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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. As you say, amazing the way some of these things stay with us, even those things that just seem fun or a little naughty and then later become fundamental to our sexual experiences. (Love the photos BTW - despite your insecurity, I'd say pretty much a vision of perfection) If you're still holding too, feel free to post a running commentary and we'll happily lend our support.
  2. @jizzy - Please remember all posts need to be written in English. Thanks.
  3. Hi and a huge welcome to the community @Lizzie_loves_u - you'll find us very respectful and gentle. Do shout up with any questions of course.
  4. Holly led Hayley by the hand carefully up the stairs - carefully on account of the huge amount of gin the two girls had consumed over the last hour. At the top of the stairs Holly paused, turning towards Hayley and again embracing in a deep hug, kissing the younger girl’s neck. This time Hayley didn’t hold back, returning the kisses and cuddles too. After a few moments though Hayley pulled back a little. “Erm, do you mind if I just use your bathroom?” Holly didn’t answer the girl’s question directly. “So before tonight you’ve never had a grown up wee anywhere other than a toil
  5. Hi Apple and a huge welcome to a very friendly community. Hopefully you'll quickly find yourself very much at home amongst friends. We aim to make this the safest of communities though, so just take things at your own pace. We're here to answer any questions you may have and to help you feel at home. Welcome!
  6. Just to echo and add - when you're on a desktop site, if you click on your username (top right) you can then access your profile. The 'Edit Profile' in grey can sometimes be hard to spot, depending on the colour of your cover photo. If you're browsing on a mobile, click the three bars in the top right and then click 'Account' and 'Profile'. You should see a faint pencil symbol on the right of your profile picture to edit your profile with.
  7. I guess there’s a difference though that a catheter inserted correctly (ie by a medical professional) will follow the curves of the urethra. A rigid sounding rod could (I imagine) easily pierce the wall of the urethra causing serious injury or death due to peritonitis if urine leaks into the abdomen (similar to a burst bladder). As I say, I’m no expert but I do know enough to say it sounds a really bad idea.
  8. It's a very good question why any of us find any aspect of this bodily waste and it's production so exciting. And I'm pretty clueless why. In my case, I absolutely adore the female form and especially the 'private parts'. I sort of think that my fascination with pee relates to early experiences of seeing those private parts and seeing peeing, which have then got mixed in with my sexual preferences around the female form. I don't always hold, but if I do it's usually part of a sexual fantasy for me - imagining a lady being desperate and eventually managing to find relief, either in a to
  9. Also known in medical terms as a catheter - where depending on gravity you wouldn’t need to suck.
  10. This is my personal opinion - it is not an official answer. I'm writing with my own thoughts here, with the benefit of some insight from being on the staff team. - Fundamentally whilst the site has a 30,000+ membership, that reflects the life of the site and at any given time the real number of users is substantially less. On top of that there is a very small subset of users who actually interact on the site by clicking reacts or by posting. Maybe in the low hundreds if not less? - There is a huge male / female imbalance across the membership, and in the small core of currently act
  11. Well, your observation is entirely correct that there is no solid line between where to post - there is a certain amount of judgement. The only further 'logic' I can offer, is that with your experience I was going to leave it in the Real Experiences section except for one picture showing your penis. That is the only thing that changed my opinion from 60:40 to 40:60. And in the case of the Bedwetting post, well as moderators we don't see every single post. Reading it now I can see one very small mention of becoming erect half way through, but otherwise it reads quite asexually (as i
  12. Where to post.... I agree it's not crystal clear and apologies there. It may even be the case that the more experienced Mods and Admin have a better opinion than I do. There isn't really clear guidance given by the name - but generally (my take on it is) clearly pictures of Ladies' pee has a clearly marked section, so if it were solely a picture of a lady peeing then that's the place for it. Even though there are some topics (guys peeing in girls mouths for example) in there. At the opposite end of the spectrum theres the Men Peeing: Pictures, Videos & Stories section. Now the is
  13. Absolutely adorable - thanks so much for sharing - just perfect.
  14. (Continuing the tale of Holly and new friend Hayley, with pee reminiscences and a little gentle action between girls) “Are you trying to get me even more drunk?” giggled Hayley, wobbling slightly precariously on the kitchen stool as Holly poured an obscene measure of gin into the young girl’s glass. “Of course not… well, probably not… well, erm maybe” smiled Holly in return. “Is that a problem? Perfect way to end a night with a new friend is it not? Cheers!” It was fair to say it was certainly an unexpected outcome to the evening. Hayley hadn’t expected to be sitti
  15. I just glanced back at the story and comments... and this made me smile.
  16. I’m sure there must be some - the joy of an online community is people literally all over the world. A bit further north near Manchester for me.
  17. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. It’s not so much a case of hearing from people - you’ll see that our content is organised into forums, so you’re welcome to post your content into the relevant sections and to interact with people in posts. It’s the obvious way to get to know people. Hope you enjoy yourself and shout up with any questions.
  18. You're definitely not the only one - in the many years I've been with my wife, she's never voluntarily peed outside with me, and I only know of one occasion recently where she has done at all. She's another human camel who will just hold irrespective. She knows of my interest and in the past has played along with fantasies a little as you've described, although that was a while ago and I think any interest she had in even discussing the subject has dwindled. But enough about me - just wanted to assure you it's definitely not a unique situation you're in.
  19. If I may suggest (and I don't mean to take the conversation too far off topic) that guys peeing is pretty much of a muchness, and largely guys pee in the company of other guys. Urinals these days are often separate rather than trough, but enough still exist, or guys have seen their mates pissing outdoors. My thought on it is when you've seen one you've seen them all - but I must admit I don't find other guys' cocks that appealing. With ladies however, much of the bathroom routine is carried out behind closed doors - even sat on a toilet there are permutations of legs open or closed, and
  20. Now I have a vision in my mind of a little boat bobbing about on a warm pale yellow ocean, making just a little bow-wave of foamy bubbles... Anyone for a dip?
  21. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. The quickest way to contact a whole bunch of mutual pee lovers is by doing exactly what you've done - posting across the forums. Have fun finding your way around, do shout up if you've got any questions, but other than that just jump in. We're far more forum based than contacting individual members by message. Look forward to getting to know you.
  22. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - a place where you can be yourself amongst friends, and build up some real friendships with like minded pee-fans. I can completely understand what you've said about your shyness, but nothing to fear here. Welcome!
  23. Hi and a huge welcome to the site - do shout up with any questions.
  24. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. The quickest way to contact a whole bunch of mutual pee lovers is by doing exactly what you've done - posting across the forums. Have fun finding your way around, do shout up if you've got any questions, but other than that just jump in. We're far more forum based than contacting individual members by message. Look forward to getting to know you.
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