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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. If we're going to be completely correct about this then 'in public' must mean surrounded by people - rather than leaving a public place to find somewhere totally hidden. There are still a lot of variables involved in what makes the decision for most of us. For example: - On a railway station platform waiting for the last train home with lots of other people all around after their night out, and station facilities being all locked up. I'd guess you wouldn't be the only one to take partial refuge in a station doorway or beside a rubbish bin and pee openly beside all the other people.
  2. Does it actually need to be said? There's a good chance she already expects that you do. If you use any form of vibe, bullet or other toy how about leaving it out of the nightstand where your mum would see it if she went into your bedroom - which of course you would find a reason for her to do. Maybe putting your laundry away for you when she calls around.
  3. Today is another little exclusive Birthday club... The sort of club where the drinks are free and the girls and guys are VERY accomodating. Make the most of the opportunity @Raub75 & @PeeLoverFin
  4. Hi @jinx, I’d suggest you may need to check out a couple of aspects of our site rules… It sounds very much like you want members (who would in effect be strangers in all respects except usernames) to physically join you in trashing the apartment. That would require you to exchange real world information and has some risks to your safety. Peefans would strongly discourage you from following such a course of action. Also there is a set of advice around vandalism and extreme content here to follow too in terms of content acceptable for this site. https://peefans.com/topic/21944-
  5. Have an awesome day @milimetr1975 & @Jamieroo
  6. I've not seen that sort of thing in real life (unfortunately) but have watched quite a lot of the fly-on-the-wall police shows where a camera crew join UK police on patrol. There's a very common trait, which is that the very drunk lose their sense of when to walk away. So typically a very mild interaction from the police, like asking them to keep clear of an incident will result in the drunk getting aggressive and abusive, being given ample opportunity to walk away but refusing and eventually being arrested. The thing is that then takes the few available officers off the street for hour
  7. I read something earlier today on statistics, making the point that people over-estimate on demographics... can't find it now to cite it though. Anyway, it was nothing pee related. I reckon there is a fairly high proportion of ladies who will forego a toilet visit and instead hold. But not for any form of pleasure, instead because of the inconvenience of undressing, fears of dirty bathrooms, security and just the 'I'll wait until I get home' factor. Maybe 40% compared to those who would take an opportunity wee when near a bathroom. I suspect the proportion who hold for personal en
  8. Great hold and great account @LoveToHold - thanks for sharing
  9. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. Hopefully you're finding your way around, but any questions or problems please just shout up - we're a friendly and helpful bunch.
  10. @Ajr972 @Dante_Heart @PipiGirl999 - Today's your day. Happy Birthday all.
  11. Personally in a 'public' scenario like that my thought (which is by no means gospel) is that there are two aspects: There's the 'what we fantasise about doing' and there's the 'what's a reasonable course of action'. In the 'reasonable' course of action, we have to consider how others who don't share our willingness would react - whether they would freak out at our 'rational' course of action. So, walking into the ladies - if for example your wife checked the coast was clear could be perfectly viable. but on your own could lead to lots of screaming and outburst if you did it solo.
  12. I'm another of those where very much all of what I do pee-wise is in private other than being shared with you folks. For the most part that's spending time on this site getting aroused by the content posted here, looking at photos or video clips (and browsing the sites linked on from here). Then with that arousal firmly I'll let my desires take me where they lead me - unfortunately very much a solo sport other than the occasional times when my exploits coincide with friends being online.
  13. Just to state the obvious on the last two points - all site rules still apply to the content of PMs - so sending of unsolicited pictures likely to cause offence, asking for or sharing off site communication details and so on are all against our rules. In the case of a discussion on children - if that is in any way sexual, or if you feel the question is being asked from a sexual perspective - then that must be reported.
  14. And just to add… im going to be very straight to the point here @runningback because we have spent a lot of time in the past trying to support you. - You’ve responded to a thread called ‘I’m out’ - if you are asking for your account to be deleted then just write a post in the ‘how to delete your account‘ thread and Admin will do as you request. https://peefans.com/topic/22660-how-to-delete-your-account/?tab=comments#comment-320566 - You are not allowed to post about sexual experiences with others when you were under the 18. Straight, gay, bi or whatever makes no difference
  15. There is sometimes a difference between members perceptions and the actual official line. If a member makes a comment on how they feel, please don’t automatically assume that is peefans policy. In the same way, we have rules against underage sexual experiences - those are in no way related to gay experiences. So you are perfectly welcome to talk about your experiences - just don’t discuss the fact they occurred whilst you were a minor. The official prefans line - you may talk about gay / straight or whatever experiences in the appropriate section. You may not sexualise experience
  16. Happy Birthday today @CON2H4 & @sillyme - Hope you have a great day!
  17. How exactly do you reach the conclusion the site isn't ok with gay content? Let me give an analogy - if you go to a restaurant, and you're gluten intolerant, then you have a valid complaint if there's nothing on the restaurant menu that's suitable for you to eat. That restaurant is failing to cater for your needs and is excluding you. But if you go on to a beach picnic where everyone contributes their own choices to the food, then it's up to each person to bring along their own particular favourite things to eat. In that situation if there's nothing gluten free whose fault is that?
  18. I think a lot of the themes have already been covered, but in the interests of pulling it together... My perfect video is a lady who's able to talk naturally and honestly to the camera - describing how it feels, what she's experiencing without it being over acted or just her saying what she thinks we want to hear. A girl who enjoys being full to the point of not being able to sit still and potentially leaking. Then to either pee or to wet somewhere other than a toilet. Risky is fine, and naughty is fine too - noting the 'not causing loss or distress to others'. I must admit I'm no
  19. Let's hope this is going to be just as good a summer for you too.
  20. Wow - just wow. One of the most beautiful accounts I've ever read, and hot as hell at the same time. Pretty much lost for other words...
  21. You do realise that all the same site rules apply to private messages as they do to posts in this community - is it them or yourself you're trying to get banned? If I have to say again "Peefans is not the site to be celebrating causing deliberate damage or loss to individuals property or hurt." then be clear it will be you.
  22. I don't know if you read the link I just posted - if you did then "Yes I know, but" isn't really a valid argument. Just to be clear, what Admin (the site owner) said was I've added the bold in there for clarity. As I said above - Peefans is not the site to be celebrating causing deliberate damage or loss to individuals property or hurt. Certainly if a girl were to key my car that would cause me serious distress and if it were for your gratification then I would be having a very robust falling out with you. Do I need to be any clearer?
  23. The reason you haven't found much else here - and as you say, it's a hard fetish to find - and the reason this topic hadn't been updated since last year, is that we had an issue arise within the membership. The issue created quite a split and led to a number of longstanding members leaving the community. That issue was the aspects of destruction, damage and loss creeping into the pee fetish and led to Admin issuing further guidance - https://peefans.com/topic/21944-extreme-content-update/?tab=comments#comment-309947 So basically whilst this thread hasn't been removed - Peefan
  24. On the birthday front, we usually work on the basis of members who are recently active and have made contributions to the site. Hence sometimes there are none. Today isn't one of those days - but a lot of people use the first of the month to protect their identity: Happy birthday this month to: @nopjans @PeeGurl74 @tremayl @Fun Guy @DorsetP @nasty pee lover @TP!
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