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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. I will admit I've been to drunk to walk strait or move that well haha. I've pissed myself and because I was so drunk, I didn't care hahaha
  2. Has anyone ever seen you peeing in your chair?
  3. I fear this kind of violence will continue. In all religions you have your fanatics. Now matter how you chop it up, its terrorism.
  4. O wow, I haven't looked at my stats in awhile
  5. As would I. I do look forward to rising up under one flag one day as well
  6. I hope everyone learns as well
  7. Ya its sad how kids are growing up here. No one likes to fail or no parent likes to see their kids fail, but guess what, that's life. The earlier kids learn this the better. I believe we are setting kids up for failure in later life doing this. When kids learn to have a good attitude coming in second or third place, they will learn to be great winners As far as not being able to fail a kid on a math test or any school test for that matter is just silly. I mean what is this teaching them
  8. It won't go in vain. This shooter needed help, be it mental, physical or financial. He fell through the cracks of the system. This needs to change In canada kids in elementary and high schools are not allowed to fail, be it a test or a grade. We hand out participation medals. We no longer hand out 1st, 2nd or third place medals, we mite hurt their feelings. The math curriculum has changed to rounding numbers. 2+2 equaled 4 when I went to school. Now it could be 3 or 5, ridiculous. When kids learn failure at a young age they learn from it, they study or practise harder. When a girl/boy bre
  9. I don't know that much about him, other than he invented the assembly line
  10. I hope its peace that brings about change, I fear violence will. Either way you are right, change is needed
  11. No iam betting he had lots of money
  12. If you start taking pics according to fantasys you my dear may give some of us heart attacks haha.
  13. So many people think that they are better than everyone else. They honestly think that their shit doesn't stink. Its crazy haha I do not think for a second that iam better than anyone else
  14. Iam sure you and I are not the only people who agree on this topic
  15. They are gonna change things thats for sure. Things that NEED to be changed
  16. The yellow jacket caught on here in western canada. They are protesting for the same reasons here and more. Agreed. They don't kill anyone
  17. Hahahahahahahahaha. Good one
  18. Tunnel vision for sure. Iam betting the shooter had lack of confidence, no social skills, no friends or girl friend. He likey got turned down for job offers and dates. He is a angry individual suffering from small man syndrome. He chose to take his anger out on unarmed people, a coward in my eyes
  19. I was think more naughty fun hahaha
  20. Hahahah. I bet. Hell think of the fun a person could have there
  21. Oh wow thats quite a house, thanks for sharing. Is it on the market haha?
  22. Good work haha. Have you used this particular place more than once?
  23. Ya I like to think we are haha
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