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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. So a bit of explanation before the fun begins - a new thread, because I don't think a specific one already exists... Ladies in Leather Trousers. Faux leather at a pinch, but ideally let's keep on track with leather trousers. Background is I have a special friend who sometimes looks in on the site. She's not a pee-fan as such, although she's very understanding of us. But I did hear a whisper she very much likes the sight of a lady in leather - so this is my little treat and a merci back in her direction. Please add your own finds too.
  2. Welcome - aren't they just! Glad you found us.
  3. Just as a quick follow up to the lay-by thing and just how common it can be... Last Thursday night I was travelling along a UK 'A-road' and took advantage of a lay-by myself for a wonderful evening pee. You can read about it here... https://peefans.com/topic/24584-where-is-the-most-public-place-y’all-have-peed/?do=findComment&comment=338732 Today I drove back along the same road towing our caravan... at a similar point, but on the opposite side of the road (i.e. in the direction I was travelling) was another lay-by with a few cars stopped. This time I didn't need to pee, th
  4. Perhaps in due course you could produce a 'tribute' story - building upon it with the best of that which existed and more ?
  5. I do remember a few months ago working with a member who have posted a story containing scat references - there were no punishments or any such problems, we worked a sensible edit where the remainder of the story was able to remain in place. Unfortunately I've slept a few times since and my memory is a bit vague. I'm pretty sure that fairly recently that member requested cancellation of their membership of their own choosing. Now (and I could be wrong here, it's not something mods get involved with) but I think that when an account is deleted, any content 'owned' by that member instant
  6. Better out than in. And betting it feels so much better. Well done you.
  7. Hopefully it’s gonna take you more than a second?
  8. Take it you’ve got the house to yourself and you’re not having to hide the visual clues?
  9. Whenever it stops being fun - or perhaps then plus 15 minutes. Just to be sure?
  10. Ears pricked up at ‘squeezed in an O’. Kudos to you B - enjoy that holding.
  11. I think you've touched on a really common thing there - that many of us who now have this pee kink, fetish or however you wish to term it can clearly trace back to events way before we knew what sexuality was. Just memories of playing, having fun, doing something we kind of knew was against the rules - but in an innocent childhood way. (In a roundabout way a reminder for responses here that childhood memories are fine providing they are not sexual). I've got two aspects in my life - one is a girl I was really close friends with through infant school years and then to a lesser extent
  12. And that's why we love you, Oh, erm I mean Peefans, so much.
  13. A lot of relevant birthdays today... And that's normally on the first of the month. So here goes, deep breath and 'Happy Birthday' to: @loser @FlyingthedreamUK @Linda @Sh1991 @ane851
  14. All sounds lovely - and lots of great advice in there. It's easy to get to that comfortable stage of trust in a relationship that we find ourselves doing our own thing in an unconnected way, and just being people living in the same house. Personally too when it comes to our kinks and introducing others to them without them being grossed out too suddenly, I'm a firm believer in sowing a seed of thought just like you did there. Rather than a full on 'where the hell did that come from', instead a simple "yes, that's me". Maybe some time in the future is time for the conversation "You kn
  15. Last night I was browsing the site here, with the TV in the background - the UK channel Dave was showing Mel Giedroyc: Unforgivable To be fair, a programme I probably would have turned off, apart from the fact (a) it was on in the background and (b) Lou Sanders is on it, who I find attractive in a vulnerable way. I may start watching a bit more.... My attention was sort of caught when one of the guests Joel Dommet confessed to doing something in his parents house loft, I only caught the audience reaction and a comment about helping to keep the house warm. Later he confessed to a
  16. Happy Birthday to you @corsa198 & @Princess Star
  17. Zero risk of getting into any trouble from this older man. (It's very rare I admit to being older... an exception noted for future reference though).
  18. Hi and a huge welcome to the site - we are a very friendly and respectful place. Feel free to take your time to get to know us and gradually get involved as / if you wish. As staff we’re here to keep you feeling safe and happy here - do shout up if anything causes you any concerns and we’ll deal with it.
  19. [Moderator’s note - Two posts merged, but posts kept…. Felt it was more important for you to see people had reacted ‘care’ more than site tidiness] Personal note - Thinking of you, try not to beat yourself up too hard. Sounds like it was a move that needed to be made and took strength to do. So a hug to you there. And programming file structures… perhaps go and come back to that another day?
  20. I was online when you posted last night, but figured you didn't need me jumping straight in there whilst you were still processing your thoughts. Now that a night has passed, and your laundry is all dry again I'm curious as to where the experience has left you? I'm guessing not too traumatised, as let's face it - pants wetting is fairly normalised around here. But I am curious as to whether it's opened a new doorway of experience for you, a place you'd happily visit again - or whether the verdict is an equally valid 'not for me thanks'. No need to bare your soul in public though
  21. In my personal opinion I can see no problem with pictures of the peed on plant - growing in a layby like that it is nobody's property, nobody is suffering at all. It is in effect a weed, no matter how pretty it is - and whether it dies in the sun, by being peed on, by being crushed by a car tire or by the local authority spraying it with weedkiller makes little difference.
  22. I usually think of myself as below average in size, particularly when soft. Also especially if I see another guy at a urinal for example, where I'm looking from a completely different angle than the unhelpful looking downwards at myself. That thinking doesn't cause me a problem in the slightest - if fact I have more of a problem with the type of articles and content that promote body dysphoria. I am what I am and apart from getting old, not much is going to change. But right now I'm currently sitting at my desk in an empty house, contemplating work, and had a browse of the site first - a
  23. @Euro - I don't think you need to fear for causing offence - we are the kind of site to treat discussion with respect and value the opinions of others.
  24. (For info - it's not the video file size, it's simply that the site here doesn't host video clips - apart from gif images. So you could host the video elsewhere and link here if you wanted. Sites like Erome are popular).
  25. Enjoy @jmatthews1995 - and I guess if it's beer being drunk, then that 70% will be rising very quickly,
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