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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Hmmm - Given that Gotah is the author of this (absolutedy awesome) illustrated story, you're suggesting he starts drawing pictures of young children peeing ? I’m sure you’re not saying you want to look at illustrations of small children peeing? I'm guessing you don't when it's put like that. Site rules permit us to mention underage memories or experiences in a context that they are not sexual, and that is at staff discretion. That is an exception to the under 18 rule, but it's difficult to argue that a fictional story works on that basis too. If you weren't familiar wit
  2. It's Monday. It's the 13th of May. It's the Birthday Shout - and this one's going to @Jayne78 Have a great day...!
  3. I’ve just asked this question of another member too: And it’s one of those that intrigues me but generally can’t be asked in polite company: When it came to sexual awareness and particularly activities (self exploration and self pleasuring, first fumblings with others etc) would you say you were early, late or just average in arriving on that scene? (No need to be specific on anything underage obviously and I don’t want to drag up any painful memories either).
  4. Ok - a new question from me…. And it’s one of those that intrigues me but generally can’t be asked in polite company: When it came to sexual awareness and particularly activities (self exploration and self pleasuring, first fumblings with others etc) would you say you were early, late or just average in arriving on that scene? (No need to be specific on anything underage obviously and I don’t want to drag up any painful memories either).
  5. I’ve been browsing on my phone the last couple of days and been affected. Like @Sophie I’ve noticed it with chat messages not responding, but actually the complete site failing to load. Progress bar in the browser just sitting and doing nothing.
  6. Perhaps if we all stick to speaking the site language of English ( and of course the site language of pee-love). But a huge welcome to the site - hope you’re finding yourself at home.
  7. Also for info - there’s a whole gallery on the subject at:
  8. Happy Birthday @andre82xxx & @CustomerCare
  9. The bad news is on modern buses there will be other cameras you don’t see, apart from those very obvious ones - often something like 25 cameras covering the inside and outside of the bus. But the good news is they would only actually view the camera footage to investigate a crime committed on the bus or similar. So if you enjoy your moment, as long as nobody reports you and you don’t cause too much damage, nobody’s going to send away the hard drive for analysis.
  10. A huge welcome to you @Peetea - although to be honest, pee dating is very much not what we’re about. Hopefully you’re enjoying getting to know us.
  11. Now then, now then - what's this then? More birthdays? Have a great day @walanuk @Wolf187 @nightlifeonly83
  12. Please try using the site search facility for content that already exists - for example there's a full thread of ladies peeing standing with 122 pages of pictures just like you're looking for. https://peefans.com/topic/17062-11th-peeing-while-standing/page/122/#:~:text=11th%2C Peeing while-,standing,-By ZoeSoSexy%2C Typing the keyword 'standing' into the search bar would be a good starting point, and check out the advanced search facilities.
  13. Please let one of them be for @Bacardi to have a stop off in the UK on her way to Italy, and meet up with all her British Peefan friends. <What do you mean it's supposed to be Bacardi claiming the wishes?>
  14. Just for the record, I've just checked out the definition of 'incest' since it's been mentioned a couple of times and is a little emotive: Now - someone seeing you masturbate, I'd say falls outside that category (unless that person were actually directly engaged in performing the act on you or vice versa). Let's face it, if a child wanders into mummy & daddy's bedroom whilst they're at it, we don't consider that as incest do we. Similarly seeing a relation
  15. Four hours on ^^^^ would love to know how you ended up finding relief ? Any or all of the above? Or somewhere different?
  16. HBTY @LovesToWet @Juular_92 @Xox @Brad Wallis
  17. And a non-pee one from me too.... If you were going to be a character in a video game who would you be ? Can be an existing character in a real game that you really relate to. Or for that matter if you were to be a brand new game character how would you appear, what traits and skills would you have?
  18. Thank you @Eliminature - if I were to say you've written a thesis there it could easily come across as a flippant put down. That couldn't be further from my intentions, it's a reasoned well formed set of linked discussion points and I believe you've grasped a huge number of truths there. Statistics, or even less accurate percentages can easily be bandied about and their numeric nature somehow leads us to think they're actually factual. It's a question I don't believe we'll ever know the answer to for all the reasons you've explained and more. I'm hopefully a guy not stuck with a teena
  19. Hi @Mr.Peter and a huge welcome to the site. You are in the right place to discuss all things pee-related and we do have live chat and also near real-time pee discussions in the forums. But we’re not a video chat site and don’t have any recommendations for those kind of sites. Please enjoy yourself finding out what we are about and please ask if you have any questions.
  20. @A_AShes - As your profile description says you are male, I've moved your post here. Also, reading your posts, I'm guessing English is not your first language? Which of course is fine - we are a worldwide community, many of our members live all around the world and speak many different languages. I'm also guessing that you are using a translation tool to convert what you write into English before posting it here. If so, I have to be honest and suggest using a different application - this post and others are extremely difficult to understand. It would probably help you to use a di
  21. It seems to be a busy old day today in the Birthday department - my tongue's getting dry from licking all those envelopes. Can anyone help? Anyway, happy Birthday @kramer @lesley @KinkySkyXXX @David Jarrell @BigBladder
  22. Did you happen to spot the topic area https://peefans.com/forum/7-fictional-pee-stories/ - there's a few stories in there. If it's specifically Men Peeing stories, then the place for them would be in the https://peefans.com/forum/35-men-peeing-pictures-videos-stories/ In both cases it's down to what level of content people have chosen to contribute though.
  23. This may initially sound a little controversial, but I'd still like pee to be slightly taboo. What I mean is, if it was just a thing like sneezing or yawning, and everyone just did it everywhere - surely it would lose its magic and fascination. It'd be amazing for a few days, weeks or even a month or so - but then would be the norm. Instead I'd like to just take away the 'ewww' factor that so many people have about pee and relax attitudes to public nudity just a little bit - but not too much. That way we'd still see pee-dancing from time to time, there'd still be a knowing that a g
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