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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. spywareonya

    ROOM 101

    I did not know this side of you...
  2. spywareonya


    Holy shit the world's greatest public piss of history!!!
  3. Too complex!!! Just don't wear them ahahahaah!!!
  4. Male anatomy is much more complex that I would have ever thought My man taught me about it because he studied anatomy
  5. Oh, I would without the slightest concern, were we ever to meet!!! No problems!!!
  6. In which case I use a big cup as a chamber pot But your choice was great too!!!
  7. African villagers mostly do not wipe Also, women from India (regardless social status) usually do not wipe, at least they wash themselves as soon as they got home I myself never wipe!!!
  8. She was among the sluttiest women of history Officially recorded stories about her talke about blowing more than 1000 men looking for the sweetest cum to swallow It woud have been MY choice too!!!
  9. Always marvellous to have you here around!
  11. Indeed many of them do But it is hard to tell, they are so visceral and complex, I really couldn't tell to a certain degree what happens to my body
  12. Art and sex belong to the same realm: the uplifting of Human Being Indeed we celebrate the same things I really have a thing for your girl, her charisma, her willingness to never ever take life for granted, had been of ispiration, even of occult kind, in the past for me Thank you man I think I'll be away with my man next two days, I wanna get laid like no Tomorrow but I also have a couple of occult things to settle so very likely I'll not log in that much There is also the hope all gets well by itself but I cannot promise Anyway this Monday I'll be back for sure
  13. I understand… but you also have to respect yourself We should never push Others, yet we should never allow us to leave us and our necessities behind I am sure there is a polite way to reintroduce the subject
  14. That man deserves some research in detail
  15. My dreams are often perfectly remembered, because of the same reasons I told just before...
  16. Not one in particular, but I often have terribly vivid dreams, also because of the deep-psyche incursions I make during rituals Mind starts to work in different way when you practice the occult at my levels, and dreams are often vivid, visceral, sexual and/or filled with deep spiritual terror My wet dreams includes many sexual and piss-related situations, often swirling like in an hallucination
  17. @UnabashedUser Holy shit man, between your fabulous wife and these images, you are really among my greatest ispirations!!!
  18. In this case, I just gave the wrong interpretation of that Sorry I love wet dreams
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