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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. Never ever have I pissed in a museum's floor
  2. I agree. A person can use profanity but don't go overboard Haha. I've got little use for people who can't stand swearing, hard up. There's a time and a place for swearing I think haha My wife can swear better than a drunken sailor haha
  3. O can imagine there are alot of those type of people around
  4. I can imagine it was quite a feat
  5. It drives her wild also haha
  6. Iam sorry. My wife and I went over to my parents for supper, she made us all supper. I would of chatted with you if I could have
  7. Never ever have I naughty pissed in a church hahah
  8. Good thing about the tub, you can always wash it down when your done haha
  9. Well there are far greater men than me. Polecat did have his share of fun I bet haha
  10. O yes, I've gotten good at manipulating my wifes gspot with my fingers while licking her clit with my tongue
  11. Yes I sure did, iam very lucky to have found her
  12. Oh wow, those would be very nice
  13. I've told you before, good things cum to those that wait hahahahahahahahaha
  14. I've been to a few parties where 2 or 3 guys were pissing in the tub haha
  15. From what my wife tells me, its no wonder why women live g spot organisms hahaha
  16. Iam glad you found someone to love that deeply
  17. O I will post the recipe haha. The plates are dishwasher safe, bonus haha
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