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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Great find... I wonder if it's been fully thought out - I mean, imagine the queue out of the door because the match has gone to penalties and a bunch of guys have finished peeing but are still standing there transfixed waiting for the outcome? Could be good too for virtual golden showers... play a bit of porn through the TV and away you go guys... 👩‍🦰 💦
  2. @Peeman63 - Sometimes people only visit the site every day or two, or maybe less often. That's probably why there was no reply, so no need to repost the question 24 hours later. Also - as we have talked about previously, different countries have different attitudes. So French girls may be less likely or more likely than Russian, German, British, American or wherever. Also perhaps different districts in a city will be different. I would guess that whilst all the bars and restaurants are open people will be going from one venue to another, and if they need to pee would generally try
  3. Hi and a huge welcome - glad you're feeling at home.
  4. We have the slightly strange situation of the main bathroom being downstairs despite the three bedrooms being upstairs. But there is a small bathroom upstairs - literally a toilet and the tiniest sink. From the outset my wife declared it as 'your toilet'... she always uses the bathroom downstairs, my son and I use either. Essentially the toilet upstairs is old fashioned and dated, the porcelain stained by limescale which won't clean off. The other problem with the upstairs bathroom is the toilet seat which will not stay up unless you stand to the side, propping it open with your knee.
  5. Hi and a huge welcome to a great and friendly community. Any questions or anything you need to know just shout up, otherwise have fun getting stuck in.
  6. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. I'm going to 'fess up, I've just had to Google it. There are large parts of Canada I'd never heard of until fellow members named them as their homes. For interest there are a couple of threads which may help you see where any near neighbours are from. Firstly there's the SITE MEMBERS MAP which automatically shows the locations entered into members' profile pages. It doesn't reflect those that are active or long since inactive, and it reflects the way it's entered into the profile - either a generic 'Canada' or something more specific for ex
  7. Hi and a huge welcome - sounds like you're in exactly the right place. The quickest and easiest way to get to know your way around is to browse, and feel free to join in discussions across the topics. Enjoy!
  8. Hi Dave and a big welcome to the site - a community of all ages, genders, preferences and marital statuses, all united by a common interest. Why have I phrased it like that, well because we're not the sort of place with ladies lined up to hook up with you, or me. We're not the dating site or hook up site that would be placed to fulfil your desires for face to face contact. You are in exactly the right place though to make friendships with all sorts of people - let's concentrate on that positive and as I said, a huge welcome in.
  9. I saw a quick fact somewhere online that NASA teach International Space Station astronauts to pee separately when they take a dump so the urine can be collected and recycled separately from the solid matter. I think I may make the perfect astronaut - it seems quite easy to sit on the toilet, let out all my pee and then release the other matter - is it not that easy? For what it's worth I've never felt the need to separate the two activities.
  10. You may - but I don't want to darken your mood. Bruce Springsteen. Now, have a hug and lets think about something more positive for you...
  11. Some amazing songs there - and know exactly what you mean. Interestingly there's one song on your list that has some amazing positive memories for me - maybe that's a bit of yin and yang going on. Now all I have to do is try and remember to keep a watch out for any of them being posted (and remember not to post the one myself).
  12. Feeling really sad on your behalf. Of course you’ve got the best possible pick me up in Mark - but if we every note you mentioning them, rest assured there’ll be a whole load of hugs being flung your way. 😇😉
  13. Those comments bring a whole lot more excitement to "They think it's all over, it is now!"
  14. Like everyone else has said in one way or another... If someone chooses to pee in a public space - in the street, between parked cars, in an alleyway - that is in public and they take the risk they may be seen, or caught on camera. If someone is behind a closed door in a toilet, changing room or other private place then they expect privacy. Breaching that privacy is a criminal offence in many countries.
  15. Maybe if your team score you get to pee openly, if the other team score you have to wet a little? Or if they score you have to drink a glass of water, if you score you can release? I guess there's lots of ways to enjoy the beautiful game.
  16. Apologies to anyone without Gold access - but just to redress the shower balance, here's something a little more genuine. (And apologies to anyone rightly offended by hidden camera material)
  17. Agree totally with the last few of those. People who know me well will know I'm a bit 'sensitive' when it comes to how we label people, and one of the things that niggles me is the juvenile way some of the site hosts feel it necessary to label clips, like the worst case of sensationalist branding. I was triggered earlier today, seeing someone had posted a link containing the beautifully sexy TamTam - a video obviously ripped to a third party site who felt it necessary to label it as a 'mature mom' or something close. I've picked up before now on videos labelling the subjects as 'slu
  18. To echo what's just been said @Colormerose - not silly at all. Online here we can be brave as anything, nobody really knows us properly, our insecurities can remain hidden. The fear of being laughed at, the fear of an adverse reaction. In your case, if I may be so bold I have three suggestions which may or may not help... Firstly is to really enjoy the mental pictures going through your mind, even if the words and the request never make it out - what I mean is, when you're doing what adults do together let your mind play over what you'd like to do, allow it into your thoughts, play
  19. Hi and a huge welcome to the site. Shy isn't always a bad thing - it's quite an effective self-preservation tactic for one. That said, you can feel comfortable here, it's a safe and very respectful place where close friendships can be made but privacy is also valued. Hopefully you'll feel very quickly at home - if there is anything (or anyone) bothers you do please let us know. We're here to help.
  20. Hi and a big welcome. Very wise thinking on the not wanting to ‘barge in’ - to be honest ‘peefans’ can mean a lot of different things - and it doesn’t mean sexual relationships to a lot of people. We have a lot of members for whom it does, but also an awful lot of people in happy committed relationships. Happy to chat in the open forums, happy to be friends but with a line. It’s also worth (and forgive the patronising bit) noting that our membership is approaching 10:1 men, and that we’re not a hook up site. My suggestion is always just chat in the open - join in the forum pos
  21. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. Hope you find yourself right at home here.
  22. I think it’s an experience that’s on a lot of our ‘Dear Santa…’ lists. Alas I must have been too good a boy so far.
  23. Another amazing experience, both in live action and told here. You and husband really are the two luckiest people alive, and possible we're all the next luckiest over the way you share it all with us. Hope the follow on was amazing - you deserve it @Sophie Thanks for sharing.
  24. Dear Wet Carpet, I know this is a really long shot, and I'm not sure this is allowed. You see, I'm trying to reach out to someone and I'm really hoping they're a subscriber and will read this. That someone is a lady called Diane who I guess will be in her early fifties now. Her surname then was [name removed). We met when I was just turned 18 and she was several years older. I still don't know how or why, but we ended up having a wild six months of passion where she transformed me from a lanky, shy kid into a man who was at least half competent in bed. Not just in bed, we took ev
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