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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. Awesome hahaha. Thank you very much for helping me get here
  2. O I bet it did. If I ate that much for breakfast I wouldn't have to eat again till supper time haha
  3. That makes me happy that he respects me. I respect him very much as well. He is a great man.
  4. Yes please do. I get to wake up to these every day. Iam very lucky
  5. Well the next time iam in a elevator iam gonna have to piss in it haha. I would love to come apon your piss puddle haha
  6. 25C to 30C is perfect hot weather for me haha
  7. Yes I bet it is. I don't work in one but can imagine how hard it is
  8. Your very welcome. It's amazing what we can do when we put our minds to it. It also helps to have encouragement from friends
  9. O my. That's a bus I want to be on hahaha
  10. I love how you never wear panties, so hot
  11. The way you describe tantric orgasmsz wow. That's something I want to start practicing with my wife
  12. The great outdoors is a great place to mastebate and or fuck hahah
  13. Absolutely. I would just watch you 2 play haha
  14. I totally agree with you. Life is full of these memories
  15. She also will invite me to watch her piss off the deck haha
  16. Hahahhaa yes you could. There is a lack of bushes here, just vast open fields of farmland. You would be mistaken for another dark wife checking the fields hahha
  17. Its something that I love to do, she intentionally leaves the door open hahah
  18. Hahahaha absolutely. Its getting smaller every day haha
  19. Better to be safe than sorry hey hahahaha. Even the image of you spitting is a hell of a turn on
  20. I've pissed on my floors before, but I was planning on mopping anyways hahaha
  21. If it is, fuck it and piss on the floor hahah?
  22. Hahahahaha Here in my province some people would totally be put off by having unisex toilets. Some of the people here are resistant to change, in Toronto for example its likey the norm now. People have gotten used to change out there
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