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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. I may just throw my support behind Manchester United haha
  2. How should I pick my UK team? Close my eyes and point my finger at one hahaha?
  3. There is no canadian team so I don't know who to support hahaha. A team from the UK would make sense as both canada and UK are commonwealth nations haha
  4. I've been away from home and my wife for 3 days at a conference in the city. Wife and I had phone sex a couple of times lol. First time was on the desk in my hotel room, second time on a foot stool lol
  5. I've also never been to a concert either
  6. So I've been attending a big confrence for the past 2 days. Its provided me with the opportunity to do some naughty pissing in public bathrooms haha I've pissed on walls behind urinals, bathroom floors, and all over a stall. From the walls to the toilet I complete covered the toilet stall with piss hahaha
  7. Tomorrow after my conference I just may have to go to a mall and try it haha
  8. Hahaha I hope you get a chance more. I hope I get a chance soon as well haha
  9. Me as well. I've never done it but really want to. Its just so naughty haha
  10. Haha yes it's nice. No cameras and lots of space to piss hahaha
  11. Totally agree with you. Here in western Canada we don't have nearly as many CCTV cameras like in Europe. Much easier to do here haha
  12. Iam gonna try pissing in a change room some time haha
  13. There won't be a next missed opportunity I bet hahahaha
  14. I would of love to have found your yellow lake hahaha
  15. Well iam a huge believer in everyone's sex lives are diffrent. There is no such thing as warped
  16. O my pissing in a changing room, so hot haha
  17. On my I can just picture that haha, ya the smell would be nasty
  18. How many clothes did you soak haha. Awesome, I may have to try it myself haha
  19. I can't recall the first time some pissed in front of me. I remember the first time I seen lots of people(men and women) all pissing together. It was the year 2000, after our football(not soccer) haha championship game. After the game I was leaving and men and women were pissing all over the place. On fences, parked cars you name it lol. It was quite a site to see
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