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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. Iam by no means a professional chef like our very own grizzly man haha. I love to cook and iam happy to share recipes haha I really love to entertain guests and cook from them. I also usually have beer or what ever for my guests as well.
  2. I didn't know they stemmed from Witchcraft. I did know some of them are power hungry and will stop at nothing from trying to control everything in the world
  3. My province of saskatchewan is HUGE. If I drive strait north for 600km iam not even half way through it haha. Iam about 150km north of the southern border which is the border between Canada and the USA
  4. Its delicious. I also make pretty darn tasty coconut curried rice hahah
  5. Wow. Freemasons are a mysterious bunch aren't they. I know very little of them, heard a bunch of rumours that are probably true haha
  6. We have some tremendous colours in our sun rises and sun sets. They are actually breath taking
  7. I have to drive about 600kms to the west before I find mountains to climb here haha. It's on my bucket list as well
  8. I don't know if I even want to know what its worth on today's dollars haha
  9. I think I can say we are all waiting patiently haha. Maybe impatiently hahaha. I know its worth the wait haha
  10. 1.5 to 2 meters is quite the distance haha Have you ever tried pissing into a pail of something similar at that distance?
  11. speedy3471


    Awesome pics riley. All of them are hot
  12. Any new updates. Looks like it's been a few hours hahaha
  13. My baking skills are lacking haha. But iam gonna try this one sometime
  14. O I bet it was satisfying hahah
  15. So iam a member of lions international. We have w club in town to which I belongm I made coconut curried chicken over rice for our 25 members I start by sauteing garlic and some onion in a wok. Then I add chicken boobs which I've cut into inch squares and seasoned with salt and pepper. Once the chicken is cooked(about 10 minutes over medium heat on the stove top) I add a curry and canola oil mix into the wok, stir until the chicken is coated. Then I add tomatoe sauce and coconut milk and sugar. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Serve over rice. Here is a plate
  16. 700ml is a respectable amount haha. Good job. I've only managed between 700 to 800ml. I've posted a pic that somewhere here haha
  17. We love making a women, especially a women like you happy hahaha
  18. It seemed we went from winter to spring to summer in about 3 days Haha. Our snow is just about all melted away now
  19. They just may own the club haha
  20. Actually we are at 13C today. It literally went from -25C one night to 10C two days later. Crazy Haha
  21. Sound delicious. Nothing wrong with simple Haha Iam gonna make a simple chicken wrap for supper tonite. I take a tortilla wrap put some shredded chicken breast in it(I toss the chicken in bbq sauce and a little hot sauce mixed togeher), then I add some lettuce, spinach, bell peppers and or jalepano pepper.
  22. If it does, don't be shy and post a pic haha
  23. Thank you. I sure had fun pissing everywhere haha
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