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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. @Sophie New story by Sophieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!😍
  2. @wetmanjf When Alex' parents are at home visiting, the toilet is too noisy and near the guest bedroom Thus I pee in a plastic cup like a chamber pot!!!
  3. No no no!!! I was not making fun of you!!! It was funny the way you said it, I imagined you riding an angry giant serpent spraying pee all over!!!
  4. Yes, the story is hot, but we love to taste the writer hidden in the writing… this is what makes a writer great!
  5. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Indeed SO MUCH CONTENT!!!
  6. @bpb I sincerely consider the kind of friendship you developed with Crissy as the proof that this forum's greatest core is not eros, is friendship, and the chance to build it with marvellous people
  7. @CON2H4 @Admin Something similar, yet not identical, is already happening as one of Sophie's games, a story which has to reach 100 lines, with some rules of playing Indeed, many fictional stories here are stand alone, where the writer indeed loves the different style and subject of other Writers yet stick to his own. I sincerely consider it a bit hard to develop a multi-layered story like that because everything should move along the original guidelines of the one who started the story, or be discouraged if the most recent chapter took the history somewhere he really rea
  8. @UnabashedUser Marvellous image!!!
  9. @puddyls These pics are amazing I adore how cheerful you are and that ass… gnam!!!
  10. @puddyls Soft yet tight ass I love you!!!
  11. They are quite kinky indeed ehehehehe
  12. Add that some sub-cultures (like metalheads) are much less shy, pee-fetish or not!!! At concerts I pissed in full public in front of hundreds of people!!
  13. Pull panties down in full view in a public pool? I am quite slobbering
  14. Agree 100% Piss proud (and fart loud)!!!
  15. @Admin Sincerely, I adore the chat for how it works by now, and would not have it any other way Sometimes things must be left by themselves and see what happens I saw many people using it for interesting chats, and I have used it myself But is good too for little and quick, playfully silly comments To me the chat is a 100/100 perfect, now it is even possibile to edit stuff, what could we wish for more?
  16. Mmmh, dunno Boss, I would not! When I am in dancing nightclubs, I just find some dark corner to squat and piss on the floor!!! EDIT No chances to film that!!!
  17. @Starks2010 WOW man, wow You Always write world rocking stuff
  18. I think that hiding what we think is pointless YET carefulness when we write about it can be good... I do not hide anything, never ever This place is great indeed because of this
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