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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. Iam glad to hear that. I enjoy posting pics here
  2. O for sure. Mother nature is a wonderful thing.
  3. I like this thread very much as well. So much beauty in this world
  4. Well iam glad iam helping a bit by posting nature pics
  5. I absolutely love to do both. Eating my wifes wet pussy is what I love to do. It's a treat to cum in her wet pussy afterwards
  6. It just shows how much the game means to you
  7. If only it were that easy to turn our enemies into friends by liking and loving them.
  8. I can only imagine a very lovely tasting gravy haha
  9. That will be awesome. Thank you so much
  10. I've only ever driven in one other foreign country so thats not saying much hahaha
  11. Yes a fine is what we call a ticket here in canada
  12. Of I truly could help to heal them I would. Anything I can do to help just let me know. Even if its posting pics like these
  13. Keep me updated. I really want to start watching soccer
  14. I look forward to posting more of my 'creations' haha. I also like to make your mouth water hahahaha
  15. Here is my idea of our lovely lady here playing with food
  16. Yes iam lucky out here. That's two things you and I have never done, mountain climbing and pissing on a painting haha Never ever have I gotten a speeding ticket in a foreign country.
  17. Iam used to seeing them, but people who haven't usually react just like you did. Its true amazing to see in person. Lots of wide open spaces here and the colours are just beautiful
  18. Hahahahahaha. My knowledge of the game is limited, but I knew this much already hahahahah
  19. Wow even 5 litres is alot of water haha. I usually try and drink 3 to 4 a day. More in summer time
  20. Absolutely back to soccer. Educate this Canadian about the worlds game hahahaha
  21. Totally agree. Hell just for arguments sake its priceless considering its historical value
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