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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Also for future reference, the one thing that got drummed in during our sex-ed class at school - always leave that 'expansion space' inside. The little nipple on the end, rather than it being fully tight.
  2. Happy Birthday @IEnjoyPiss @nobodyelse @bob106854
  3. Moderator's Message: @kitty and mimi - You will see that multiple people have commented that they find this poll sexist, racist, ageist and otherwise inappropriate. The ONLY REASON I have not removed this thread is because of the volume of positive discussions taking place in the thread. Before posting anything else I urge you to read site rules and comply with them. Personally I expect you to answer my question as to what your purpose is of these multiple poles you are creating. All - When you see a post that makes you feel uncomfortable, whether it is racially ex
  4. This is definitely not the first time that the 'caught... fine.... sex offence register' linkage has been quoted. It always makes me curious - I mean in the UK as I understand it we have two way of dealing with matters such as public disorder or for that matter a traffic offence. The first - and there will be occasions where this is a valid route - would be some form of fixed penalty fine, generally for the smaller offences which don't cause great harm. Littering, parking, antisocial behaviour, possession of a small amount of a controlled drug and the like. Other than that, the
  5. I'm going to make a suggestion here... that I be the last male to contribute to this thread. I've just received ANOTHER complaint from a lady of the forum. As we all know our lady friends are a relatively small part of the membership, we'd like to boost their numbers rather than driving them away. So many times now I've emphasised and re-emphasised that the ladies of this community are repeatedly getting p&&&ed off with mansplaining as to how they pee, what they should do, why they should change a lifetime's experience. You're technically probably not breaking si
  6. I'm being a bit facetious in my answers of course, I mean I would have said that my preference was against the sort of squatting position that seems to be 90% of all porn pics... and then I've changed view slightly after a real life sighting last week. So now I think it must be all of those choices. If anything I'm kicking back against the lack of other choices... there are four versions of squatting or sitting on the toilet available there. So where does my preference for ladies standing, or lay down, or kneeling fit in? Sitting on the floor or in a chair?
  7. Question 1: Any Question 2: Any Question 3: Any Question 4: Any Question 5: Any Question 6: Any Think that about covers my preferences. For future reference, I'd suggest stop trying to pin down and pigeon-hole everything. Some of us just love pee because we do. I'm not sure exactly what the purpose of all these polls are? They're really not going to provide valid scientific samples, and not sure what else you'd want them for.
  8. We try and be as cool as we can with it, knowing that a huge number of people - myself included - love naughty peeing. Often it's more about intent than the actual action. So someone peeing on a seat cushion somewhere is generally ok, but doing it with the express hope some innocent person will sit in their pee and get their clothes ruined is not. In the example of a car, peeing in your own car, being forgiven for wetting in a friend's car, peeing in an abandoned car are all ok. Something like wetting in a taxi is generally ok - but making a point of deliberately damaging someone's
  9. It feels like the Birthday thread has gone a bit skewy - we did say it had run a full year and we'd try and keep it going until the end of December. Anyway, I've just about made it in time for a review of today's celebrants: @MrTickle @TGH @Daz @piddler2013
  10. And on video - so you can't just mute, do a runner and hope nobody asked you a question for a minute or so?
  11. Is the call ongoing.... are you going to make it? And do you have a pint glass or anything handy?
  12. Foot tapping yet? Clenched under the desk at all?
  13. Ouchie - I'm not too far away at the other end of the M61 Still coping ok?
  14. I'll stay around.... are you European time (and just about to start your meeting). I'm UK and that's an hour away which sounds a l-o-n-g time if you're having to squeeze already. But I'm sure you've got this !!!
  15. I'm around again and working from home - so I'll return yesterday's favour if you like. How are you doing and do you have an end plan?
  16. That fine literary work could have been lost, right up to the point you've bumped back up. (Form your own opinion whether I'm thanking you genuinely or rolling my eyes sarcastically lol)
  17. ^^^ Booking my flight tickets right now (kidding of course - apart from in my parallel universe)
  18. Took me five minutes of looking to find a lens in that picture. Now. If I could borrow the lady and that 50/1.4 for a little while, let's get some exposing done and see what develops.
  19. Male - like the idea of shaved, but always seem to nick myself when doing it - so instead I tend to do a No.1 buzz cut. I might do it later now I think about it, I'm looking pretty untidy right now.
  20. That's a very good question - we do have some automatic filtering in place so certain key words used in a post result in it being 'quarantined' until approved. I can't see anything in this case and I've un-hidden your post. Maybe @Admin will be able to advise?
  21. It's sad if this has to be a parallel universe to stand a chance of happening - but after this weekend's experience: I'd like peeing in public still to be fairly taboo so it keeps it's mystique, but for people just to live and let live - not to call out and shout at the lady in question caught in the act. The same guys shouting at her for being a 'dirty cow' when they'll probably be pissing on a wall somewhere ten minutes later. Live and let live and all that.
  22. If the first rule of fight club is don't talk about fight club, then I think the first way to be non-creepy is exactly as you've done here Steve - and reflected on how your comments come across. Maybe the recipients of the comments are too busy dealing with all the REALLY creepy comments they're getting from people far less of a gentleman than you.
  23. @steve25805 - You've just inspired me - Thank You!!! After my long hold and wetting earlier, I've been getting gradually more full and just decided on a loud and proud piss into the bathtub - felt amazing, I'll definitely be doing that more often when home alone, cheers!!!
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