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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. Is pee shyness a lady thing? I have never heard of a bloke being pee shy, unless it's due to a serious erection. Many males find it hard to pee with a stiffy on. But apart from that I do not recall ever hearing of any bloke being pee shy, though I have known quite a few females to experience it, usually when peeing out in the open even if hidden from view behind walls or bushes or some such. Do men ever get pee shy or is it just the ladies?
  2. That's fair enough. It is a very risky and very brave thing to do to share videos of such things and most people would not be comfortable with it. For every lady that shares pics or vids there are probably 20 doing similar things in hotel rooms in total privacy. Those who share imagery are probably in many cases partly motivated by some form of exhibitionism, in the sense that they enjoy being seen doing it and enjoy sharing. But that's just a guess.
  3. I've seen quite a few, but a lot of the newest stuff is still mostly confined to paysites. I buy videos of girls doing this sort of thing from sites like clips4sale. I will often share screenshots but will not post the vids on free sites, because that removes the income from girls doing this which means they are less likely to carry on. I do however share my videos with Admin who posts them in the gallery, so there is a lot of good stuff in there not widely available on free sites for anyone interested in signing up. Sharing vids to post in the gallery is one of the ways i like to co
  4. That's the kind of attitude that makes being out for a stroll potentially so much fun. Stumbling across a lady brazenly peeing in full view, lol Sadly I have only ever witnessed such things a handful of times, my favourite being some lady squatting and pissing in full public view on the pavement/sidewalk.
  5. I love it when girls piss all over the place in hotel rooms. One of our own forum members - @MissAutumn has shared videos of her doing this. Some of the ones on paysites I have paid good money for. What makes her so special is not just her own natural sexiness but the fact that she so clearly loves doing it. There is nothing more sexy than a good looking girl pissing everywhere for pleasure. But there are other ladies out there who sell vids of themselves pissing all over the place in hotel rooms. Clips4sale is one of my favourite sources for such performers. Eva who appears to be Ru
  6. That is quite possible sadly. Most professionally filmed pissing now seems to emanate from the Czech Republic. Were it not for them there would be very little left
  7. Dear Wet Carpet. I have recently started seeing this 38 year old barmaid, a buxom blonde who looks great. She never married or had kids - she said she never wanted the ties though it may be that her toilet habits might have had somethingh to do with it. First time I stayed at her place we got naked in her bedroom after a few drinks and had great sex. She was very adventurous in that department. Licking my ass for example. Never known a girl into doing that before. I returned the favour of course. She also seemed to like licking the end of my erect dick in an almost teasing way r
  8. Welcome to the site. As a former mod who stepped down mainly due to time constraints, I can say with certainty that Admin and the mods work hard to keep this place friendly so if ever anyone is mean to you, they will be the ones with a problem, not you. And you are not the only trans member here, but it would be a breach of confidentiality for me to reveal identities or anything. But don't think you are alone.
  9. I have actually done that before in the bath, lol. Though it would be much more fun to have someone like Miss Autumm or Sophie squatting over my face and doing it. Or better still Shakira, lol I doubt whether any of them would be up for it though, but anything is possible in my private fantasies, lol All three have already peed on my carpet in my imagination, lol
  10. I see you are a male like me, and interested in peeing also like me. Peeing alone in naughty places can be a lot of fun sometimes, but if doing it at home there is clean up hassle, and doing it anywhere other than home carries an inherent risk of discovery and the associeted negative consequences. And I have kind of tired of that in recent years. I do regularly pee in the bath or the sink or perhaps in a glass, because clean up afterwards involves minimum hassle. It is a lot of fun when in the mood to do random stuff like piss all over the kitchen floor or against the bathroom wall, but clean
  11. If only I was that age again and a pupil at your school yet somehow aware of your naightier sexual interests. Instant crush on a teacher, lol.
  12. steve25805

    On off days

    It's the same with me. This week I have the week off yet have been unable to find sufficient sexual interest to post any pics, write any stories or contribute much here at all. I have ended up spending most of my spare time reading and debating politics on politics forums, lol Yet I get periods when I am very sexually motivated to such an extent it is as if I am a teenager again. Pity the latter has not coincided with my current excess of spare time.
  13. I have a friend who had relatives in Ukraine and it was very worrying. Thankfully they have gotten out safely. Unprovoked wars of aggression are never a good thing. Trouble is there are too many in the west unable to take the moral high ground because of their own complicity in the invasion of Iraq. If this war bogs down increasingly terrible things might happen. Chemical weapon attacks for example. I wouldn't even put it past him to oder a tactical nuclear strike on Kiev. Already in the news today there are reports of children in Mariupol dying of thirst and hunger. There
  14. I am finding the same things with pics. The same old ones keep resurfacing with little in the way of high quality new pics. Most of my newer pic material are stills that a producer has taken from vids, and I myself am resorting more and more to screenshots.....though I have recently found a vast source of mostly outdoor peeing pics. I have about 700 waiting to go. But even these are mostly stills taken from sneakypee vids. No way am I going to be able to post them all at once, but will eventually get around to posting some this week as it is a week off for me. And when it comes to pics, t
  15. Something that I don't seem to see happening much anymore - or if it does I am too old and out of touch to notice - is the way youth seemed to form different tribes based largely around their musical tastes and associated fashion statements. In my youth - from a UK perspective - in the late 70s and early 80s we had skinheads with most of their hair shaven off and who wore leathers and doc martin boots, whose musical tastes were epitomised by the group Bad Manners and similar, and were often associeted with the far right. We also had punks or punk rockers, who liked to wear leathers a
  16. Yeah, when I was a kid, wicked still meant evil or really bad whilst sick meant unwell or really twisted in a nasty way. Now both words seem to refer to something that is awesomely good, lol I do wonder how many street words from my day still exist with the same meanings today. Back then... Trippy = halucinatory, usually as a result of halucinatory drugs Wrecked = stoned Shitfaced = totally out of it as a result of an excess of alcohol or some other intoxicant. Dragon = a particularly unattractive female Humming = smelling really badly Mental = coul
  17. Interesting. I always tended to assume that a geek was just another name for a nerd, but clearly there is a difference. I think I understand the difference. It is not so much that the definition has changed over the years, more like I was mistaking geeks for nerds or vice versa. Perhaps with my advancing years I am gradually morphing into my grandad, having already morphed into my dad, and become out of touch with the lingo of the street today, lol
  18. One of my best friends in real life I originally met on the other forum Peesearch. But I have never gotten to know personally anyone on this forum in a real life sense.
  19. My vote goes to Budapest. That's because it is where things like this were filmed... Imagine being out for a stroll and seeing something like that!
  20. To be honest I myself have been much less active in recent years compared with earlier ones, but I am just one person. But what I have noticed is that even when I find the time to post stuff, quite often no one responds or else does not respond for ages, so little in the way of discussion or chat takes place. People will like pics or vids and might occasionally comment, asking who such and such a girl is or where to find the video of a particular screenshot. Beyond that, much in the way of genuine discussion seems much harder to come by than it used to be. Which tends to suggest to m
  21. @Sophie, you say in your profile that you consider yourself a bit of a nerd who likes video games , technology and science. My school days were a lot longer ago than yours - we are talking 1970s here - but I suspect the definition of what constitutes a nerd might have changed over time. Yes, being into science and technology was considered a bit nerdy even then, but a typical nerd also would rather be reading than hanging out with friends, was a bit of a swot, always swotting for the next exam when the other kids were having fun, far more likely to be in the school chess team than an
  22. Dear Wet Carpet. I am a maths teacher in my late 30s at a London comprehensive. This is me.... I guess I am taking a chance posting that but the age verification stuff for your magazine is quite strict so none of my pupils should see this. As for their parents, if they are reading this they will probably be fans. Anyway.... I am generally regarded as a respectable woman, well thought of, living in a decent house in a nice area left to me by my ex-husband. I have actually been single for quite a few years now, and like it that way. That's because I can do my thing around th
  23. Dear Wet Carpet This is me with my three glamorous friends enjoying a day out at the races. I'm the big girl on the right.... Well, afterwards we all went back to mine for a few drinks. And somehow as we got increasingly tipsy we found ourselves looking at fetish sites for a laugh, where we found some letters from this magazine. And the letters about women peeing all over the place were highly amusing in a naughty kind of way but also weirdly erotic. Well we soon all needed a pee ourselves at which one of the girls joked that actually using the bathroom like a lady seemed
  24. I'd find a lady on the beach with an ass like this.... And then I'd piss on that ass. After all, isn't an ass like that just asking to be pissed on?
  25. They are only celebrities on this forum I know. But I'd like to see a pissing contest between @Sophie and @MissAutumn, who can make the biggest puddle on my living room carpet. lol Mind you I'd love a pissing contest between Shakira and Angelina Jolie, to seewho could from a standing position pee the highest against my bedroom wall. Loser gets peed all over by me. Winner holds my dick whilst I am doing it.
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