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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. [Three young ladies taking care of their desperation after the party - desperation and wetting - in line with site rules] Finally the number sixteen bus pulled to a halt in a squeal of brakes, and with a pneumatic hiss its doors slowly opened and three girls hopped down onto the pavement. There was no mistaking where they'd just been, their clothing and appearance gave it away instantly. Hair tied up neatly in bunches, tight white blouses tucked neatly into their school regulation pleated grey skirts. At least they would be regulation if they weren't turned up to allow so mu
  2. On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
  3. You can stare as much as you want if you ever find yourself next to me - the only problem is knowing that it's me...
  4. How many of us, when putting fuel in the car try to stop the pump on a round number price - for example £20, £30, £40 and zero pence - or equivalent in those countries using cents or any other currency. Even though at current prices, that extra penny is maybe a teaspoon or less of fuel, but instead if we miss our target we go around put in an extra pound or ten ? (I know some pumps let you pre-select the amount, but they're not that common in the UK - so instead we play pump blackjack) (I also know I'm not the only one to do this - although usually in my wife's car who only want
  5. I tend to think there are two factors here - both of which play beautifully into our game. Whether or not these ladies care. Firstly is the actor's desire to be relevant, to self-market themselves as a name in your mind that stays with you - subconsciously reminding you to watch her movie, make it a smash, get her nominated for whatever award and get cast in bigger and better. So going on TV and talking about hours in makeup and costume, or about the food in the film set trailers, or how good the co-stars were... Would anyone remember her name for those things? Secondly and most
  6. Whatever was happening nine months before today... Easter.... Spring Break.... Spring Equinox...? It was a busy time in the making love department obviously. Takes a deep breath, and it's a "Happy Birthday to...." @Metalcrue @smith456 @Haley @James price piss @antlers @wluP4me @fukjdm39 @Thatoneguy
  7. Amazing how a single sensory stimulous can trigger such memories, and somehow music seems the very strongest of them - a single line of a song taking us right back to a place, a time or an experience. Absolutely amazing and wonderful.
  8. Welcome to the forum @ltxsports - Hope you find lots of interesting pee content to browse. Please note though that we're not a personal 'meet up' site, but purely an online community of people with a common interest. Hope you enjoy finding your way around and do ask us if you have any questions.
  9. This post is going to come with a bit of a health warning - a few sombre notes in my answer, and a bit more direct honesty than is normally my thing. 1. Do you feel, act, and look your age? Can people guess your age? Looking and acting my age, I hope I come across as younger than I am. I've got plenty of grey and a definite 'thin' patch on top, but I don't tend to shy away from things normally because I think I'm too old. A few weeks ago at a conference I was getting drunk in the evening with a bunch of younger people than me, the topic of 'how old do each of us think the other one
  10. No issues at all with this post, after all Peefans is all about building up friendships and often there's far more to ourselves than just a single kink - so love it when people can come together and help each other out. In the interests of not creating a precedent though, I'd suggest that the conversational Spanish be kept in messages and that way we stick to the site principle of all posts being in English. As long as you're happy @Paige18 to receive messages from the people for that purpose, after a curtesy introduction here. (As I say - don't want to be grinch-like and love that
  11. Love it @Sophie - You have the coolest geeky projects. I may be grovelling enormously ahead of our European roadtrip next summer - just two caravans and a camper so not like a bulk order.
  12. Happy Birthdays to you all: @taake @Mangold159 @pissmeup
  13. You @Bacardi telling us the detail of beating your record, and all us guys beating our …..
  14. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. Do shout up with any questions as you find your way around.
  15. I have thought similar and have expressed the same to a bisexual friend here in the past.
  16. Huge Happy, Happy, Happy (Have-a-Pee) Birthday wishes to @wilbur
  17. You're all beating me by a good 20-30 seconds - great efforts. Full kudos to you and your bladders.
  18. I don't want to stray further from the original topic - but just to pick up on a couple of points there... I'm not going to disagree that most of us want Peefans to be fun, encouraging and welcoming for all. The responsibility doesn't just lie with Admin though - or more accurately Staff which comprises Admin and moderators. Reviewing every post 24/7 would be a near impossible task. I only spotted the comments in question after the event as I was enjoying browsing the topic myself, and did take appropriate action by removing them. But EVERYONE can play their part and help in that
  19. It's not like you peed in his favourite glass, emptied it out and then he drank his beer from it without knowing what had gone before is it? Like others have said, a few drops of wee along with water from the shower - there's only you would know. I guess you could have said 'sorry, I should have put that towel in the laundry, I used it when I showered - but hey, we've shared enough DNA anyway, what's a little bit more...' and if he questioned what you meant, you can comment on drying your lady parts - he doesn't need to know why they were wet.
  20. < Public service announcement - I'll admit to being naive enough to have to look it up: Clothed Female Naked Male. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=CFNM >
  21. ^^^ ...and even if you don't need to piss, you find yourself looking down every alleyway and side street wondering where would be a good place - and wondering when was the last time someone made that their toilet.
  22. Indeed @jeffpicard totally agreed, and I've just removed the political comment and the thread of discussion that followed it. This thread is indeed intended to celebrate the more mature ladies pee activities. There is no need to draw in politics or discussion about young males shyness. Both are off topic and out of scope here. Rule 16. Please keep your posts politics free. This is meant to be a fun light-hearted community, and is not meant for debates about extremely serious or controversial issues.
  23. Today's another day, another set of candles to light. Have a great one @No Toilet and @Kingfisher28
  24. Happy Birthday to you - hoping you're in the right time zone.... I'm a bit late in the day (sorry!) @pisslover94 @wetguy321
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