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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Huge Birthday wishes @expererg & @Bob1992 - Have a great day folks!
  2. It's not a 'crazy' idea at all, perhaps a fantasy which could never come true - so fantastic in several senses. Of the huge membership here there are many thousands of past members who no longer visit, and the remainder comprise many who simply view content - perhaps too nervous to engage in contributions and discussions. That leaves a small core of us - the interactive community of Peefans (not a clique by any stretch of the imagination, all are welcomed). And within that core are some amazing friendships built on maturity, respect and trust. So within that core there are many wh
  3. And today we can celebrate with @MysticPineapple - as for everyone celebrating another orbit of the sun, have a great one!
  4. Hopefully after the terrifying bits, you've now been able to relax and enjoy the experience - and maybe to plan out another opportunity? Either way, huge thanks for sharing with us. No need to be terrified in our company at least.
  5. Huge happy birthday wishes today @likesToLick
  6. I used to frequently go through an 'OMG - what am I doing' phase just after. For example, if I'd been feeling horny for a long while, and maybe holding up to the point of wetting and / or masturbating to climax, then as soon as that moment had passed it was like turning on the lights and seeing the mess I'd made. Suddenly questioning what manner of freak I was. And I think being here and being in all of your company has made me realise just how widespread this kink is, and to effectively normalise it. Even now though if I'm masturbating to porn, as some as I've cum I'll
  7. It's a perfect answer - my question perhaps read a little more prescriptively than I intended. I was interested in any aspect of visiting a location that you fancied doing. And London is a good choice (although I'm a northern English country bumpkin, it's far too hectic for me lol).
  8. Extend that thought of telepathy a tiny fraction... You're talking about the ability to read someone's mind to know they are 'one of us'. Now if you also had the ability to implant seeds of thought into their subconscious that could be a whole game changer. I'm not talking like hypnotising them into performing or anything like that - but just the very subtle ability to read from them the fact that they enjoy, or at least are open to peeing AND then the ability to non-verbally communicate your willingness and encouragement to them. Implanting the feelings that they can feel safe with
  9. Please can you ensure that anything you share is of people who are clearly over 18 years old - Thanks!
  10. Hi and a big welcome to the site. You’re very welcome to share free content on the site - the Men Pissing topic area sounds like it may be the best place. Just to pre-empt the question, it isn’t possible to directly upload clips to the site (space and bandwidth limits) so instead we recommend people use a third party hosting site and post links. Welcome and do shout up with any questions.
  11. Hi @morty98 Do you have a favourite place to visit - somewhere you've been before and would willingly go back to in a heartbeat? Or somewhere on your bucket list that you'd love to visit?
  12. @Spaceloony @mindful-desires Hope you both have great days today for your BIRTHDAY !!!
  13. In your own apartment, if you've got a tiled or vinyl kitchen floor then that will be easy to clean - and since you mention laundry then why not just spread the laundry all over the floor there. Maybe that's something not out of the ordinary for you? Large towels spread out, bedding etc all give the opportunity to pee freely anywhere that takes your fancy. Standing and challenging for distance, or if you prefer just laying down and giving yourself a shower. Given you'll have daytimes at home then if you enjoy desperation then getting yourself super full and trying to do kitchen ch
  14. Hi and a huge welcome to this community - great to have you on board. I should mention though that we're a worldwide community of people with this likeminded interest. There are probably individuals in Chicago but we're not here to encourage local meet ups, we're not a hook up site. But as I was welcome. Enjoy finding your way around and connecting with worldwide likeminded individuals. Enjoy.
  15. Mostly for me it's an 18 of normal boxer shorts and for my wife it's a 1 or 6 PJ combo. Outside of the centrally heated house it could be a 1 or 16 combo for me too. If I'm alone it'll be a 20 and very, very occasionally I may just sneak a satin 19 (but don't tell too many people - it's my guilty pleasure).
  16. It looks completely amazing to me @Bacardi - absolutely love it. And your description hit the spot too! You're incredible and this place wouldn't be the same without you.
  17. Thanks for the thought @Dr.P & @Peetea - It would be a kind gesture in the very short term. However it's written into site rules (#11) that all posts must be in English. If we created a precedence where a member could post in their native language and hope someone saw the post and translated, then we could be unleashing a (pee) flood of any manner of different languages. So unfortunately we have to maintain the position that English is the sole language of this site. But thanks again for the proactive thinking.
  18. Ha-Pee Birthday today @Johnboy777 - Hope you have a great one.
  19. Welcome to Peefans - you are very welcome. But please could you make sure all your posts are written in English - it is the only language of the site.
  20. No words - and too breathless to utter anything anyway. But incredibly happy for you xxx
  21. If we take all of our enlightened selves out of the equation, and we instead think of the pool of people we interact with, and those we hope to have some 'adult' fun with, then I guess there are two general groups - - Those who consider pee as a gross, dirty and potentially harmful human waste product, and - Those who consider pee as just a natural bodily function that happens. People need to wee, they wee and sometimes not in the toilet. Now of course we can also group people into those who are open to relationships and those who aren't, those who would engage in adult fun b
  22. At first glance I thought the name badge on the back said 'Vulva' There have been quite a few cases where people, usually driving automatics, have a brain fog moment of trying to step on the brake but actually hitting the gas, and because the car doesn't slow then stamping hard on the pedal. I'm not going to generalise in an ageist way here. There was a prosecution a couple of years ago where a woman on the other side of my city had been trying to park, her car had swerved onto the pavement and crushed a pedestrian. Her defence were trying to argue a vehicle braking defect.
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