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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Having visited urinals in various service stations, airports, shopping centres, restaurants and my own employer's facilities etc over the last few weeks these mats seem to be becoming the norm now. On the whole the 'gents urinal' scent is becoming a thing of the past. Some of the mats just seem to be flat like the blue ones above, and others have the spikes as the orange one shows. I found one with a translucent white mat recently, slightly yellowed in the centre and the mat itself was sort of partly on the rear face of the urinal rather than centred over the drain. That meant that
  2. Excellent opportunities taken there @Alfresco They say as one door closes, another opens. Today one door has definitely closed for me - assuming legal wheels spin in the right direction with no hiccups on Monday. Looking forward to seeing which door opens next (or failing that leaving a puddle on the doorstep).
  3. Oh just the normal Peefans sort of stuff…. Some of it is in the Challenge Goose thread, but other than that toilet use has been strictly limited. I’ve been mostly house clearing so have had opportunities to leave my mark. Piles of bedding (on and off the bed), standing and wetting on a rug, on the patio a couple of times…. Basically anywhere I could think of lol. Into the city this morning, so probably a parking garage pee and then the airport for the flight home later.
  4. Maybe just me but we’re going to need a little more info here.
  5. One of those discriminators between Peefans and everyone else then - it's 10pm AKA you can't be drunk enough to pee in public on buildings VS step aside, the world is my toilet.
  6. Hi and a huge welcome to the site. That question of how to discuss with people is definitely a common problem and I'm not sure has an easy answer. My suggestion is to be a little economical with the truth - so telling someone you enjoy bed-wetting may get a negative reaction, whereas telling them you like peeing in unusual places may be more of an acceptable confession. Anyway, no need for such worries here - you're amongst friends with extreme tastes and proud of them.
  7. Excellent. And a great plan - gets my vote too.
  8. You probably could to be honest - you'd be amazed at what can happen in broad daylight and get completely ignored. Not that I'd be that brave either...
  9. I don't mean to sidetrack your post, but on a similar subject we had some plumbing work done a few months ago. Our plumber is the mum of one of my son's friends, and she's great - reliable, capable and very cute too. We were having a toilet flush valve replaced and also the internal house stop-cock which wasn't shutting off properly. Overall the job took nearly an hour longer than she'd planned, problems with the stop-tap in the street and an incorrect sized fitting meant she had to go back to her store twice. At the end of the job after packing up and handing over the invoice she
  10. She’s a ten, but never closes the bathroom door.
  11. Just a quick shout up... I'm here and open to any manner of options. Alcohol is and will be consumed - that's my apology in advance - and I have no set plan or ideas for the evening. May need a pee quite soon, and whilst it won't be on the toilet I think the real fun will be next time around. Watch this space - and if anyone fancies joining in, the more the merrier.
  12. I've just randomly thought of one of those things which probably forms a stimulant into my kink... When I was 18/19 I was sort of 'with' a girl (it was complicated) who played a huge role in my sex education. With hindsight I'd definitely have explored pee some more - I don't think she considered herself to have a kink, but it definitely wasn't a closed door. Anyway, I digress - we met through a motorbike training scheme at the time, and it used a number of local venues. One of these was an empty car park with absolutely no facilities. Anyway the story she told me during pillo
  13. Fantastic - what a day's work. There was I think a very cheesy 70's porn movie / programme series 'Confessions of a Plumber' and it seems they missed that episode. I know you've said she didn't say anything - could have been an opportunity though for you to reassure her - don't worry about before, needs must and all that, it'll remain our little secret. It may have opened a conversation even if just for her to say how mortified she was. But I'm useless at playing out those conversations in real life. It's so easy after the event.
  14. I'd suggest telling us about some of the experiences, with a focus on your need and the places you peed - 99 times out of 100 pee on a carpet, blanket or whatever will dry and we have no worries about it counting as vandalism. Post it and it can always be amended if needed.
  15. You sir are an impressive specimen of a man in every respect. Well done to you.
  16. I must admit I don't have a backup, although it would be easy enough to do and I should do. What I have is a solid state drive, uncased, so it looks like a bare computer component. That's interfaced to my computer with a USB/SATA adapter so it appears as a removable drive. I have various legitimate stuff on it and then a hidden directory with a 'system like' name backup_sys or something like that. My stuff is then in there in subfolders which are also benignly named to not arouse suspicion. I use MacOS (don't hate me for it) and there's a nifty keystroke CTRL-OPTION-dot which s
  17. Glad you like the ideas @Aristona - and please thank your girlfriend very much for her suggestions. I wouldn't be uncomfortable at all photographing any type of intimate photography and the payment proposal is extremely appealing. From what I read in your post it sounds like your girlfriend shares your interest - in which case I could think of a couple of other possible payment options too. In the real world I suspect my travel expenses to you may be a little too much, as well as my services breaking a couple of site rules. It's a very pleasant dream...
  18. No - a male dental hygienist or would probably just be rubbing his knob on your arm. I’m kidding of course. Not quite the same, but years ago I was a member of a gym for a few months. They had two physios who happened to be ladies - one curvy brunette and the other a very petite blonde ‘barbie girl’. Both had white issue tunic / dress uniforms which were completely transparent, at least of skin tone against pristine white high leg cotton briefs. Their appointment calendars were always well subscribed, especially the blonde.
  19. I’m going to suggest here that question doesn’t need to be answered. Taking a read back up this thread, and every answer given by the ladies of this forum seems to be expressing how unpleasant, embarrassing and humiliating the whole concept of having to give a sample is. Added to that, there’s always a reason why a sample is needed - and probing questions about that are asking people to relive times when they were perhaps in pain, suffering illness, maybe fears of pregnancy. The Peefans ethos is about respect - and perhaps the respectful thing to do here is take the hint.
  20. I won't be around too long - but great to see you both here and sharing. Wonderful in fact
  21. For around 10 years prior to lockdown I ran a part time professional photography business alongside day job and family (until I realised it was too much and scaled right back). In that time I must have photographed some 50+ weddings. Obviously a select number rather than mass production wedding photography. To answer your question of how to 'arrange a free-peeing' wedding - some of the best weddings I saw were those which weren't hosted in a hotel. Two in particular were farming families, who had space in their gardens or field for a marquee, enough space for parking, no nei
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