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Everything posted by speedy3471

  1. To me the office is the ultimate naughty place to piss haha
  2. Hahahahaha that's ok. South Park did pick on us canadians hahahaha
  3. I've never had a full English breakfast before, it sounds delicious and filling haha. Even the baked beans hahahaha
  4. I still have that snow bank, and yes i pissed on it this morning hahaha
  5. So for supper(dinner) tonight iam keeping it simple. Iam bbqing some homemade pork sausage. I use my own spices which involves alot of garlic haha. I also purray jalapeno peppers and mix it into the meat. I use a cold smoke to cure it. Tonite iam gonna smoke it a bit more on my bbq. For a side iam going with perogies. I've boiled them, and then iam gonna saute some onions and garlic in canola oil, then I will add the perogies to brown them. When they are browned I will melt some cheese and serve haha
  6. Hahaha good question. Maybe a engineer with a piss fetish designed it hahahaha
  7. I don't have any split streams when I piss. The only time would be after I cum and I piss shortly afterwards, then I may have a bit of a split stream hahaha
  8. I totally agree with you. You Europeans are way more open minded when it comes to sexuality and body functions. Like you said everyone is in the bathroom for the same reason haha.
  9. Yes I bet. That's why I don't envy you ladies at all. At least if the bathroom is messy for us guys it's not as big of deal. I tend to add to the mess hahahaha
  10. Looks like you were plenty desperate haha. At least the cleanup will be easy hahaha
  11. Hahaha I bet they are. Did you piss in the corner or right in the middle?
  12. I've never used one before. The unisex bathrooms haven't caught on here yet. I don't have a problem with them
  13. Never ever have I pissed in an ocean
  14. I've never sat down to piss before. I always stand haha
  15. Thats a brave and bold move, I like it hahah. Iam hoping you get a chance to do it
  16. Your stream looks like you could peel paint hahaha. Lots of pressure behind it haha
  17. What got you interested in your piss fetish?
  18. 2 toilets in a stall, never seen or heard of that hahaha. I can imagine they would be fun hahaha
  19. Thats to bad that she moved away. Having a threesome is on my wife's and i's bucket list haha
  20. Good find. Some funny and naughty confessions
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