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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Grid of Light, as I have been saying since a while... We are stronger together
  2. @speedy3471 What you just posted has in incredibly spiritual aftermath There is something deeply philosophical in it A man chained to profanity is a rude animal But a man unable to use&withstand them is a pussy And this works also in a spiritual context
  3. I tried once during a trip, we stayed in a hotel where a big group from UK was staying for many days and they paid to get a bit of organization at their needs, so it was possible to get a full English breakfast I had to admit I struggled to eat everything, it was really a lot of food That hit me indeed
  4. Most people eat sweet things in the morning. English traditions are often tougher than elsewhere
  5. I will. Alex doesn't talk too much, he is terribly chatty as long as it's NOT personal but after he never stopped talking for the Whole day, yet he managed never to say anything personal and all are amazed at that But he greatly respects you When I told you some "things" on your farming profession, I previously had his authorization... Superb... Yes. You are.
  6. I am waiting to see how it unfolds I anyway hate this all
  7. @speedy3471 Oh Goddess... Speedy this is inhumanly beautiful... Amazing… I'm showing them to Alex as soon as I got home Tomorrow...
  8. In the corner the piss runs down as they are not watersealed and it can get in the gears, it would be even more unpolite ahahahha I just piss in the middle If I piss somewhere is because I don't care for people stepping in (or because I actually desire for it to happen)
  9. I love hot climate but there's a cap for eveything!!!
  10. That boy is amazing Thank you for being part of the proof we all respect him
  11. You are great my friend, GREAT This is the way good things start From little roots...
  12. They are cool, but I just cannot forget they beat Bayern ahahahah
  13. Ouch, you cheer for somebody else and you hate seeing Bayenrn winning all daily standard tournament?
  14. Listening now? I am working on my anger (again) Listening to the Whole "Napalm for all" album from Ad Hominem
  15. She is great Hope one day she'll come here too and share your account I masturbate really everywhere Sometimes in the bus I just play with myself while nobody can see, just to pass some time...
  16. OMG beside the fact I never wear panties, this one emanates exactly the kind of energy I have in my intimacy...
  17. Never give up, you are such a sweetheart I would date you 100% if I was free!!!
  18. Ouh… I would die to lick it...
  19. Ahahahahahahahahaahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Alex describes his orgasms as a muscular tension surging through him until he channels all his muscles into pushing his cum out Obviously he knows it's not a matter of voluntary muscles but he strains so to achieve te maximum pleasure and power For me, it's more like getting bathed in boiling oil, is more "de-localized" Unless we achieve trantric orgasm, which is identical both for woman and man, and is so intense that your body simply go random, you slobber and almost lose senses...
  21. Anyway… where I do masturbate? … everywhere?😋
  22. Ehm… have you got room for a guest, isn't it? Ahahahahah but only if we stick to your wife without contacts between you and I ahahahah I have a boyfriend ahahahah
  23. Yes, the evolution of concepts is fascinating But also can confuse I prefer to conquer my opinions according to Science and never to change them unless new stuff is discovered… but since nobody ever knows everything, I also usually keep my thoughts to myself
  24. Ahahahha never did it, but I farted in the face of one of them that was squatting angrily trying to clean up the mess I left on her capert after she begged me not to piss on it as her parents were getting home soon...
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