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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. I've pissed into a few sinks myself haha. Good work
  2. When does the tournament start? Iam pretty sure it will not air the tv here. I will have to stream it in line maybe. I want to watch it of I can
  3. Sunrise on a the first spring morning of this year. Moon still visible as well
  4. Never ever have I gone mountain climbing
  5. Sounds like I need to go to some of the concerts you do hahaha
  6. With our 100,000 lakes in this province, most of them you can't drive to. You have to fly in, and no airports mean landing on the lake it's self hahaha
  7. You and my wife could cross streams hahaha. Maybe I would add the 3rd stream haha. My wife needs to practise a bit tho haha
  8. Oic. I just assumed you were clubbing and picked up multiple women at once haha.
  9. Iam a huge fan of family guy and American dad as well
  10. Again I have no doubts that you did hahaha
  11. Agreed. Iam looking forward as well. Let's all look forward
  12. Spring has arrived here as well, winter has finally been broken. Winter arrived here on Halloween
  13. Never ever have I made out with 2 women at the same time
  14. My wife is the only family member who knows of my fetishes as well
  15. Lovemaking is a great word for us. Sometimes the we have a good fucking session hahahaha.
  16. There is 100,000 lakes in my province. I live on the prairies in the southwest part of the province. Up north lots of trees and lakes and forests.
  17. Yup stay hydrated, no smelly stains hat way hahaha
  18. You are doing great, keep expanding your skill set and slowly push your comfort zone wider. Keep up the good work
  19. Sephora I believe is a fellow Canadian. Her and I maybe the only ones tho haha
  20. Thighs are super sexy tool when use correctly haha A soft tickle and a kiss on my wife thighs get her and me going haha.
  21. Well I would love to notice you pissing out of a window hahaha The closest town to me only has 500 people in it. The closest city has a population of only 300,000. In all of my province which is 652,000 square kilometers there is just over a million people!
  22. I forget to add that I saute onion in butter. Once they are cooked nicely add them to your burger along with lettuce and tomatoes if you like. Of course cheddar cheese as well Haha
  23. Good call, I thought of that after I asked the question haha. Good ideas to try
  24. I've never burped really loud around my inlaws either haha. Never ever have I lived in a city
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