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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. I say some kind of obscenities while I cum I sometimes fear God could have a heartstroke and fell from Heaven onto my house and crush me with his huge ass
  2. I joked on the meanings of the word "booby" which can mean "hidden", thus I used the line "came out to play" Ahahhahaah!!!
  3. You can actually understand it by the "shambled" conditions of it in the zoom: usually it's tighter, as you can see from my pics in other galleries...
  4. It was an Amazing marvellous day… absolutely!!!
  5. @chubbybirb999 Finally I got something new to finger to... Thank you, a breath of fresh air...
  6. Ahahhahahaah!!! Happee birthday to one of the most ancient and committed forum member!!! One of the best for posting stuff in every kind of threads and Always commenting to people, creating a net fo chats that allows us to actually know each other From him I got some of the most heartfelt compliments I ever got in my life And among his pics and videos posted there had been some of the most peculiar and non-standard I managed to see here around and since no birthday is complete unless the baker MISPELLS your name on the cake, in the best Peefans t
  7. Mmmh… I was just thirsty... Yes, we all focus on them while one of our greatest forum member shows us a great nasty piss, we are all here to judge our friends like we have not our own flaws, correct? You stupid silly adorable marvellous lady... We so fucking ADORE you... ps I am still thirsty...
  8. Check the story I just posted to understand a little detail in this one...
  9. Link to the pics gallery https://peefans.com/topic/11839-flower-fair-fairytale/ Link to the video (goldmembers only) https://peefans.com/gallery/image/34712-flower-fair-fairytale/
  10. The flower fair… there are no words to describe it. It’s an appointement I start to look forward to since the beginning of the new year To give you a hint of that, let me tell you we needed 7 hours to roam it completely, always moving Forget the stands made like huge tents, NOT that kind of fair It is a medieval village, now turned into a residential retreat for people who love Nature (and money) Various stands of flowers very ALL AROUND the village, and you had to spot them hidden in enormous rich private gardens made av
  11. At first she covered her face with her hand like saying OMGGGGG, then she smiled at me kinkily, and we walked away immediately to continue our sapphic games But she was so drunk that after a little chitchat she was dragged away by her friends Alex tried to get her back politely, I saw them frenchkissing and I hoped he did the trick, but immediately after that she actually was drawn back by other girls and disappeared in the crowd Alex looked at me like a cartoon character, a living teddybear with a sooo sad and soo cute face like "OOOOPS she just disappeared!!!" Ahah
  12. 1) I want you to piss in a sink, both a wide angle and a pussy zoom pic 2) Squat on the bed, near its edge, spread your lips like I do, and piss a fountain on the floor. Pics of the puddle 3) Piss onto something usually used by people like toothbrush or cooking pot. DON'T empathize too much. Worship your own pussy and the power it exerts. Mercilessness is a right of a lioness And you so fuckng are I baptize you as one of my kind
  13. I have this marvellous new shard of my life to be shared with ALL my friends!!! Here you will find three links, to a gallery of pics, to the story of the day they were took, and to a video I shot the very day (this last feature, only for goldmembers) Be happy with me, I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH!!! The Story!!! https://peefans.com/topic/11844-flower-fair-fairytale/ The gallery!!! https://peefans.com/topic/11839-flower-fair-fairytale/ The video!!! https://peefans.com/gallery/image/34712-flower-fair-fairytale/
  14. It's not simply a nice peachy bottom!!! It holds a secret... It's MY nice peachy bottom!!!! Ih ih ih glad you loved it!!!
  15. Many of these pics have a story behind them… because I did soooo many things during that marvellous day… Check the first post to find the link to the story!!!
  16. And this is me attempting to piss a TORRENT into a marvellous river running through the city... It's a video too…
  17. They were feeling lonely so they decided to come out and play with us!!!
  18. It was a beautiful sunny, but WINDY day… ih ih ih!!!
  19. An ancient Watchtower of the Age of the Crusades!!! You got it? The FUCKING CRUSADES!!!
  20. Haya you all!!! I have been to an annual Spring fair held near my town, in a medieval village now filled with History (and beautiful mansions, but so cute you forget some bucksaplenty lives there) Everytime I go there with Alex, it is all a marvellous day of love and sooo many flowers!!! And chances to piss around… So now, pics!!! Link to the story https://peefans.com/topic/11844-flower-fair-fairytale/ Link to the video (goldmembers only) https://peefans.com/gallery/image/34712-flower-fair-fairytale/
  21. Unless I could get arrested I would love to lift my shirts and show my tits everytime I pass in front of one of them, like "Caught you, you pervert!!!" ahahahahah
  22. and scarRed alike I wish her all the best Thank you for understanding, that was a deep one
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