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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I was figuring it hasn't taken place yet - is that right @goldenprincess333 ??? The OP was made at about 1:30am in Massachusetts so I was assuming it was either coming up today or planning ahead for the future. Either was we're all super excited to know how you celebrate.
  2. @Rosie lets play - I've made a slight tweak to your post, in that I've removed reference to your actual Onlyfans address. That's in line with our Site Rule 14 which says "If promoting anything - such as your personal website - please ensure you are adding value to PeeFans, rather than a shameless plug. You are not allowed to post advertising your personal onlyfans, however you are welcome to link to free pee videos of yours that have a watermark with your onlyfans on." Hopefully posting some free content is a solution for you? We don't want to discourage your success - but we also don'
  3. Maybe it's time for the Ladybird Book of More Pee Fun...? I'm sure it's a broad enough topic f a suitable editor could be found.
  4. You know your own heart - and being happy is the most important thing, rather than some society norm of being in whatever status.
  5. ^^^ Or maybe just a girl trying to make herself feel better about her own problems by bullying a much younger child. Either way we all know who the real winner was from the whole situation.
  6. Thank you for having the confidence to share with us - you are in a safe place to share, and we understand that part of the memory may still be painful for you. We are a very caring group. Nobody here will laugh, and in fact we are very pleased that the memory has turned out the way it did. Otherwise we would not have met you. And you have lovely toes too.
  7. I was looking at the website for a Slate Mine tour in Wales, UK a couple of weeks ago and they actually included this on their FAQ page. https://peefans.com/topic/20697-park-with-no-bathroomtoilet/?do=findComment&comment=327054
  8. Well - Happy Birthday to you!!! Just reading your profile and the description above and it sounds like we might be on the right track. As it's a special occasion though, I agree we need to up things a gear or two. Firstly I agree with the suggestions of keeping your hydration levels up and perhaps alcohol too - just enough to take the edge off any nerves and to keep you hydrated (you don't sound the nervous type, but you are going to be a little beyond your normal comfort zone). Then as it's your birthday, I suggest you should treat yourself a little - perhaps an ad-hoc Thai m
  9. Seems like birthdays are a bit thin on the ground (works back nine months from end-July...) Anyway, back to it today - and a very Happy Birthday to @Daywalkerat
  10. I don't think anyone has yet said 'in a cave' or for that matter in a tree-house. And I love the ones with the risk of being caught - whilst on a work call, whilst walking through a hotel corridor...
  11. Hi @ipee20 - I'll save on the usual introduction of enjoying finding your way around, blah, blah because I guess you already have. It's great to have you on board though whether it was yesterday or a year ago - and looking forward for when you're ready to start sharing those clips.
  12. Excellent @Kupar - great effort. Making me a little jealous, but then I had my chance I guess 😉
  13. And great to re-make your acquaintance. I’m being a little flippant of course, but love the fact you’ve posted this, reaching out to meet some more recent members of the community. And of course with us you’re always welcome to be exactly yourself - no need to worry about what anyone else may think, or for that matter how successful your aim is. Cheers - Goose
  14. Remember ‘the butterfly effect’ - the Chaos Theory, of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic non linear system can result in large differences in a later state. A rise of a fraction of a degree in a hot-tub which raises the surrounding air temperature by a tiny fraction of that amount - and somewhere on the other side of the world I get a warm feeling. Not sure why it works when I watch a video clip or see pictures though.
  15. No disagreement to any of these ridiculous cost rises. Energy seems to be the biggest hit. Perhaps though the easiest to understand globally is the price of petrol / gasoline and diesel fuel. Currently in the northwest of England a litre of petrol is about £1.78 and a litre of diesel is £1.90. For comparison of units and prices, a UK Gallon is 4.54 litres and a US Gallon is 3.79 litres. So at todays exchange rates Petrol is £1.78 per litre Euro 2.12 per litre £8.08 per UK Gallon $8.19 per US Gallon And Diesel is £1.90 per litre E
  16. Absolutely wonderful @Sophie - a joy to read as always. Jealousy is one of my worst traits - I'm just jealous of the relationship you both enjoy lol. But I love that you do and wouldn't wish it any other way.
  17. We are perhaps the most tolerant site you will find for any small errors in translation - after all we understand that many of our friends from all over the world do not speak English as their first language. But your English is perfect. It is a pleasure to have you with us - a huge welcome and thank you for being brave enough to join.
  18. Thanks all - as you can probably tell I was feeling a little annoyed and frustrated when I wrote last nights post, and you folks are all wonderful - you’ve restored my faith in you all. Just to add a couple of points: - I’m only shouting at literally 1% or less of people. All the rest of you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Post with respect, treat people as friends and not objects and don’t presume to force your opinions - then you have nothing to worry about. Flirting with friends isn’t outlawed either, but treat those you don’t know with respect. - Anyone can report
  19. Hi and welcome to the community. This may appear a bit of an unfriendly welcome as I do need to say 'we're not a hook up' community, and we're not here so you can exchange contact details for off-site play or chat sites. That's because we want our members to enjoy building friendships here, enjoying and contributing to the content within our community. Hope you'll have a great time too doing that.
  20. Spot on @jmatthews1995 - as a photographer I can see there is quite a lot of effort gone in, but at least half have some absolutely glaring errors in there - traces of original clothing still present mostly. Straps around the neckline or hair, a reflection of the red bikini in the water. Like none of them are quite finished. But at the same time, the work put into them isn't easy either. Skin tones and shading are horrendously difficult to make look natural.
  21. Well - it's about two years since I created this post - and I have to say now, 'Guys - I think we need to have a serious man to man talk again. At least some of us'. The thing is, unfortunately that's literally what some of the ladies of the forum are asking for. And frankly I fully see their point. Just a few of you have got a few people pissed off to the point of leaving our community. And that is frankly, completely unacceptable. At a rough guess, the regular users of this site are in the hundreds of people. Not a massive amount, and we know that of those regular users, those
  22. @Albionis - You are a gentleman and were a true friend to both A & K. Good that the taxi driver was human enough to recognise you were trying to care for your friend too. In a perfect world he would have dropped you back home after the cleaning, and maybe if your pants weren't soaked with A's pee... Still, well done to you.
  23. The last few days have been a little quiet on the birthday front... and today we're back with a bang! We don't have favourites of course - Peefans, the place where everyone is valued equally. But sometimes names are more familiar than others, usually because those people have earned their place on that particular top tier. So with that in mind, today's absolutely wild ticker-tape parade of a huge birthday celebration goes the following, erm, average people. @speedy3471 @Raven726 @keenyo1960 @awg2014
  24. I know it was just a simple passing question of 'do you have any nudes?', and I know that no there was no intention to cause any embarrassment. Don't worry though, we can tell from those images what a beautiful young lady she is, and that amazing smile makes me think she has an amazing fun personality too. Plus the way she's happy to pose for the camera. Now since a goddess is someone we worship, it's obvious she truly fits the goddess description and we respect that. There's no need for us to see any more of her body than you've already shared - and thank you so much for what you have
  25. To help everyone enjoy pictures to the maximum, we have some guidance to consider when posting. You can read it here:
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