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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I must admit we as mods don't have access to the list - it's implemented at a site 'infrastructure level' and we're just users, albeit with some privileges that allow us to do extra things. And to compound the question, additional terms have been added with time - for example when we were having a run of spammy links to 'top porn sites' and the likes, a few site names got mentioned. Very simply though - where the published rules make mention to topics or words which are banned then it doesn't really matter if it's an auto filter, or a manual search - those phrases shouldn't ne
  2. Totally agree - it’s just occasionally the pee planets have aligned. It’s possible of course to arrange something ahead of time - like ‘I’ve got a day to myself tomorrow so planning to…’ Similar to arranging something with a pee buddy off-site.
  3. You all know about the Live Action thread right - a place on this forum where much of what’s being talked about can take place. Ive had some amazing times there which have pretty much been a one-2-one. Don’t rule it out.
  4. I wonder if there is something about a lady (or guy) in water that somehow makes a pee connection in our minds? Not disputing she’d be equally beautiful on dry land too though.
  5. Ban you @Bacardi…. Why would anyone do that ? (Checks rules 8 & 11, or perhaps if I’m feeling particularly hypocritical may let you stay…)
  6. [Moderator's note - The two posts merged together]
  7. Also to add to the terminology a bit... In the UK we have motorways (M... numbered) and then A and B roads, along with unclassified roads. Our Motorways are the fast autobahn or expressway equivalents, typically three live lanes and usually with a continuous hard shoulder wide enough to hold a vehicle without it encroaching on the live lanes. Stopping on the hard shoulder or in the lanes is illegal except in emergency, and not particularly safe with live traffic wizzing past at 70mph a few feet away. Much of the network is camera monitored with police and traffic control officers t
  8. You know we've always got your back whenever you or anyone else needs it...
  9. Have a great one @Galileo123 and @PleasePeeOnMe
  10. Now I'm very, very curious - how did you get on @Haley ???
  11. Honestly I have no idea... But I do know that it is not here on this site. We are a community of pee enthusiasts, rather than any sort of agency or hook-up site of any kind. I wish you every ounce of luck - but here is not the place.
  12. A few more birthdays for today - have a great day: @holyknight3 @Haley_piss @jackerskar @Marie Sue
  13. It's a question that has come up a few times in the past, sometimes with divided opinion. Also, there are those that swear by drinking their own urine daily - Madonna being a famous one unless I'm dreaming that up? There's a couple of posts to get you started. (Also - hope you don't mind, I've expanded the post heading a little to hopefully gather some interest for you). https://peefans.com/topic/16737-pee-drinking/ https://peefans.com/topic/18169-is-drinking-pee-safe/?tab=comments#comment-251260
  14. @pwpj @Scpa - Today's the day - have a great one.
  15. Sublime... And can anyone spot the connection with the last post (not asking you @Kupar - too easy)
  16. I agree with you, it would be fascinating to understand the data going on behind the sites. I really do suspect there is an endless supply of at least hopeful guys there. It's in no way the same, but take a look at introduction posts on this site - those with a title like 'New boy here...' get maybe 25 views and half a dozen comments, whilst 'New girl here...' will get flooded. And if it's one of those profiles which really reads as far, far too good to be true then it gets completely inundated with all manner of guys all hoping for something special. If there's that level of hopefuln
  17. Happy Birthday wishes @Public P. Boy @acidnudy @Christian55
  18. Yes no problem - Admin recommended a little while ago that, to avoid frustrated users, we shouldn't have links to clips which are 'members only' of for example porn sites, or those clips which turn out to be 'friends only'. You can imagine the angst it causes having a great sounding clip which nobody can actually see. Twitter is technically one of those sites where clips can require signing in to Twitter. Obviously a lot more people have Twitter membership, but not everyone wants to risk having pee porn in their future algorithms. So for that reason we prefer to not have links to clips
  19. Have a truly awesome day @Peepeethesailor
  20. Just so you're aware - it's not a size problem that stopped you posting the video, but that the site here doesn't accept video files (except smallish GIF clips). Instead most people use a third party host like maybe Erome. Twitter often falls under that group of hosts where a sign-in is needed which we don't generally allow. Cheers and thanks for posting it.
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