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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Lovely @Sophie - is that Charlotte? She of the blue dress and spotty pants wetting in a park?
  2. You're too kind @Kupar. I think in my case it's a mix of writing for myself, and also knowing that a few people will enjoy it. But it is literally a few, and there's no narcissist tendency in there for their adoration. I've ticked all three options on question 2 which is perhaps a little exaggeration. Most of the fiction I've written is based on anecdotes, sightings or just imagination. I have maybe an unusual way of writing, which is that a scenario will develop in my mind and I'll allow it to tick over and grow into something plausible. It has to be realistic, down to the in
  3. Happy Birthday Wishes to @Mr. Whizz & @Chris50p
  4. Hi @Riley - good to have you back. If you’re really dehydrated, take care downing too much water too quickly. You might just have to play the long game instead. Whilst you wait maybe a walk around the block or a few chores - especially if it’s chilly there at the moment?
  5. Please no long complex medical explanations…. It’s a subject that’s been wrung dry already 🤣🤣
  6. Loved it - welcome back, and absolutely nothing wrong with your writing. To answer your question about writing more - that's a huge 'Yes please' from me. Thanks and great to see you again.
  7. Friends of yours @Sophie? Mind if a couple of us join you? Actually that'd be a little inappropriate. Have your mums got anything planned this evening?
  8. Not sure whether to celebrate with you or be ugly levels of jealous.
  9. Hi Sam - and a huge welcome to Peefans. You are definitely not alone in your thinking, and definitely in the right place. Loved reading your profile. Do shout up with any questions as you find your way around, we're here to help!
  10. It could be argued some of these could be other categories - Nudes for example - But I figured it was ok to keep your Advent Calendar all in one place ?
  11. I'm probably the least qualified person to give advice - my usual go-to response is that 'when it happens it just happens', and that's not quite the question here. Part of the problem I guess is that we all carry different levels of baggage. Bad feelings, memories and fears based on previous experiences. For us remotely it's difficult to know what your friend is into and what level of interaction is typical for you, and for you as well it's difficult to interpret whether they'd be open to moving things forward in the direction you hope for. If the answer to that were a no, it's defin
  12. Hi and a huge welcome - hope you enjoy finding your way around and do shout up with any questions. 😉
  13. Here's one spotted today as a sponsored link on my Facebook. https://www.lancs.live/news/uk-world-news/single-mum-bullied-teenager-wetting-25757734 Although it's a fairly long review on the Lancs Live site, it seems the lady may be from a different part of the UK. To be fair, the Facebook article's gained the usual trollish keyboard-warrior comments, but also a fair chunk of semi-supportive comments too.
  14. Wish we could see their faces properly - especially the first one ^^^
  15. (Can you spot a pattern forming...?)
  16. @herskydusteyes Happy Birthday greetings to YOU !!!
  17. It's quite common @Miles93 to use a clip from the internet to illustrate a story, and no harm in it when it's done like @steve25805 has here. It emphasises the text we're reading and weaves in nicely.
  18. Huge happy Birthday greetings to: @tatstatsort @sunitha @Darren
  19. Wonderful memories and all credit for you not scaring the two ladies by being too obvious about the kink. A gentleman! Thanks for sharing!
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