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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. Previously all I ever had to do to post a link was to copy and paste the url. Don't know why that isn't working for me anymore.
  2. I found a story in the news about an off duty policewoman urinating in a shop fitting room. Yet for some reason unknown to me the links to the story don't work. They are not appearing as links. Female police officer peed in a shop fitting room. - Pee Talk & Questions - PeeFans Not working here either obviously and I don't know why.
  3. A young female police officer - albeit off duty at the time - when drunk and unable to find a toilet decided to pee on the floor in a shop's fitting room. She is now on a disciplinary, though I think many of us here would think such behaviour ought to be congratulated. But then again, the store claimed to have had to spend nearly £500 cleaning up afterwards so perhaps not, lol. Cleveland Police PC facing sack after 'urinating' in shop | Darlington and Stockton Times
  4. Yes, it is essential to include where the pee is coming from in the shot, and I'd prefer to see the whole woman. One thing that irritates me about some Asian porn is when they go split screen, one image showing a close up of the genitals and the other showing the wider scene. I find split screens annoying and would rather have one image at a time to focus on. The pixellated genitals in some Japanese porn is an annoyance too, but they are no doubt forced into that by laws.
  5. Well in my time I have seen a few ladies peeing and I don't recall any of them having any difficulty squatting, which was invariably the chosen position. Outside the realms of porn or my own imagination I have never seen a lady adopt any other position than a full squat to pee (unless sitting on a toilet obviously). It has always seemed to me that adopting this position to pee is almost instinctively natural for a woman. And I have never seen or been aware of any lady who cannot squat to pee, so I find some of the statistics in this thread surprising But the women around here will know fa
  6. If you found yourself in a difficult and life threatening predicament - you and your car had been washed into a river by a flood or something similarly scary - and if your husband was nowhere near, who would you most like your knight in shining armour to be, who comes to the rescue in the nick of time?
  7. Totally with you on that. I want to see the full woman pissing and see the piss splashing down. The full scene is actually far more erotic than a close up of a peeing fanny.
  8. I needed a pee just now. And decided on a whim to ignore the toilet which was right there and pee in the bathroom sink instead.
  9. Well if the intended videos are to feature just yourself peeing with no one peeing on anyone else, they are less likely to fall foul of some countries' censorship laws or certain sites' content restrictions. Mainly speaking for myself but also knowing that many others here have similar interests, I like to see ladies peeing in naughty places, like on the carpet or on the bed, on a table or on the sofa or against an indoors wall. This sort of thing is a popular niche amongst pee fetishists here. I certainly like to see the girl having fun with it, smiling, grinning or laughing at her o
  10. I quoted this part of an old post of mine in this thread because of something highly relevent to the welcome we give to newbies. We were after all all newbies once.. As I said in the old quote above, when new to peeforums I was very nervous and insecure and browsed for a while before posting anything. When I did first dip my toe in the water with some posts, I was very nervous about the reaction I might get. Had it been negative there is a good chance I would have been scared off participating forever. Because it was positive I posted more and grew comfortable with sharing. But there
  11. What I love about those peedevil films is that they go in for a lot of pissing on carpets.
  12. I myself am not exactly asexual. I notice the sexual allure of attractive women and some of their physical attributes - nice ass, nice breasts, nice legs, whatever. And I am certainly not immune to sexual desire. But insofar as the physical aspects of sex are concerned I have always been far less interested in that than in actual peeing. Given the choice, I would much prefer to be peed on by a woman than to fuck her. Actual non-watersports vanilla sex I have a very low level of interest in.
  13. I assure you that I have never been catholic, nor am I Jewish. In fact I do not really believe in organised religion at all, and have never felt any religious-based guilt. The sense of shame I felt was purely down to peer pressure and what others would think of me if they knew. Being accepted by your peers is important in your formative teenage years, and sexual interests likely to cause many to laugh at you or think less of you if they knew, perhaps even feel disgust towards you, does tend to turn your interest into a dirty secret that you'd feel ashamed about people knowing about.
  14. Well it's fun to imagine. Seriously though, it's probably ok in the shower, but highly impractical if you are having to aim somewhere. As for me, I prefer to pee standing, more control over aim and a better view of the flow. But that is probably the preference for most guys because of our anatomy. Ladies are far more likely to prefer sitting or squatting for obvious anatomical reasons. Eliminature is a glorious exception. I do think a small minority of women may well get some sort of sexual pleasure out of peeing like a guy, ie standing up. There may perhaps - just guessin
  15. I had an interest in naughty peeing long before I knew it was anything sexual. The pleasure I got from it was sexual of course but I had no understanding of sex or sexuality so didn't realise it was sexual because I didn't know what sexual was. All I knew was that I enjoyed doing it in ways I could never have understood or explained. It was only later when I learned about sex that I realised my peeing interest was sexual. That came with the realisation that most people seemed to think anyone with such an interest was a pervert, which caused me to feel shame at my fetish for a long time. It was
  16. Have you ever noticed that in soap operas a lot of the social interaction occurs in pubs or bars where everybody is drinking yet no one goes to the toilet?
  17. In SW England in my supermarket workplace, unleaded petrol is now down to £1.81.9 a litre, having reached a high of £1.96.9 a litre. £1.81.9 is still a whole lot more expensive than the 99.9p a litre it was at two years ago.
  18. In the last 12 months the cost of my fuel has increased by about 70%, my car insurance by about 40%, my food by at least 25% in spite of buying cheaper, my energy by about 35%, and set to increase again in October, my local taxes by about 11%, my rent by about 9%. All bar my rent have increased by vastly more than the "official" UK inflation rate of 9.4%. Yet my pay rise is far lower than any of it at 5.8%. And I am one of the "lucky" ones. Most are getting pay rises lower than that. We are heading towards mass poverty and destitution, not to mention recession. People cannot spend what th
  19. Some ladies like to have a wee in different places because using the toilet can be boring. Some ladies think it is jolly good fun to wee on the carpet. If you have a girlfriend, why not ask her if she wants to have a wee on your carpet? She might say yes and let you watch. You will be able to see how much fun she is having because she will be grinning as she wees. Some girls like to wee on their boyfriends' carpets. John likes to see Janet wee on his bedroom carpet. Janet enjoys doing this. Why don't you try to be like Janet and John?
  20. On a slightly different angle, although our fetish is obviously very minority - how small or large that minority is is open to debate and conjecture - I do wonder if there can be a genetic component to our fetish. That is because my interest in girls peeing on carpets was first piqued by the discovery that my sister had gotten into the habit of peeing on her own bedroom carpet, and was apparently happy enough to pee on mine. And she seemed to enjoy peeing in the shower and stuff. We were too young at the time to know about anything sexual but she was definitely into naughty peeing. I wel
  21. An interesting breakdown of stats. Certainly in the 12 years I have been active here and before that on peesearch, I have to my knowledge never encountered anyone who lives in the same city as me, a city of a third of a million people. The closest I know of is someone who has moved to a town about 25 miles from me, and a friend I made on peeseach who lives 250 miles away but has a holiday home only 50 miles away. We have met up many times in real life and have become real life friends, but our peeing interests are so different that we don't really connect sexually and are just friends. As
  22. Most of us here have an interest in girls peeing in naughty places and would love the idea of a girl pissing all over the place in public bathrooms. I have a thing about girls peeing all over the carpet myself. Trust me, you are not going to gross anyone out on this site. You are more than welcome here. However, since you are a lesbian woman, I very much doubt that you have much interest in talking to pervy guys out for a cheap thrill at your expense. We do have female members too though with an interest in naughty peeing. You will not be alone here.
  23. The simple reality is that in a film such as that, peeing is utterly extraneous to the plot since it is not pee porn. So there would be no point in asking the actress to pee on film and she might regard it as a bit weird and unnecessary if asked to do so unless given a good reason why it is necessary plot wise. Mainstream films are after all not made with the arousal of pee fetshists in mind.
  24. Probably multiple takes. They probably drink loads beforehand, and possibly take over the counter diuretic tablets which make you dehydrate by peeing a lot. After filming a full on pee scene, and any other sexual activity included, they probably take a break from filming whilst drinking more until ready to pee again. The fact that their pee has very little yellowness to it most of the time and looks more like water does tend to suggest a lot of drinking.
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