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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Buon Giorno @Ma. Uro62 - That is most of the Italian I can speak, like most of your other new friends here. If you are able to speak (or use Google translate) to post in English it will be much better understood. Ciao ciao
  2. If you were a random stranger out of the blue @steve25805 then that could be sleazy or pervy - but where there's mutual respect and trust (like I know there is between you) then no, not sleazy at all. I'm saying that to justify my own thought processes too of course,
  3. Great diary - thanks for sharing - and glad it went well!
  4. I can totally relate to the, we probably all can - apart from the total overconfident exhibitionists. And the total introverts probably wouldn't be there anyway.
  5. Am I over simplifying when I say that everyone has a choice to pee at that trough, or not. If I was walking through a park and considering whether to piss on a tree, and a well endowed girl walked up then I would change my plans - I wouldn't want to embarrass her, and wouldn't want to get arrested for exposure either. But if I'm in the gents and she appears next to me, then she has chosen to enter the room and put herself in that situation - her choice and her placement. She has accepted it's the male toilets and therefore males will also be using that trough. I believe I can proceed wi
  6. Thank you so much @Specter - really kind of you to say so. My day job does involve writing technical documents, summarising evidence and justifications etc, so I guess that's an element. I have written a few fictional stories on here although nothing too recent. You'd probably enjoy them - here's the two most recent, there are more but might take a bit of a search.
  7. Just posted an account of mine in the Men's section:
  8. Here's a bit of an account of something that happened over the weekend - maybe not too exciting, but hope you like it. Over the weekend I had my car in for a service in our local city - only about 8 miles from home and since it was a nice day I decided to cycle home, then back to collect it later. We live in a village and there's great cycling roads that let me make the journey more interesting. Whilst I was at home waiting, I'd had coffee and then a can of coke with my lunch. My bladder was just starting to show the signs of being full and I started browsing online here. It turned
  9. Welcome to the community!
  10. I do love the phrase 'happy ending' - so subtle and innocent, yet so naughty and powerful.
  11. And on a Mac.... for us strange people.... its Control + Command (⌘) + Space I just had to Google that. Something new learned every day.
  12. That clarifies a bit! I guess geographically around the world there will be areas that match the location categories more than others - in the UK for example I live in a village, but I guess it roughly falls into the small town as the nearest description. I know a lot of people in the village - it's the sort of place where many generations all live here, growing up together. I'm a 'blow in' so to some I'll never be accepted (even though it's now 20 years) but my best mate drinking buddy is a full on local so I know a lot of people through him. I've never seen anyone I know peeing in th
  13. When the keyboard on your ageing laptop fails, well actually only one key stops working.... I need a ‘p’
  14. You have our every encouragement to do so.... and not wholly sure it has to be a post CoVID thing, it sounds like something you could do already. It's just a case of finding a spot and the right moment. Then once you've done it once I guess it'll be something you do more and more.
  15. Welcome to a great community - come in, make yourself at home and mingle away.
  16. Welcome to a great, friendly community. Just take it as you feel comfortable, but look forward to hearing more from you.
  17. It's an interesting view @MasterDarcy - and I'm not dismissing it by any means. It does read however that because of our ancestry, our genetic traits or perhaps previous generations' practises, that men behaving like knuckle dragging troglodytes is to be expected and accepted that it represents the majority of men. The same argument could be applied, because our ancestors had no sanitation and huge rates of infant mortality should we not seek to better ourselves? Surely the thing that separates humankind from the animals is our ability to develop and better ourselves, to become civilise
  18. Here in the UK I'm sure there are still a good number of trough urinals across pubs and clubs. Often stainless steel and wall mounted so the gutter is at mid thigh level, and some antique porcelain ones which have a gutter set into the floor and then porcelain back up to sort of chest height. Some of these porcelain ones are cast in sections so they naturally have a space for each person, but without a full divider between each. Obviously there is a balance to be had in that, as has been said, it's easier to accommodate more people at a trough, but conversely the individual urinals I beli
  19. Must admit I read the title and thought this was going to be one of those over imaginative fantasies written with the finesse of a Beavis & Butthead script, How wrong could I be - amazing, it's moments like that we live for and great to share - brilliantly written. Would definitely like to read the follow ons - especially if the sister has any role in them.
  20. I'm going to be totally honest here, on my hidden hard drive I'll confess I have many, many pictures of girls peeing, holding, looking desperate or wetting. A small number very much bare more than a passing resemblance to real life people I happen to know. Perhaps one step too far? Looking at a two dimensional photo of a girl mid flow and thinking about the real life person in that scenario? If so then judge me.... none of us are totally innocent though are we.
  21. I agree with @thlopp - nothing wrong with the less outlandish (and also nothing wrong with the outlandish too). If you’d written “This morning I got up. My husband wee’d and so did I. The end”. Now that would be mundane, but instead you’ve brought us right into the bathroom with you both. We saw what you saw, we know how you felt. Nothing in the slightest mundane in my opinion.
  22. If anyone says they want less, send then round for me to have words.... love reading these sort of accounts, no matter how everyday, still wonderful.
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