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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Indeed… I miss her, but… sincerity 100%? It could have degenerated upon lasting for too long. I mean… that kind of emotional warping that can happen if such intense emotions are deployed… Those kind of things… are good only as long as they have a beginning and an end She deserves it Really...
  2. And even when they don't point to a corner, they point all around So even if you find a way to pop a squat, they see you reach the dead-view corner and see you leave it, and they find your puddle, it's obvious YOU did, and they arrest you You have to really find good places But there are...
  3. You are so polite and cute!!! Ahahah I am germophobic too, thus I piss outside!!! Love to have you back you delicious little flower...
  4. I had been cruel to her, but she has that kind of eyes like you are compelled to abuse her In many cases I just pissed onto her belongings, in an unplanned and heartless way... I cannot say stuff like "I'm not proud of that" as I absolutely knew what I was doing, but out of the context it can sound exceedingly harsh I pissed onto her food while we were having dinner, pissing in her wardrobe on her clothes, on her bed knowing there was no safe-pan to protect the mattress... Usually after we had sex I slipped out of her bed at late night (the parents thought a sleepove
  5. At friends houses I pee everywhere, from sinks to garden, my pussy knows just comfort, never heard of "mercy", present her to me if you meet her, I never had the privilege HAHAHAHAHAHAH
  6. Ahahahahahah I just said I did!!! Ahahahahahah!!! There are corners without cctvs, just pop a squat and then walk away!!!
  7. Witch lifestyle I can't be bothered with piss! I live, and drink because I love to swallow fluids, my favourite non alcoholic are lemon thea and cum Sooner or later I will feel an actual need, I'm not that kind of woman that pees as soon as I feel the slightest stimulus But when I actually feel I need to pee, I find a corner and pop a squat, there and then Can't be bothered with finding somewhere "appropriate"! After I'm done, the corner (or more likely someone's belonging, so to avoid splashes) is filled with piss while my bladder is devoid of it: thus it'
  8. So I must be careful!!! Naughtiest place recently… mmmh… beside some parking lots and elevators… will do something good this weekend!!!
  9. Back in topic, I never measured my pussy I just know that its conduit is deeper than one could imagine from a girl as short as I am, since it can serenely take all Alex 8 inches cock inside even if he actually pushes it in!!!
  10. I was stealthy Never have I ever pissed on a work of art But I pissed in the museums where works of art were exposed and more than once
  11. We'll see Your last pic was TASTY hahahahahahah
  12. It sounds great!!! No problem, I had my orgasm anyway!!! Until now, I only talked of where… "what moves me"? The simple fact I have a pussy and it's often smelly I got horny and start to massage Sometimes I just do that as a passtime And sometimes, I simply need an orgasm.Just like you boy, need to cum, and that's all
  13. Sometimes I have to be at least a bit careful I would have a very short piss-life unless I manage to avoid dragging attentions from potentially moralistic fuckers
  14. I pissed in one in a couple of chances Among my greatest accomplishments
  15. This could work for OTHERS I NEVER clean the places I piss (except at my house), the mess must stay there for Others to submit at my nasty sexual power
  16. I agree with both sentences But the second is obvious The first is true only because of some titans like colosses of the past Compared to the living, YOU are a titan
  17. Here, THAT is not simple Alex made me go nuts first time he did
  18. You know I agree About fingering, I finished little ago... a bit sad, I wanted a bit of attentions on the chat but there wasn't anybody!!! Uhuhuhuh
  19. They are!!! I love them!!! Red, blue, green and Yellow, one for each colour!!!
  20. Never have I ever pooped in a church But I would love too A bit of crude disrespect The Christ is a holy figure for Witches but He doesn't live within those temples of lies Take all art inside of them to a museum and then set them on fire!!!
  21. In that case I would have looked for another spot ahahahaah I piss only on/into clean places!!!
  22. Plus, if this story proves something, is that @polecat is a sensitive pal, and I am happy we are swarming this thread, great stories from a great man Just like you are...
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