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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. @greedyneedygirl @Alfresco @nopjans @owlman76 I sincerely think chamber pots can either be disgusting when they are a forced situation, or misteriously arousing Personally speaking, I often fantasize of a lesbian slave taking care of my chamber pot in the morning...
  2. Girls pissing in theaters are great I did some times, but it was so risky!!!
  3. He lives with his parents Parents usually control laundry
  4. He is my personal myth His attitude toward pornography is simply genial I saw so many of his documentary, included the one of his great debut ahahahaah!!!
  5. We can only wait my friend!!! @chubbybirb999don't make us wait for too long!!!
  6. @Sephora Everything you do is sexy Even toilets!!!
  7. Hey it matters how much you push not the duration ahahahaha!!!
  8. Aahahahaha so Fanny you like these games uh? ahahaha
  9. @dan stevens My friend, @Brutus is right Every single word he said is wiseness I would have been more aggressive (like kick her useless pussy and stick your cock into that of another one) but he said things much better We love you and Believe me, many girls adore piss, you'll find your pearl
  10. I have been studying her in detail She is really and incredibly purposeful and intelligent woman
  11. I am not that kind of mistress Everything I do hides a secret teaching in it You still did not came to know me and that's fine, but all I do is to embetter my slaves and make them strong I shape people I did in the past, I took little weak girls and built powerful women who are now happy Submission is just a test of willpower, and of respect for somebody who endured what I did endure And I require the most absolute submission I am still a fucking Witch, never forget that
  12. You are right There is interest This post is magnificent
  13. @kw240 I like the story For the style in itself, allow yourself to be more aggressive Sometimes it sounds like you were being overcautious You got qualities!!
  14. I descended from the Mount Sinai Unleashed the splendour upon a scroundel mob to shelter where no messianic light drove one single ray into the pulp of life O sweet Salome I beckon thee bring forth thy heinous offering Without your love so incomplete corrupt me with your dignity I decompose in rapture of hells dissolve divide disintegrate I am yours in euphoria below At faintest whim they would impale the Sun and thus the sheep in me became the wolf in Man I am the fly that flew forth from the Ark My
  15. Hope you find soon!!! I am sure you got a good hoose
  16. a dildo can be cool when playing among girls Ahahahaha I keep real punishment (like actual spells of destruction) for evil people for you just a spanking and maybe a fully clothed Golden shower!!!
  17. I think about this more often than you think How ridiculous human narrow mindedness is
  18. You are really a breath of fresh air Indeed nobody who knows me would defy me for real But I love you too!!
  19. Somebody who dare defying me ahahahahah I like you
  20. @greedyneedygirl wait wait wait is her… you?
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