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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. @M.Vixen - I haven’t got a clue how I’d missed seeing any of your clips up until now - but wow. I may be late to that party, but full on kudos to you - absolutely loving them.
  2. Probably the best real account I’ve read in ages - so real. Love your honesty in the fears you normally face and love even more the way you forced yourself to overcome them. Huge thanks for sharing. And did anyone else wonder… a single other girl sitting in a field reading… or was she there for another reason too?
  3. I have a Scot friend who lives in Edinburgh. On my last visit we walked past one of the many gentleman's outfitters with kilts in the window and he was discussing replacing his kilt - but not with the inferior cheap ones they sold. "That's not your proper wool" he said, "cheap artificial fabric, your knob would be red raw in no time at all." Made me laugh at least. (Sorry, where were we - oh yes, back to parks).
  4. There’s lots of these sort of posts already been answered - admittedly a lot asking about solo fun. And lots of experiences in ‘Pee Experiences’ too. But definitely worth a browse. Maybe more productive than waiting for people to respond.
  5. [Moderator's note - Link to video content removed. Please post in the correct section, Pee Videos and then post a link to here if needed.]
  6. Moderator's Note - Video clips or photo links should not be posted within the Pee Talk & Questions Thread. Instead please find an existing topic in the correct Videos or Pictures topic. The site search facility is very useful here. Hentai video clips have been moved to: https://peefans.com/topic/9883-japanese-cartoon-piss/?tab=comments#comment-144323
  7. Sorry…. There was Jason trying to inject a bit of culture. 😳
  8. The site in general has busier and quieter times…. The active members tend to generally be Western Europe or Americas and a few Australians. So active times tend to be maybe 4pm GMT until midnight GMT for the Europeans (and Brits) and maybe 3-4 hours longer for the USA and Canada. People are active during their daytimes and evenings- in terms of live action perhaps even more so in their daytimes. Unfortunately it’s a fairly small group when you factor ‘active’ members who happen to be online and happen to have the time free to participate. Amazing moments can happen though.
  9. A huge welcome to the community- sounds like you’re going to fit in perfectly. Do shout up with any questions as you find your way about.
  10. Huge happy birthday wishes @Hamster245 @Reddragon @pisslover666
  11. That @peecurious94 is either because we're a really polite and appreciative bunch.... or just a bunch of perverts maybe. ps. No complaints from me at any pictures.
  12. @Roh2k @pisslover64 Have a great birthday.
  13. Oh go on then @will64… If you could be anyone you wanted in this big wide world, who would you like to be. (Some people have always wanted to be rock stars, astronauts or pilots…. There’s no limits)
  14. Think you need to understand @Boardgame2 that not everyone here is posting for your direct entertainment. We're a community of friends with all sort of preferences and relationship statuses. Not everything on the site is a sexual invitation.
  15. Like every aspect of our kink, so many different facets to it. What works for some is a complete turn off for others. Looking at the website, I suspect our lovers of female pee may feel a little out of place.
  16. Remember though any statistic is based on large numbers of assumptions- lots of those in this thread. 😉
  17. Well - that’s a good point, since it seems that a lot of the people asking are men, asking about ladies. If you work on a ratio that 80% of members are male and 1 in 233,800 people are active members - then the chance of you as a lady being in the crowd is five times less likely. Unless one of us buys you that much needed plane ticket… Great points and thanks @DoctorDoctor and you’re absolutely right - there’s lots of pee fans who just anonymously browse without being registered just as there are lots of people in the world who probably have the kink without ever knowi
  18. Perfect - love the pictures
  19. If they’re anything like the one you’ve mentioned then they’ll be amazing. But don’t worry at all about trying to compare with anyone else. We’d love to here any and all.
  20. Bienvenido - A very warm welcome from everyone here - it's great to have you with us. I hope you are enjoying the site so far. If you have any questions or need any help finding your way around please just ask.
  21. Not quite a park, but this is probably a valid thread for this, without creating a new topic... I've just been looking at activities to undertake during a trip to Snowdonia, a mountainous region of north Wales in the UK. The area has a legacy of slate mines, a number of which have been turned into tourist attractions. One such activity centre is Go Below (https://www.go-below.co.uk/default.asp) which is based from a cafe pretty much in the middle of nowhere. They run three activities which involve some trekking and mostly exploring in the converted slate mine. The activitie
  22. I'm going to add to this topic - I may be taking it in a slightly different direction, but still relevant I hope: I was recently having a discussion with another member about the cases where someone joins and instantly asks "anyone in XYZ city want to meet up", and that got me thinking about the distribution of OUR peefans populations - purely as averages of course. Firstly we know that Peefans has a lifetime membership of 42,400 although many of those members are no longer active. One fairly simple way to estimate how many are currently active members arises from the way
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