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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Just a random thought that popped into my head - so I’ll ask you… If you were able to travel to any place in the world to partake in some sort of pee activity or pee sex (your choice) - where and what ?
  2. Unfortunately most likely yes - we recently had a pretty active member request all their posts deleted which resulted in every thread they created being removed. It’s why we suggest members just sign out when they wish to leave. In this instance they had an ‘identity reveal’ concern so we supported their request. Of course, anyone else is very welcome to start a new replacement post.
  3. It's very rare I post here, but thought I'd share today's urinal experiences... By way of background, I'm currently at a European Formula 1 motor race - Spa in Belgium to be precise. Today was the first day on the circuit and a chance to explore. First amusing experience was walking past one of the toilet blocks with one of the ladies in our group. Blocks which are essentially metal containers, with a row of doors on one side to sit down toilets. On the opposite side is a full length trough urinal, completely open to view of anyone walking past. And on the end, a handwash station.
  4. Hi and a huge welcome to this world wide family. Great to have you here, do shout up with any questions as you find your way around.
  5. A huge welcome to the site - glad you found us. I completely understand what you mean. Don't be fooled into thinking though that every single person in the west is into open peeing and pee fun. Perhaps people may be more relaxed when alcohol reduces inhibitions and fills their bladders. But in terms of meeting people accepting of our kink, it can still feel very much like we are from a different planet. So welcome to 'our' planet, full of people from all over who share exactly the same interests and passions.
  6. I was imagining catching a hotel lift with them (and Patrick) stumbling in at the end of a night out, heading back up to their rooms - almost ignoring my presence as they loudly compare how close their tipsy bladders are to giving in and each of them wetting themselves... again.
  7. I was thinking about this a little bit last night… When we say ‘celebs’ we automatically think of the hyper stars who are most likely completely out of reach of us mortals. Surrounded by ‘their people’ and with unattainable levels of grooming, fashion sense etc. But actually I find myself more drawn to the low key celebs - yesterday watching the F1 with Sky Sports’ guest presented Danica Patrick for example, or the sort of documentaries presented by real next door neighbour types (Sidi Holloway is my current crush). I can relate much more to these sort of people - folks who h
  8. Guess it could be that your internet provider has put those particular sites on a block list, or maybe even a national government restriction. If so there may not be much logic as to why those sites and not the thousands of other NSFW sites too. Odd things do happen - my mobile (on UK Vodafone network and Chrome browser incognito) recently doesn't show Peefans in any search results, but will show references on other porn sites to it. And if I search 'images' it will show pictures from the site - fortunately. And that is the same whether I'm on a wifi network or mobile data, so presuma
  9. That gave a huge feeling of deja vu - I checked the date a couple of times, plus definitely a different lady than the previous news report - which was a Polish flight maybe(?) Edit - Yes... In fact the very first post in this thread although the link doesn't work any more. A lady whizzing on a 'Whizz Air' flight which was destined for Poland and now a spirited lady peeing in nearly the same circumstances too.
  10. Hi and a huge welcome to the site - great to have you on board.
  11. Hi and a huge welcome to the site. Do shout up with any questions as you browse around. In response to your profile statement, I should mention that we're not a hook up site, but are in fact just a community of friends. I don't mean that to be critical, but to manage your expectations. We have members all over the world, unfortunately not an equal mix of ladies and gentlemen. Many in committed relationships, but all of us share that common interest in pee. As I say, enjoy browsing around and enjoy getting to know people in this virtual only world.
  12. When you have a friend like that, who doesn't know about our kink, and they talk about needing the toilet - obviously to them it's just like saying they're hungry or thirsty. I often worry that if I ask too much detail about their need to pee they're going to think I'm weird. But certainly as a friend - they've given you the information that they need to pee. There is nothing wrong with asking later "did you manage to find a toilet at the station, or did you have to hold all the way home?" and "thank goodness you made it, it must have been an amazing relief to let all that pee out
  13. If these are reposts, it's been a while. Forgiven...?
  14. I know a lot of what you've mentioned all relates to floor peeing in various rooms - and that's absolutely fine, we all have our own preferences. But a 24 hour or even full time-alone challenge is also a great idea, with plenty of hydration and making things as varied as you can imagine. As well as any floors, use your imagination to pee in places you normally wouldn't. Sinks, containers, maybe back yard, in the washing machine / dishwasher could all be options. Onto laundry (whether you're wearing it at the time is your choice). The key is when the folks get home that everything
  15. Cheers @DXR - that makes it perfectly clear, and I was right - what an amazing mental picture. Definitely go for it Abby !
  16. Seems apt... on this day in 1969 Apollo 11 touched down and made history.
  17. Is that a baton in your belt, or are you just pleased to see me...? 😂 😂
  18. I don't know if this has been seen or posted on the site before... I don't know if Volkswagen has a big market sector in China, and I don't really understand the advert. But I'm sold on it... https://www.adsoftheworld.com/campaigns/pee-in-the-pants-girl
  19. You may be wondering what happened to all the funny stuff that was in this thread... Every now and then even the dirtiest of sites needs to do a bit of cleaning and tidying up - and instead this is the shiny fresh new funny stuff page. Sorry if you're missing any particular funnies that were here before - but hey, a whole new blank canvas.
  20. There really is nothing more sexy than a girl next door look. In my humble opinion anyway.
  21. Sometimes in nature things that come in pairs are awesome.... breasts, legs, bum cheeks, testicles. Lesbian (or gay) porn, double yolk fried eggs, a threesome with twins and the proverbial dog-with-two-dicks. But there are times when being able to find content in a single thread is better - twice the fun, half the time browsing to find it. A double win ?
  22. As a non-sporty Brit, I have no idea what that means - I have a guess and it conjures up an amazing picture. Go for it - give it your best shot.
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