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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. What other fetishes do you have?
  2. Absolutely our time will come. Hopefully my son lives to see this in his life time
  3. The resistance played a huge role during the war
  4. Hahahahahaha that's so true
  5. And I thank you so much for sharing this light
  6. I like to think I gets my wifes going haha
  7. That's what I hope. I anti gun crowd thinks criminals won't get ahold of them, that's just silly talk. Criminals will always find a way to get weapons
  8. The world would be a far better place to live.
  9. As do I. I only wish I could have meet my great uncle, he was a true hero. I've had several uncles serve in the second war.
  10. You're made me blush, thank you. You are a wonderful person as well, such a kind heart and free spirit
  11. Especially the drinking like hell hahahaha
  12. We are all here for a short time each life we live, let's enjoy it I have a complete open kind for reincarnation
  13. Shit of we can't do things like this, what's the world coming to. I don't consider it gay at all. Hell iam comfortable enough with my sexuality I can tell a guy he has a great cock and not be bothered by it hahaha
  14. Hahaha awesome. Thank you for all the help getting there
  15. Yup. He is a role model for everyone. We can all learn from him
  16. Very well said, i totally agree with you
  17. That's why iam convinced gun control does not work. If a person is determined enough they will find away to get guns, no matter how strict gun control laws are
  18. That's good to know haha. I will think about asking for a request
  19. It's on my bucket list. I want to start in France. My great uncle who my son is named after served in the canadian army fro. 1941 to 1946, all through the wlsecond world war.
  20. Haha sounds like you match your outfits well
  21. Never ever have I been to Europe
  22. It still amazes me how some people have to update their Facebook status every minute of the day haha. Hell some young people can't carry one a face to face conversation anymore. The only way they communicate is thru Facebook
  23. If that's all your forgetting you sir have it mastered. Grest job
  24. I think there is a fre people from the UK here
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