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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Best memories are those both romantic and painful at the same time...
  2. I really adore how much you two love each other… there is an incredible complicity between you...
  3. it's adorable to invent silly reasons to explain obvious things ahahahahah
  4. I can't help imagining you two like in a gunfight of the old wild West, in the morning with you with your cock in your hand and the snowbank looking at you with a nasty glance… ahahahahahhahahahhah
  5. It didn't exactly tasted like shit ahahahah But the truth is that I refused to actually taste it even the slightest... I just ran to wash my mouth I am a total slut but I am not brain-dead...
  6. Not so simple as a question When you piss on the floor, splashes bring on your shoes what was previously encrusted on the floor, like dirt and dust and bacteria I usually avoid that because of this reason I piss only where it was clean before me... it must be dirty AFTER...
  7. These things are fascinating I ook forward to see how it goes in the remaining part of the world... With all that nature where you live, I am sure I could get away with a #2 among bushes ahahahah
  8. Eh, fuck if Do understand you… but it's so difficult!!!
  9. Anyway I found it hot when you so nonchalantly said you heard your wife piss so many times… I envied you a bit...
  10. it's like a ritualistic goodbye… ahahahah
  11. @mickymoist @speedy3471 Even in case of #2 I would try to hover over the seat That is why I usually plan my poops never to be done outside home In case, I prefer to find a secluded corner like a public park with bushes where I can do my business in peace...
  12. If I had social power I would convince everybody to be fetshists But upon failure, I would invent fetish designed toilets and then STRIVE TO INVENT AN EXCUSE TO MAKE THE LOOK FITTING ahahahahahah
  13. In which case is because the slick of the cum Alex never experienced that as I Always polish the tip with my tongue after his every orgasm... Just to state how much… I once did it after he finished having anal with one of my lesbian lovers… but I admit I spit afterward ahahahahah
  14. This is why I would never piss in my own house unless I am gonna clean up anyway ahahahhahahaha!!!!!!!!!! But in other girl's houses, I pissed everywhere...
  15. Indeed… the question should be "anybody did NOT pee in the sea at least once in their lives?" When I'm in the water, I simply piss, sea or pool I even scoff my bikini to one side, to avoid the risk for it to get stained after so many pisses they get… Brazen? No, useful aahahahahaja
  16. I can't be everywhere my friend ahahahahahah
  17. In public toilets, I simply refure to enter Just in case, sink is a good option if they are not too high!!
  18. Mmmh… some nations are more open than Others... I piss everywhere anyway ahahahahah In toilets, you need a bit of courage to do your stuff with people around, but I would prefer to have MEN around instead of women, they can be less cheerful if I'm taking a dump ahahah
  19. Yes, staying on this forum I am beginning to be amazed at how big my bladder is and how forcelly I can piss!!!
  20. Or he is simply a very lazy pal HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Like someone I know...
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