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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I've just relocated your post here @pop-a-squat in the hope it will get the real-time visibility and responses. Basement, back yard or drawer wasn't it? I guess weather dependant, and if you have any grass then my suggestion would be sitting cross legged and either wetting, or peeing under a skirt. The same suggestion applies slightly further from home - if you have a park nearby where you could sit reading a book and leaking into the grass a few yards from people walking past. Are you thinking of a one off - or do you have the full day to fill?
  2. We'll add you to the select list of a few members here who are blessed with that skill - or have worked hard to train at it.
  3. Hi and welcome to the community. Hopefully you're finding your way around - you'll see lots of clips linked from within the Pee Videos section, so hope you find what you're looking for. Don't hold your breath waiting for people to send you videos though, that's not what we're about. Enjoy browsing.
  4. How's it going @fourluvclover - are you still hanging in there ? They still asleep? And are you planning to release on the balcony eventually or somewhere else? (I've moved your post here to the Live Action Thread - hopefully there's others about who'll see it in real time)
  5. To be fair @puddyls your ‘shorts’ appear to cover at least as much as the Olympic ladies beach volleyball uniform, if not more. And they don’t seem to get many complaints either.
  6. Welcome @Peesfully - great to finally make your acquaintance - and a huge welcome to full membership of the community. Welcome in. (And thanks for your kind words, sometimes it feels like moderation is just continually peeing people off, nice to know it's appreciated)
  7. Hi Lisa and a huge welcome to a very friendly global community. Have fun finding your way around, check out our site rules (protecting everyone) and enjoy getting involved as much or as little as you wish. Do shout up with any questions - we're here to help.
  8. Hi @Ronnoc172 - and a slightly belated welcome to the site - I guess you've been finding your way around ok, and great to see you contributing to the site. You've probably gathered that we're not really the type of place for one-to-one swapping of content, or to an extent even the one to one chats - although that is possible of course. But instead we're a forum based community. Sharing is possible by posting in the forums as I'm sure you've seen. In the case of videos they have to be hosted elsewhere, but links can be shared in the same way. Just shout up with any questions.
  9. Really that's the point of this thread - to share your tips here....
  10. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. Hopefully you're finding your way around. Although we do have the messaging capability, by far the quickest way to get to know people is to browse, react and perhaps comment on posts across the forums. Enjoy and do shout up with any questions.
  11. It works well for me - I'm pretty take or leave when it comes to a lot of fiction. You've avoided one major pitfall which a lot of writers seem to fall victim to - and I'm sure it's just my pet hate speaking here - but writing in the present or even future tense... That thing that seems to have come out of documentaries where the script writers think we're all too ill-educated to understand more than one tense. "Elvis would leave the building...." Would he, and when will that be? Is it coming up soon? Oh - he's already left the building, why didn't you say? (Sorry, couldn't resist
  12. Today the Peefans birthday celebrations have hit the G-Spot.... Happy Birthday @gap & @Gazz
  13. There is an age factor involved... or more accurately that thing where a lot of young guys seem to be able to hold for hours. In my case though, the difference between 'I could go' and 'I've got to go now' can be a couple of minutes. Partly that (so the media says) can be down to an enlarged prostate, but also down to certain drink products containing caffeine or other chemicals. Sometimes can be fun, other times (like when trying to drive somewhere) can be a downright nuisance - mostly when my wife is with me, who isn't into pee and certainly not into my outdoor peeing.
  14. Obviously no 'secret' - But we're really ok with that 😁 Huge thanks as always for everything you share.
  15. Sorry to drag off topic a little again - unless you count the white thing on the left as a urinal. This was the single bathroom on the caravan site we stayed at this weekend - a 6ft garden shed containing this toilet, book & DVD lending library and local information site. And just next to it, another same sized shed as a shower cubicle. It was a tiny site with two very small paddocks (too small to be called fields) with space for 6 or so caravans or campers in each, and a toilet shed just like this in each. Slightly more strange was the red(!) light on the outside which lit up
  16. A quick reminder for all those proposing suggestions here... "An issue only arises when the post is talking about physical damage / loss / distress to non-consenting people." Those aren't my words but those of Admin who owns the site, and we've been instructed to remove content based on the test 'is this causing serious distress to an unwilling participant?' So, yes - we're all in favour of naughty peeing but those ideas which cause lasting damage, loss or distress to the owners of the house are against site rules.
  17. Lovely - as always, brilliantly told and one of those lovely moments between friends. (At least it wasn't Nicola's husband - the blushes could have been much brighter)
  18. @Jason Basin - I've just removed a second post you made in this topic, since if looked like you may have posted it in the wrong section. It was a reply to Admin, who will still be able to see the comment (all down to user privileges). I note though that it was an Admin comment from early May which featured the words "we just stay away from the topic and focus on pee". Now I'm guessing your reply was around the protracted discussing in chat during last week (Wednesday or Thursday?). Since Admin advised avoiding the topic in question nearly two months ago and others of us have also
  19. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - good to have you on board.
  20. Happy birthday today - @ronak123 & @MikeDewars
  21. Maybe - and we'll never know, so just wild speculation... Maybe her friends had all looked towards the row of guys at the wall and said 'Urgh, no way, we can't go over there, there's guys pissing' and her replying along the lines of 'well I'm not wetting myself which is a real possibility if I wait another minute' Or perhaps a slightly tipsy dare - 'Ten bucks if you pop a squat right next to that guy over there' Either way an amazing event. And I may be in the minority of thinking that moments like that are perhaps best just left as they are, without creeping her out by asking
  22. Now you're spoiling us @Ozabot - and I hope you're not expecting us to be able to choose?
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