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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. Ok, that clears things up haha. I think it's good that you grew up not thinking genitalia as dirty. Lots of canadians are uptight about nudity. I know of a few people from my home town who were shocked the first time they seen a nurse beach while in Europe haha. They couldn't believe people could be naked in public haha. They looked at me weird when I said it's just boobs or a cock, we all have one or the other hahahaha
  2. A nudist family hey? If you had friends over, did your family put clothes on?
  3. My wife does the 'hover' technique hahah. She makes a mess doing this haha. I tell her just go piss outside or on the floor hahaha
  4. Life is to short not to try anything once haha
  5. Well it's a fun challenge thats for sure haha. At least it is for me hahahahaha
  6. Sounds like you and alex have built a wonderful life together. Life changes. Just cherish the memories that were made and look forward to making new ones
  7. Hahahaha. I can see you standing over them possibly pissing on them as they wash their pillows hahaha
  8. Supplies of fresh water are definitely being diminished more and more every year
  9. Hopefully it changes before world war 3. The way things seem to be going we may see ww3 in our lifetime
  10. Now that's a world I would like to live in
  11. Iam comfortable saying nice cock as well
  12. The world in a collective orgy, what's better than that hahaha
  13. Roller coaster rides are fun but sooner or later you want to get off of it. Glad you enjoyed the ride while it lasted
  14. I have read somewhere that to much water is hard on you like you mentioned. Iam thinking in definerly in excess of 8 or 9 litres
  15. Is that your pillow you just soaked hahaha?
  16. It's great to see someone welcoming new comers to the site. Thank you
  17. My last out door piss was this morning. I pissed off my deck first thing for dressed went for a 1.6km walk before breakfast. Before I got back to the house I pissed on a snow bank hahaha. The only one left in my yard hahaha
  18. Patience young lady. Good things cum to those that wait hahahahhahahaha
  19. That's the spirit hahaha. Please do tell if you do. We all live vicariously through you hahaha
  20. Yes you guys do drive on the wrong side of the road and car hahahaha. Our vehicles are left hand drive not right hand drive
  21. Well iam happy to provide you all the soul comforting Canadian landscapes I can provide. Just wait till I start seeding, lots of country side pics then hahaha
  22. Awe iam sorry she didn't call. After a week I fear you are right. After 10 days I would definitely say she is gone. Again sorry
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