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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Have a great one @DigimonForever & @toasten - Can't beat a Friday for a birthday!
  2. Two days with no mentions ??? That's because we only flag up the regularly contributing current members who are still active. Today though we celebrate again and huge celebrations this time including one of the most longstanding and surely the highest contributor to the site - the legend that is @steve25805, and not just Steve but also @JimmyJones345 @Poldore @Iantreloar7
  3. I know perfection comes in many forms and we all have different tastes - but yes I’d agree - she is pretty close to perfection.
  4. Awesome - Everybody needs buddies like that! And what an amazing place this is - full kudos to you for getting that satisfaction, and your buddy too 😉
  5. In reality I do wonder how many guys walk in and look towards the urinals, mutter 'Oh fuck' and turn around to use a cubicle toilet instead.
  6. My thought exactly @Kupar - and with enough class to enjoy the show without going wildly over the top. If it's ok with you do you mind if I go first, I don't want to have to live up to her expectations after she's seen you pee in front of her. 😉
  7. Very similar to one already posted… but I think slightly different. Question is: 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 ???
  8. Yesterday I went to a local hospital for a scan - it's originally an old Victorian building, so is all organised around one long corridor, with wards and other departments off little corridors either side. It must have been nearly a ten minute walk to where the map said 'Area 4 Reception' was, but no sign of it. Then I noticed the appointment letter said it was on the first floor, which would explain it. Finally on the corridor just above where I'd been walking I saw the sign for 'Area 4 Blue Reception' and turned through the double doors off that main corridor. On either side were roo
  9. ^^^^ That is a question that’s not going to be answered. It’s a small child that was being talked about there.
  10. I’m not sure I can add a single word to either of those reassurances from @Bacardi & @steve25805 Summed up the situation perfectly - the sometime shame I used to feel has gradually faded, I’m sure as a direct consequence of knowing friends as amazing as these and knowing I’m most definitely not alone.
  11. You may be aware already - the whole site had an 'error 500 / 504' sort of downtime for about 20 minutes this morning 7:45AM UK. Seems to be back again now and fine 🤞
  12. Hi @Haley_piss - the vast majority of our communication is online posts just like this, so you're in exactly the right place to read, join in and contribute to all manner of pee topics. Lots of people with all the same sort of interests as you - all here for the same reason. Do shout up if you have any questions that we can help with - and enjoy browsing around.
  13. No need to ask forgiveness from this Mod 😉
  14. @Loller - looks almost like a normal sized one 🤣 🤣 I'm kidding of course. On a more practical note there's no need to post the same thing twice in two different areas. I've removed the other one - figured you'd prefer to keep your post in the 'big dicks' topic.
  15. Totally spot on there @oliver2 - hugely appreciated any time any of our members share their own content. It's not just about the pixels we see, it's about knowing that whole trust / confidence / thrill thing going on in the background. For some people we know how much they love our reactions each time they post. For others there is a real fear adrenaline rush behind actually clicking 'post' and we love them all. So real members - we salute and worship you (mostly in a non-creepy way).
  16. Another day. Another two Birthdays. Have great ones @peeter @runningback
  17. Moderator's suggestion here - To halt this topic at this point. You will I'm sure be aware of the site policy on Extreme Behaviour which was clarified in January 2022. If you need the key message of that policy pointing out:
  18. Absolutely wonderful @Gotah - just wonderful !!! (It's not often I'm short for words)
  19. I have 'Peefans' on my right cheek, and a very large letter 'I' on the left. You're interpreting the rest, near enough correctly.
  20. I haven’t video’d myself - but I do have a number of photos hidden away. Often taken with the idea of creating a post or contributing to a thread - a couple in response to direct suggestions - and then I often (usually) shy away from actually posting once the initial horny rush has subsided. It’s one thing writing, but a picture or video contains so many more identifiable clues. Sorry…
  21. Excellent shout - and as always Peefans isn’t just for the kinky fetish stuff. Happy Father’s Day!
  22. Have a great Sunday won't you @cirrusQuell12 & @deekenblue
  23. As a kid growing up in evangelical Christian brainwashing clans, sorry I mean churches… the answer was very simple. In the first place God made Adam in his own image and then made Eve. Both were flawless but were given free will. All was well and good until Satan tempted Eve and then she tempted Adam to disobey God’s rule by eating the fruit from the one tree he’d forbidden. At that instant was where it all went skewed - everything from shame at their nakedness to pain during childbirth, pain in general, the garden being overtaken by weeds, animals fighting each other…. All th
  24. Don’t worry @Gazz - we’re a really friendly bunch. There’s quite a variety of different aspects of the kink represented here so you’re probably going to have things in common with a good number of us. Enjoy yourself browsing around and the more you see hopefully you’ll understand there’s nothing to fear or be ashamed of. Quickest way to get to know people is to browse the posts in the forum, react to posts and maybe contribute with comments yourself. People will soon get to know you. Any questions or concerns do shout up to.
  25. Just the one current user with a birthday listed today - but just as important @wortonuk
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