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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Ahahaha in a clean house I would serenely use the toilet and you sounds like a healty human But if you like it and ask for it… ehehehhe
  2. That's cool ihihihihi why not indeed?
  3. About whistle… I sincerily can't say anything more Unless somebody else posts other stuff here, I'll quit this thread Kisses
  4. I had been drinking thea all the fair… you read it… ihihihihi
  5. I think it started to surface in me roughly around ten reincarnations ago HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH As soon as I can go back with my memory, I have Always been a slut
  6. Back in topic, I went to a unisex-toilet bar just on Friday during lunch break at work Guess why I forgot to mention There wasn't even the key!!! I needed to wash my hand but sincerely refused to piss there, I couldn't risk to piss in the sink since somebody could walk in, and I would have never got near the toilet. I waited till Alex got me at work and we stopped in a little street Made a puddle so huge I should have took pics…. ahaha had to escape, Jehova's Witnesses coming along the street!!! Hilarious!!!
  7. In this case I would definitely become a urban legend, the Crazy Canadian Cunt, a wild and sexually promiscuous woman roaming crops Always drunk and pissing everywhere
  8. I do sometimes, and it's funny!!!! In my last video I play with the stream...
  9. I really would love to live in such an isolated place. Pure Nature This is one of my favourite threads of the Whole forum, the stuff posted by Steve and you, it reall heals my soul...
  10. The last line. I sincerily think I will say it and tell to people, like it was mine It really struck a chord in my soul "Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. There's no time for anything else"
  11. I want to start add to this thread the synopsys and images from Scooby Movies Gotta find some stuff...
  12. Complicated It can indeed make skin itchy after drying up, I tend to believe that was a lovely fake urban legend But it strenghtens bones and hair and nails and teeth and on a slightest extent the immunitary system It's pure DNA to be used by our body the ways it prefers, like taking steroids (yet obviously to a smaller degree)
  13. Eheheheh paper and pencil, write down my measurements
  14. The less the clothes, the more the fun ahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Like just said, I could indeed quote that in its entirety!!!!!!!!!! Glad to have you here!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Yesssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday!!! Hope you loved my video!!!!!!!!!
  17. Ouch, sorry, I seemed to remember youw ould have been back on sunday... My bad!!! Kisses!!!
  18. Darling, it's not an employement Live serenely and when you manage to do something, post it… it won't take long since we notice and react furiously!!!
  19. Indeed Tomorrow is sunday again, our pal @mickymoist will maybe post more stuff!!!
  20. YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY!!! Thank you boy...
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