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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Just another 'angle' on it... The original question was from a porn movie someone had seen. Now I know, if I was on a porn set there's a pretty good chance I'd have a raging hard on and if I could pee, would be aiming more for the ceiling than the beautiful target before me. The solution would be to hold myself to point more downwards. Now conventionally when I pee I use my fingers underneath to raise my penis up to the required forwards angle - so does it make sense to use four forefingers to regulate any erection downwards, rather than a single thumb pressing down. The ureth
  2. I don't know if it's exactly the same usage - the Scottish usage that gave me the nostalgic memory of when I used to travel regularly up there on business, and my counterparts would use the term to describe the town they grew up in, where they own a home, raise their families and may ultimately see out there days. It instilled some sense of free spirit, a sense of understanding that none of us are true masters of our own destiny - we we are is where we stay at the present, maybe tomorrow too - but who knows. (No need to reply further - let's keep this thread on @Chrissy89's track)
  3. [For info - for those asking questions of Dr. Jerry - their profile shows they haven't revisited the site since the day they joined and posted this, a year ago. Still a great topic to keep alive though]
  4. Ciao @Gino and a huge welcome to Peefans. Hope you are finding your way around and enjoying what you find. I know there's always a little thrill to know that other members also live not too far away, but in reality we celebrate the fact that we become friends with people all around the world. And no matter whether it is guys, or girls - there is always plenty of ladies' content here to enjoy. So - like I said, enjoy this purely virtual community.
  5. Spectacular- huge thanks for your dedication to the awards @Sophie Even more thanks for posting for our appreciation. That’s me having to stay seated for the next 10 minutes and thinking unsexy thoughts. After I’ve reread once more…
  6. Saying 'correct' implies that everything else in incorrect and I'd strongly dispute that. I'm all in favour of our nations having their own identities, dialects and grammar - although don't get me started on 'US English'
  7. No - thank you and thanks @Sophie for keeping it alive too. What a great team!
  8. I absolutely love that uniquely Scottish expression 'where I stay...' - it conjures up such a sense of adventure. This is the roof over my head just now, but who knows what exciting adventures tomorrow, next month or next year may bring.
  9. Two from me - Outside of your time as a Mum and a professional, do you have any specific hobbies that you'd like to tell us about - or any that you previously enjoyed and you'd like to get back to if time allowed? As someone who's left their home to make a career in the city, are you 'at home' there or would you jump at the chance to return to your roots?
  10. The end of an era.... The idea to post a little tribute to active members celebrating birthdays actually started in mid August '21, so has now been running just over a year. I didn't want to stop it in August so it seemed fitting to carry it on until the end of 2022 and here we are. So today - for the final time - we celebrate some of our active member's birthdays: @Wetseat @AlexWolf20 @eyespypee @jursi204 AND FOR EVERYONE ELSE A WONDERFUL HAPPY NEW YEAR - MAY IT BE A SPECTACULAR ONE
  11. Love it @Gotah and it's a pretty good benchmark for AI. I guess the Turing Test now needs some redefining. Perhaps that the AI needs to introduce a load of grammatical errors, implausible scenarios and get the past and present tenses mixed up.
  12. From the same stable - one of those follow on links. A song I haven't heard for years...
  13. Absolutely @Mitch11 - we're talking on exactly the same lines, and your question was indeed (as far as I'm aware) a question which hasn't been answered before. A very interesting question, and one worthy of discussion. As you've said above the 'is it pee or not' is a different debate, and the reason I got involved was because of a comment which was steering off on that tangent. But the original question is well worth pursuing.
  14. CONGRATULATIONS @LovesToWet - That's Awesome News
  15. @Mitch11 - I've had exactly that situation happen to me a long time ago. I was at college, and a young lady maybe five or six years older than me had for some reason decided to educate me on the ways of manhood. We were in bed in the middle of the day, I had a couple of fingers inside her and was gently circling her clitoris with my thumb. I could tell when my fingers were in the right place, right up to the point she said 'that feels amazing, but if you don't stop right now I'm going to wet the bed'. Back then I hadn't realised my kink in the way I have now, and in fact that may
  16. There's lots of discussion already here around Squirting / Female Ejaculation - and as a starting point perhaps the thread: https://peefans.com/topic/20353-female-ejaculation/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-277245 But I don't believe that's the question here. If I've understood correctly, what's being asked about is: When someone is manipulating the G-spot, and instead of an amazing orgasm, it makes the lady feel the desperate need to pee - and hence she loses interest in sex to instead get up and go for a pee.
  17. There's no problem at all writing about historic experiences whilst underage - the issue comes where underage experiences are written in a way which implies sexual thoughts or activities in relation to underage subjects. So describing that you were fascinated by someone peeing is fine, even where that is a family member. Saying that a current sexual connection with pee stems from an innocent childhood pee experience is also ok.
  18. We're getting very close to the end of 2022, where this Birthday thread will be allowed to rest in peace - it's been running for the whole of '22 and a bit longer, so anything more will just be duplication. You know the criteria by now - members who've been active contributors to the site and are still regular users. Today that means we shout a very Happy Birthday to: @supersnogger @Mysterious Brunette
  19. One that a lot of people use is Erome - but maybe not so discrete. Also Redgifs which has a fairly innocent sounding name.
  20. It's not so much size of the video - Peefans can't directly host any video (apart from GIF clips) - so instead we recommend people need to host any videos on another site somewhere and can then link them here. Great to have you on board !
  21. Indeed the best thing about this whole site is the lack of judgement. Question is ‘in a public toilet with a messy seat, would you pee on the floor?’ and an answer of ‘yes’ is a perfect response. People are entitled to have a different preference and they’re also entitled to walk on by.
  22. I've posted before about the event that I think probably started my interest - from that time of being five years old where some memories stick, but a lot are completely lost. You know, the family holiday moments, particular Christmas gifts, particular moments in infant school. In my case the girl I somehow walked out on the first day at school arm in arm with. I think that was probably more of her doing than mine. But it sort of formed a trend, me playing at her house after school at various times. On one of those we were playing and she left the room. I went off to see where she
  23. I think it's kind of an unwritten rule (or maybe it is written somewhere) - if the bathroom is already a mess, with wet seat or wet floor and it needs cleaning, then there's absolutely no reason to have any qualms about adding 'emphasis' to the situation. No discouragement from me where the bathroom's already messy.
  24. Lovely moment @Chrissy89 - Thanks for sharing with us. If you're anything like me, I'm always in fear of showing 'too much' interest in these sorts of moments where people have an open innocent outlook on peeing. Sadly the moments where young ladies invite me into a bathroom with them are limited (can't understand why) but just in general such moments hopefully indicate that pee is less of a taboo thing to be hidden away and never discussed. And that can only be a good thing. Right?
  25. When you signed out of chat earlier to go and meet Katherine, I 'almost' suggested a little challenge - maybe provoke a conversation on pee desperation, or prompt a comment. Something along those lines. I decided not to be so predictable and one-track-minded and didn't mention anything. You trumped anything I could have requested though. Huge thanks for sharing with us - you lucky girl.
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