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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. @Admin - when you see this, a couple of times (3-4 so far) over the last couple of days, the site has logged me out unexpectedly. Either I've been browsing and on loading a page have spotted the adverts, or a couple of times I've been writing a post or comment, got to the point of 'submit' and got the message 'you can post this and then register'. In all cases it's seemed that I've been logged out and the simple action of logging in has let me carry on as normal. It's not a big inconvenience, but not something I've seen before.
  2. An update to https://peefans.com/topic/26124-dear-blog/?do=findComment&comment=366447 and one more, new and original story... https://peefans.com/topic/27700-twin-perspectives/?tab=comments#comment-376929
  3. [Desperation and wetting from two perspectives] Su: Right now I wish I was an only child. Being half of a twin really sucks, especially when she's the favourite. Course, our parents only see her as sweetness and light, not the manipulative cow she is. Fiona: Why does my sister hate me so much? Oh yes, because I can outsmart and humiliate her every time, and usually come up smelling of roses. It's such fun. I think I've excelled myself this time. Su: Take yesterday as an example. If darling princess Fiona had a little accident she'd have mom running round
  4. Unfortunately @radu don't get too excited... These images are in widespread use across the internet - our ethos of trust and honesty leads us to assume that people are using their own images. In this case many, many sites across the web are using this user's pictures. Or vice versa.
  5. i know this is the General Chat section, so apologies for the Pee content. I may be late to the party here, I may have the programmers and coders amongst us rolling their eyes - but I've just discovered how to download ThisVid and Eroprofile content absolutely free and without needing any plugins or dubious apps. In case you're wondering... It's via Google Chrome. - Find the clip you want on ThisVid or Eroprofile and get to the stage where the clip is playing, after any trailer clips have finished. - Click on the three dots on the top right (inside the 'update' but
  6. A huge welcome to the community of friends that is Peefans... Now I'm curious - which one of you is which in your awesome profile pic ?
  7. I'm not a medical expert, but my understanding is that the ultrasound works by sensor creating very high frequency vibrations which travel from the probe through the body's tissue, reflecting back as they hit different parts of the body. Those vibrations don't travel too well through free air space, so the technician puts the gel on the skin to create a better conduction path. And in the same way having a full bladder will help full form a good path for the vibrations to travel through until they reach tissue and bone to reflect them back, as well as taking up free space in the abdomen
  8. I've really enjoyed reading about your activities there in the holiday home - so no complaints at all. I guess the two sides to the question... - There's nothing wrong with continuing here. It's a thread that people enjoy because it is in real time - there's quite a thrill when we see a very recent post and we know somewhere in the world right now this amazing thing is happening. And there's no limit or concern about how much gets posted. - Of course in time other posts will push your experience down and out of view, because this thread is quite active (hopefully). So wha
  9. Just so that we don't end up with prolonged moral discussions, I've posted this earlier on the very similar thread:
  10. For the benefit of new users including @none 01, it's probably worth a quick summary of our Peefans site position on this type of peeing. First thing to say is I'm not opening a can of worms here. The term piss vandalism gets people very worked up, with lots of different and strong opinions. For that reason it's a topic which Admin and staff have discussed at length and have a firm policy about. That policy isn't being reopened for challenge. Peefans very much supports 'naughty peeing' - the rush and excitement we get from breaking society's conventions around peeing. That can al
  11. 13:27 > Hi all. Amy's Blog here again. Exciting news flash. 13:27 > Day started like normal. Boring. Work. Yawn. 13:28 > Call from my cousin Tilly. She's only taking me to VampRock in the park. Hottest band doing an open air gig. Tonight. 14:43 > WTF is this afternoon going so slow. Want to be out of here to get my goth on. Outfit to choose, makeup to do. 15:20 > Oh FFS - team meeting at 4pm. Don't they know I've got places to be. 17:10 > Hello car. hello fun. Hello traffic. So tiny change of plan. Picking Tilly up. Wil
  12. Time after time, we see people having that amazing moment of realising we're not all alone in this world of pee. But actually there's an incredible world wide family of us all. Like any family we all have our individual likes and dislikes, but we understand each other and keep an eye out for each other. Loved reading your intro @zoe468 and welcome into this community. Enjoy browsing around and shout up with any questions.
  13. I have a confession, that I don't spend as much time as I should within the Men Peeing section. It's not my primary attraction really. But tempted in by the comments, I've just glanced at your black & white image and then watched the video behind it - and love it. Great lighting and setting (as a fellow photographer I shouldn't be surprised), and great story telling in that wonderful build up of your desperation through into release and then arousal. And now I'm actually really turned on by it. So, full kudos to you - it works on every level, hope you get suitably widesp
  14. On behalf of @Scot_Lover & @Sophie I'd like to say a huge thank you for such praise. To be honest it's a great place to moderate - the framework of rules makes it easy to draw lines as to what is acceptable and what should be moderated. The culture is of course one of respect, tolerance and love and pretty much self-polices itself. And best of all is the incredibly sexy content which keeps drawing us back. Long may that all continue. But THANK YOU from all of us.
  15. When I read the title I was worrying a little that something had happened inside Peefans (which we WOULD have gladly dealt with). But instead something much more important - YOU. We are all here for you. Any time you or anyone else finds themselves feeling alone, down or lonely, the Peefans family are here. Let's face it, we all have a pretty unique bond and it's a common theme that there's not many in the real world that share. We're all here for you. And thank you for being brave enough to discuss it.
  16. Moderator's Note: For info - three separate posts on very similar topics have been merged. @hold_on & @Chr1908 - Your content is now here. The thread is in date order.
  17. The person above me and Rachel Riley have never been seen in the same room at the same time together. (But if you were a celeb, wouldn't you go under a pseudonym too).
  18. I think that’s an accurate summary there @Alfresco - thanks for that.
  19. Hi and a huge welcome to Peefans. We’re a worldwide online community, look forward to getting to know you a little more. Just shout up with any questions- we’re here to help.
  20. Think you’re on a par with my wife there @Bacardi - she’s the same. She’ll use bathrooms in a shopping centre or similar but not every time. Mostly it’s just ‘it’s ok, I can wait’. And she doesn’t restrict her intake of liquids either particularly.
  21. Am I allowed a whole playlist? Or at least a couple… https://youtu.be/JcbdxwEs0gE https://youtu.be/SJUhlRoBL8M https://youtu.be/QeyvpzWYJh4 And only links, so no spoilers.
  22. It's been a very good and productive day... Although not much pee produced - I think I need to drink a lot more. Doesn't help I made a thermal cup full of my favourite coffee this morning and then left the thing on the kitchen worktop as I left the house. I had a nice outdoor pee when I arrived at the field, about 8am and then next time was probably on the late side of lunchtime. Then around 5pm I went back to the caravan, stripped off my sweaty working t shirt and jeans and enjoyed feeling cooler air over my body. That gave me the sudden urge to pee - which I did after putting c
  23. I've peed into a jug or similar a few times whilst on work phone calls. Also checked into a hotel once, leaking more than ideal whilst standing at the check in desk... Should have used the car park first lol.
  24. Do you find yourself in life getting into a bit of a boring rut with work, and instead counting down the weeks and days to the next bit of 'variety'. I love my day job, but also love the other stuff too. The other stuff at this immediate moment is a large country fair / vintage vehicle show I'm involved with. It takes place very soon and so this weekend just passed we've had a working weekend of preparations. There's a committee of maybe 30 people all with different roles and specialist areas, and this weekend there have been maybe half of them about. Marking out the site, paint
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