameless plug. You are not allowed to post advertising your personal onlyfans, however you are welcome to link to free pee videos of yours t
  21. Hi and a huge welcome to the site - hopefully you've found your way around and found out what we're all about by now. Do shout up with any questions of course.
  22. Moderator's Reminder - If a topic 'isn't your thing' then why go to the trouble of commenting? Just scroll on by. (A post has been removed as being unhelpful, not in the spirit of Peefans and also against Site Rule 9.)
  23. Hi and a huge welcome to the friendliest and most encouraging community. Enjoy yourself browsing around and getting to know the place, and do shout up with any questions. Look forward to seeing any contributions over time, but no pressure.
  24. Every six hours ? I'm kidding a bit, it's six hours since you posted but that was overnight in my timezone. It does vary according to who's around with only a limited subset of the huge membership being the ones who will actively respond. Also it's perhaps the case that a lot of guys are only interested in ladies' pee so maybe less interested in interacting here?
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