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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. For me, the hissing sound that a full bladdered woman often makes when she pees has got to be the most erotic sound on the planet.
  2. I have often wondered why and it might be different for different people. I can remember from a young age being fascinated by girls peeing and the naughtiness of them doing it where they are not supposed to has always done it for me. Maybe it goes back deep into childhood to an age where we knew nothing about sex and associated the genitals solely with peeing, perhaps combined with a childish interest in the anatomical differences between girls and boys for some of us. From an early age this association of the sexual organs with peeing perhaps leads later to a sexual interest in peeing? W
  3. This poll is flawed. If you answer no to the first question you cannot rationally answer the others because they assume you said yes. And yet an answer is required for your initial no vote to be counted. So I will ignore the poll entirely and just state here that I make no noises when I am desperate.
  4. I needed a piss and felt like being naughty. So I placed an empty pint glass on the floor in the middle of the kitchen and stood several feet away and aimed. Most of it went into the glass but some sprayed the floor all around it.
  5. Dear Wet Carpet My friend and I - both a couple of rich heiresses in our mid 20s, and both curvy and busty blondes - were staying in this plush hotel in an exclusive resort in the Caribbean. Just letting our hair down in an atmosphere of anything goes. Well on our last night we'd gotten drunk again in the bar and returned to our hotel room a little the worse for wear,, but giggling and laughing about the weird sexual things some people are into. That's when my friend told me about this magazine with all its' stories about ladies pissing everywhere. Well, we both needed a piss and d
  6. I normally sleep with nothing on at all, though might wear a t shirt when it is cold.
  7. For some reason - whilst it seems true that only men become foot fetishists as far as I know, there do seem to be some types of fetish interests that interest women more than men. And the sort of bondage, dominance-orientated light S&M stuff in that book does seem to be a typical example. But we should be cautious. There might simply be a female bias in favour of the medium rather than the actual activity described. It might for example be the case that women prefer reading erotica whilst men prefer watching it. I have heard this idea being put forward before.
  8. I can only speak for myself here. I have no recollection of any sexual trauma from my formative years and have no idea why I developed such a powerful pee fetish. I can remember feeling too embarrassed to ask the teacher if I could go to the toilet when very young and would just hold at any cost. When I did finally get to a toilet the relief was immense and indeed a pleasure for that reason. Could that have been a factor? Don't know. But I have always been far more interested in females peeing than in myself doing so. No idea where it came from. There was no sudden eureka moment that I ca
  9. The reason why I ask this is that I got asked in work by a female colleague in the canteen - as were several other male colleagues - if I had any sexual interest in feet. Some sort of survey apparently. But only the men were being asked, the assumption being that women never have foot fetishes. I thought about this afterwards, and indeed have never heard of a woman being sexually interested in feet. I had previously always assumed that every imaginable fetish would have adherents from both genders. Clearly our pee fetish does. But as far as I know only men are foot fetishists. So per
  10. The UK has internet safety legislation in the pipeline which may possibly be a trojan horse that imposes restrictions and a whole heap of hoops to jump through. I am seriously concerned that it could all be made to be just too much hassle for @Admin, and without him there will be no forum. I do not take this place's continued existence for granted.
  11. When I wake up in the morning, after the inevitable visit to the loo, the first thing I do is make myself two mugs of tea or coffee, because one is never enough to start the day and get my brain into gear. I guess I am an indoor nudist by habit, though only when home alone. I tend to spend all my time at home with nothing on. Though the cost of heating will force me to wear clothes when the colder weather hits this year. I am sitting here with nothing on right now. When stressed or agitated, I tend to find that going on politics forums and arguing about politics with the biggest arse
  12. I used to grill mine until the grill packed up several years ago. Not going to buy a new cooker just for the grill. So when I eat pork chops now I bake them in the oven too, and they actually taste nicer that way.
  13. Hi. I have been heading in this direction for a while but I feel this forum is not for me anymore. I keep looking in every day whilst rarely posting anything and I may still look in. But in terms of my personal participation I need to leave for a while. Don't know for how long for right now, but I honestly don't feel happy here anymore and don't feel like I want to be part of the community anymore. I feel like an outsider looking in. I don't want to discuss this further, it is just an announcement. I will probably be back when I am ready. I don't want to discuss this at length via P
  14. Take as long as you need. You will always be welcome back when you are ready
  15. A poll for ladies into naughty peeing and men into seeing them doing it. I was bored but not feeling much like talking so came up with this which probably does not enhance my credentials when it comes to my desire not to be seen as a creepy and excessively pervy guy, lol. But so what. Am past caring. It is what it is. I expect most will ignore it anyhow.
  16. I know. I have a lot of angst about how I am coming across if I ever express approval of anything sexual. Without any kind of response I have no idea if I am being perceived as a bit of a creep or if my response is enjoyed or appreciated or liked. If I ever make a comment that gets no reaction I tend to assume the worse and get paranoid. But just having a bad day, that's all. In spite of which I have been trying to get involved in commenting on posts and suchlike.
  17. Would be great if some carpet pissing, kitchen floor pissing, bed pissing or hotel room pissing ladies were to reveal themselves now.
  18. My ideal parallel universe would be one in which peeing for sexual pleasure is the norm and considered normal and mainstream, including peeing in random places for the fun of it. Where pubs and nightclubs would have peeing rooms where men and women can watch each other peeing or pee on or all over each other, and where not using them at all but just peeing on the floor is considered acceptable. And where offering a glass for someone to piss in so you can drink it is nothing out of the ordinary in pubs. A universe in which inviting a date back to your place involves them christening your p
  19. I will usually use the urinals unless it is a bit crowded and I would have to stand right next to or in between other guys. In which case, if a cubicle is free I will go there.
  20. Without bothering to wade through all the pages here, it is likely that I have already shared my favourite fantasies. So here is a relatively new one I have been enjoying lately, the thought of girls squatting and peeing on my kitchen floor with big grins on their faces. There is a particular level of sheer naughtiness involved in just peeing right there in the kitchen, on the floor.
  21. For sure. These brazen public pissing scenes - and others like them - were filmed in Budapest, the Hungarian capital....
  22. Thanks, I have considered taking a break from the site for a week or so but I tend to feel in different ways on different days so not sure a full on break is a goer. I do take on board your suggestion that I not post any pics for a week and just try interacting instead. But I don't actually spend that much time posting pics, believe it or not. Apart from the one or two every day or two in my calendar thread, the ones I posted today are the first I have posted for a week. Most of my time is spent finding and collecting them which I mostly do off site away from here. The posting pics here p
  23. A few minutes ago I peed in the bath. I have started to do this often since the pee goes down the plughole on it's own and doesn't need to be flushed away, thereby saving water in these tough economic times. Just the occasional rinse is necessary.
  24. Indeed, we have all kind of gotten used to summer weather lasting well into September. But in latitudes as far north as the UK, by September, the intense heat waves of July or early August well into the 30s C are unlikely. Low to mid 20s C is about the hottest we might get. By the second half of the month the hottest it might get is no more than high teens or low 20s. Though I do remember a few years back spending October 1st on the beach as temperatures locally reached 20 C, the hottest October day on record locally
  25. My past sexual partners have included Angelina Jolie, Shakira, and Madonna back in the 80s. At least until I woke up anyway.
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