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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Bless you @steve25805 - There's an incredible number of people who can relate to exactly what you're saying. Myself included at certain times in my life. You're absolutely correct in that the stats of your posts and content generated are phenomenal. In what I'm about to say, I say it with friendship and love. With care for you as a friend. But there is a chance it may come across as wrong - and if it does please message me and we'll try and discuss more in a private chat: My thought is perhaps to try a little experiment. You may already feel you're doing this, you may want
  2. And why not indeed @steve25805 I've also used the bath, and my clothes are now in the washing machine along with the last week's clothes. I think the main expression is "Oh my F&&&ing hell, that felt amazing". As you know I'd held since my last partial pee at 11:30am, it's now 2pm. For your viewing pleasure there's a few photos below. I'd sat working at my desk whilst conscious of my need, I'd been fighting the waves and the occasional leak - first photos before it got to the really bad final stages. I'd gone for a walk into the kitchen downstairs, contem
  3. I just read that and leaked involutarily - not enough to show. Yet. Back soon....
  4. Oops - I think that ,may have been a leak. And my belt definitely feels tighter.
  5. Yes - hanging in - seem to be staying at a fairly steady 9 or so. Although I just had to clamp down to stop a first leak. Watch this space...
  6. Still here - and was fine until I thought about it - jiggling a little again with another wave and sitting upright - like it helps!
  7. Actually - I'm feeling ok right now. Maybe 20 past (with a little help from my friends)
  8. That was a pretty big wave - jiggling, clenching and a bit of getting up to pace - but calmed again. Have finished the diet coke a while ago, just looking at the large glass of juice now.
  9. Still hanging in, although the constant feeling is getting stronger - especially now I've thought about it. First jiggle there...
  10. I don't have an erome or similar account, but will try and grab some photos leading up to and after. 😄
  11. And yes - the need is approaching pretty quickly. That delicious feeling at the moment, not too heavy but almost a tingle. Not anywhere near jiggling yet though.
  12. I'm thinking you may be right - I've probably gone from a 5 to a 6 in the last few minutes.... but hey, nothing ventured nothing gained.
  13. Timewise @Kupar - let's be wildly hopeful and say an hour from now. I've had a couple of black coffee's and am just finishing a 500ml bottle of coke (hence why I think I'm maybe being optimistic). Also I've got a pint glass of juice on my desk too. (Sorry about the delay - just got caught up in a work call)
  14. Cheers @Bladderlad - I realised I was filling up pretty rapidly so I've just released a little (into the bathroom sink) and am getting back towards comfortably full again now.
  15. It's 11:30am in the UK now, I'm working from home and thinking I'll do a hold and then jeans wetting.... There's every chance there aren't so many people about right now and even more chance people aren't interested in a guy wetting - but if I'm wrong just chip in and I'll let you know how I'm doing.
  16. It's time to celebrate again (like we need an excuse). @Sk8rrj1226 - @Lukey1028 Have a great day.
  17. Let's face it though, if you're in the middle of the main group then there's suddenly going to be a lot of people at the refreshment point ? And if you're both after a quick stop and then keep up running pace then the last thing you need is being in a big queue for a portaloo.... That logic works for me anyway. Don't know if your running partner will see it that way.
  18. It’s certainly an interesting topic and one which would benefit from a wider cross section of real experience. I can only answer for myself and my experiences (let’s face it that applies to all of us doesn’t it?) Ive got no qualms about peeing alongside other people, either friends or strangers - it happens pretty much every time I go into a pub or other public toilet. In terms of outdoors etc again no issues. And I imagine I’d have no problem with a mixed group either. Of course not everyone thinks of pee sexually - for most people I imagine it’s a convenient solution to an i
  19. There were absolutely no fucks given - either drunk enough to not realise or just a great attitude. She could have so easily crouched down and pulled panties aside, but instead it was a proper baring of her backside to the world before squatting. And the young guys calling dirty for it are probably the same ones that piss against drainpipes or doorways they happen to be passing. Talk about double standards.
  20. I did wait a minute or so and grab a quick puddle photo - she was facing this way, so bum to the road and red box on her left. No tissues were used 😃
  21. You could say this was pretty much hot off the press - I wanted to write it whilst I had it fresh in my mind. I don't often get chance to go for a late night city wander about, but over the last couple of days I've been taking in that chance. I'm currently living right in the city centre and working / socialising at some odd hours - and after finishing off the night at 2-3am I've been able to go for a night stroll in the city. Close to my current student apartment is a fairly vibrant late night entertainment spot. The previous evening I'd been for a stroll around there taking in th
  22. I tend to think of it that there’s a hierarchy of reactions - so a thumbs up is a general ‘thanks for your post, I acknowledge that you’ve taken the trouble. Then a Love is a stronger ‘really like / love what you’ve posted’ and then agree is when it aligns with your own preferences. Care / hug is fairly self evident.
  23. Happy, happy, happy birthday @JesseP
  24. Well, once it's cut there's not much going back - and you don't miss what you never (remember) having. Conversely for those with a foreskin they're entitled to be attached to it - it's attached to them of course. Some will say tom-ay-toe and others tom-ah-toe but we all live happily ever after.
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