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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. You're correct @DXR and thanks for the post. It does sort of work on a case-by-case basis, and I guess I've focussed on the negative of it. I totally agree that a comment like "Thanks, that was great - would love to see more from you" or responding to an invitation for ideas is generally fine. I was thinking of some real responses I've seen along the lines of "Thanks - can you post photos" or "That would have been better if you showed your slit / pussy / vagina / etc". Comments that clearly say 'your post as it was made isn't good enough for me'. Anyway - I'm picking at fine det
  2. I do happen to know, and I hope I'm not giving away too much of a secret here, that there is a real life place just as described. Although sadly I don't think it's ever had Sienna's blessing in real life.
  3. Sounds like a good selling point for the book to be honest... I mean most novels rocket in sales after the movie is released - none more though than the ones where it suddenly becomes apparent there's some extra hot content that never made it as far as the film. Sort of like the value of a rare misprinted record sleeve compared to the mass-sold corrected version if you get my drift.
  4. I have been known to have written quite a bit of fiction on this site, and it seems to have gone down well. It's interesting and sometimes frustrating that people are far more willing to spend time on videos or pictures than spending a few minutes on reading a work of fiction - and I say that based on page views rather than reactions. If people don't go and read it then it's never going to really give a sense of fulfilment back to the author. Anyway, I digress. I don't write any other kind of fiction. In fact this is about the only place I express this surprising and hidden talen
  5. Hi and a huge welcome to a very friendly community - sounds like you'd already worked that out. Do shout up with any questions you may come across and we'll try and help out. (One very minor 'suggestion' for you - I see you've been posting a few pictures which is great, and searching out categories to put them in which is even better. Sometimes though people use a thread for just their own images and don't always make that clear in the title. If it's the case that the images are clearly all of the originator, we suggest posting elsewhere in a different thread. Ideally they'll h
  6. Just an observation- from experience in the UK and from everything seen on this site and other sources from around parts of Europe- I’ve never encountered any joint gender public bathrooms which are signed as open to both ladies and gents. There are the cases of course where ladies may choose to enter the gents to use a cubicle due to excessive queues for the ladies. And I’ve been in places with gender neutral facilities- all have which have been a closed four-walled room with a single toilet in it. And for info the term coed is totally meaningless anywhere outside the US.
  7. [Moderator's note @Kevvvv - Apologies I've removed your video links since this is the Pee Talk part of the forum. Perhaps if you'd like to post them in the Men Pissing section, and then you can discuss them here with a link to your thread in Men Pissing Thanks for your understanding. ]
  8. I'm going to suggest an imaginary scenario here... And I've no idea if this is actually the case, whether we have members here with this as their reason for being a peefan... Many of us can relate to individual occurrences, sightings or whatever which 'triggered' our interest. But others here tell us that is not the case. Imagine a person who had a very loving childhood, in a nurturing, caring family with a very close loving relationship. Skip on to teen / adulthood and things are less rosy, life is not so wonderful, and that person craves happiness, comfort and someone to put a
  9. Glad we could tag along.... Now, perhaps we'll leave any post-pee 'relaxation' for you to enjoy...
  10. Sounds like you may be able to last a little longer? Depends whether you prefer the holding or the mind-blowing relief of the release. (You can tell where my focus is lol)
  11. Ha ha - sounds great. So when you finally give in, then maybe kneeling on the carpet with a rolled up towel clamped between your thighs could be a good solution - and not too much worry if the towel doesn't hold it all.
  12. You've got this. Distraction technique - how's your day been?
  13. Right - so can see you don't want a massive clean up after, guess you'll be ready to hit the bed. How about we both stick around and you hold on until at least half past? Fair target?
  14. There you go then - takes away one worry about any mess - so you've got this, you can hold on for a while longer. What time zone are you in BTW ? UK here so 9:15am
  15. I don't want to 'mansplain' to you how to hold on - after all you're the expert and you know your body. Does clamping a hand on yourself help you? Pacing about? And in terms of a place.... Pile of laundry waiting for the wash? Clean towels? or rush into the bathroom and jump in the bath / shower / toilet ?
  16. Sorry - not very encouraging, I should be telling you 'you got this, you can manage a few more minutes at least'
  17. Sounds like those floodgates are about to burst... Are you at home, somewhere which can cope with the flood? Or in the bathroom ?
  18. Bless you @Baby_ennie - have you been needing to go for ages?
  19. Good choices - and no fears here in that our site basis is for 18 to be considered adult. So all are perfectly valid and acceptable choices to share.
  20. @janny-ammerson - I can completely understand your embarrassment, and bless you. But - and sorry to draw the conversation a little off topic - what an amazing idea for some amazing pee holding play... In the right place with the right person of course. With a desperately full bladder and a loving partner in control of the stimulus... I'll leave it there, but I think that may be a scene that's going to live in my head for a while.
  21. One of the fascinating things about this site for me - we're all here because we're Pee Fans - and that isn't the same as sexual pee fetishists. A huge number of people are here because pee is a very sexual activity to them and they are hugely aroused at the thought of others and/or themselves in peeing activities. But there is also a big part of membership who just enjoy peeing for all sorts of reasons without any association with sexual arousal. Maybe for some it reminds of happy childhood times, or a million other possible reasons. It's fascinating but can also be frustrating when
  22. Just the one birthday to celebrate with @PeeBody1024 today - but that doesn't mean we party any less hard. (Criteria is members listing their birthday in their profile, who have a 'content' value greater than zero and have visited the site within the last three or so months - active participating members in other words)
  23. Hi @Pontepee - Huge thanks for your kind words - so glad you’re enjoying your time here and getting to know us. Normally just copying and pasting in the YouTube link should pop in the clip itself as you see above. I’ve just tried it and it gives an ‘age related content’ message - so maybe that’s the reason.
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